PL SUBCOM 04/05/1968 - 31058.F��----- �, -
The Meeting was c�lled to order st 1�s35 P•M. b�r Chairmsn Jmnsexi.
MEl�ERS PRSSENTs Myhrs, Jerisen, Nag�l, Schmedeke
I�BB�3 AB3ENTs X].brecht
PRB3S�TTs Enginm•riag Aaaiatsnt Darrel Clark
The 3ubc��e decicied to tak� ��is itmas in the Yollari.r�g vrd•rs �2, 3� 1.
l. VACA�ION R�QULSTs SAV �68-01, HIR9CH BROS. PRQPSRTIS�Ss Vacste 30 tcot street
7vino . n�h anci �di���nt te the Nerth line of l�ridle:v� k Additicn.
1�Sr. 3�hmed�ice questicned xhether wa should mak� any deaision on the vacation
nntil �e kaoW what tha zor� ir3.11 be. It xas decided tliat the re�oai�g arsd
the vaaation should be a psckagd and be pt�t t►e�gethsr so iY Ane ahould tail, 3t
woul.d n�ean that �he other xoul.d also fail.
It �as noted that the City Council did adopt a reaolutioa sa�epting �he
Missisaippi Street and Sast Riwr Road intersection.
MOTIC�+T by �tagel, a�conded by I�yhra, �o reaamn�e�l to the Co�ission
approval �f SAV �68-41, aubjmct to the rezcning o� the Sc>uth 160 Y�et of I,ots
7 and 9, Anditorts 3nbdivision �23, and ulditional right Qf xay flf 10 finet
alang the North •dge of the Missis�ippi Strest extensioa fro� �ast 81ver Road
to Riverviev Tarrace.
Upon s voice �vote, ther� being no nays, the moticn carri�d �nanimously.
2. PROP03�D PRELIl�IINARY Pi,A2 s P. S. ,�68-fl2, P1�ARSOBi � 3�ECOATD 11D�ITIO�, 3. G.
PF�RS�N CU.. INCORPfl�TID B3C LS(�1ARn �is North oY ?7th a� and t
s Aart or �ea. j�.
Leonard Samuslson xaa presemt to repxwsent the Pr�li�ainary Plat cf Fearaon'a
2nd Additian.
Mr. 3aauelson �aa asked the purpose of Outlmt A. He pointed €�ut th�t ther�
�as ax► anticipation that Bsrry B1crWer yrould be acquiring thia for acnde
i+ir. 3chmedeke as%md xhat consideration had been g3.vea tor access to the
cc�mercial prcperty to the North. Mr. Sa�el:a� explairied that they intend
to place an entra�ce �nat �orth of the re� - ek, �hen coatin�ae North and coanect
with the street opening onto 79th Way. He pointed out that they plan t�a
pointa of ae�ess onto 77th W�y and one or�to �ast Riv�er Road centered in the
lot line bet�een Lats 1 snd 2.
Plata & Subs. - 3tr. 3c Util. Subcc�oaittee - April �, 1968 Page 2
It r�ae pointed out that aoa�e of th� draiva,ge and utility ease�►entya had beeu
omi.tted which suuld be ineluded.
Traffic g�nsrators `rere �rsntioned, hoxever, perhaps x� carmot elirninate ths
problea and nust accept it as it ia.
MOTIf�T by Myhra, secoruisd by Nagal, that �ha Prelindr�ary Flat, P.3. � 68-a2,
s n on, "ts�'� �pp�ove� su se o easemen a a ic»rn cn , e Aior
li� 20 feet in xidth along the North line of Outlot A� and 10 feet eaaement a
along the We�t and South line cf Outlot A. Also the widening cP the ease�ent
along the North line of Lot 2 so that it include� the culver� nnder East River
IIpcm a voice t►ate, there being no n�ays, the xo�ion carried unani�ously.
3. CO�TINUBD LOT SP'LIT REQUEST s L. s. /68-03, Jch�BPfI ZI2Ag: Lots 6 thrn 9, �i�
� rsa_ �n_..�, � �.a ai �...
� I' i� �4V 1�L A A�iYi 1IIiMH�
1�r. Zi�ak xa� preaent ta inquire about the location oi the eacated 57� Av�enue.
He �aa ahm�m on thm half section th� lccation of the v�aa#.ed atrset. There
wa,� some discuasion abcat the npeoming soni�ag atudy fcr this part of the Cit�r�
namely bo�d by 61st lveaue on ths North, and Interatate 69lt oa the 3outh
betveen II�iversity Avenue axsd Main Str�et.
Mr. Zizak explsined that he xa�ted hia land lef� the Way it now exists. He
xatata oaly to build t�c� faanil�* d�11�.nge.
i�tr. Jenaen explained tA�Mr. Zizak that he ahould have s purahasa agroem�nt
dra�an up for the portioa he wants� then �tur� to this subcoma�ittae.
w � t � •i i-a
The Meeting adjourned st 6s00 P.M.
Respeetft�l.l� submit�ed,
Darrsl Clark, �ngineering `��Ristant
Actiag Secret�ary