PL SUBCOM 02/07/1967 - 31048� r
Mambsts Pres�at: Jensan, NagQ1,�S�i�madoka, Ylin�a
Otb�ra Presaits Cauaty Commisaioners Jo�eoaa, IL�rdiak aad Petaraoa, County
�►gf.a��r Iuadhsim and 2�taff mambsss, and City Manag4r Wigasr.
Tbis mtetiag wis haid at ths Couat�r Bnginssrs• office at 7:30 P.M. �e
purpos� of tho meetia,g das to saniea and di�cuss ps�liminazy plaae for a gsadQ
e�psratioa at Miesissfppi Stra�t aad ehs railsoad tracks. Incidaantsl to this,
a plaa �aa ps�s�atsd for th�t rosligamsnt of tha Misai.eaippi SCrset and Sast
Biw�c �+oa,d intese�tioa. This plaa coaaisted of re,mo�vin,g tha I�bbil S�svics
SCatian �o that Misaiasippi could �xt�ad straight �rest to cutve siutply south
and aaatwct �rith Misaiasippi Place vbia6 �id be alosad �e�pt for a lan�
to maks the eaetbound to eouthbound maveo�mt. East jtives �d �ould hava a
c�ratat dinides and l�ft turn lanss at the interssation.
Tbe �aiiro�d gtad� ssparaCioa vaa pr�aeated by �a�aus og a ps�ofils, as�oss
esctions a�md a pl�ta via� ahaviqg approxiasrite gradiag limits. 7�e grading
limits indicated �rs� based on 3 to 1 b�ckslopes. it app�ara dut 3 or 4
bouste aill hav� ta iw acquir�d far tb� projsat. Cuts raquirtd at somt critica].
poiata i�clud� 2-3r at R�ed�aomtr Lutluran Church aast �ntz�ncs, 23' at erscks
a�a iaii � ae Ma� s�s�.e.
Ms. Luniaim �etiaetss thst 2 consttuettion saasons aould be stiquirad for
eoaetruction d�using �ich th� sts�tt waild b� closed. H+� a�ao stated that
tho �arli�st poesibls start wauld be ia 1968. Ha has s�nt a l�tter an this
Pr�limin�ry stady tc th• Miimesota Higt,vay Dspsrt�nt tos their study.
A stosm asi►�s for drainaga of the lva spot wauld hav�t to be taksa to the
Aivar. Thsr� is so�s quseti�a as to ths .peak flocd •laaratioa of th� rives
relative Lro tbia psopoeed lav poia�.
Aft�r ca�eidsrable diaaueaicm, the Subcamwitta� d4cided to cortaid�c �th��
grsdt sspasation withaut fnvOlving the intsrsaction psopoaal.
�TI01� by Yliu�u and eu�ondtd by Ns�41, to accapt ia psincipl� tha pr4-
limiaary pisru ps�paz�d bq ths County g�ine4= subj�ct to ths falia�ring
1. It 'rnst ba f�aaibls to Qoxm�ct t�sin Stra�t int�rs�etiaa.
2. �`roqv�s►cy oi flooding for eba undvrpass �ust b� reasoaabio.
Dpaan a voic� voto, th� motiast aarriad.
�ap�ctfully rubmitte�t,
W�.1ltam 8. Jens�n