PL SUBCOM 01/16/1969 - 31035< >� .
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The meeting was called to order by Chairman Jensen at 7:30 P.M.
riembers present: Nagel, Batterson, Jensen
Members absent: Myhra, Crowder
Others present: Engineering Assistant Darrel Clark
1. MINNESOTA STATE AID MILEAGE D�SIGNATION: 1.6 Miles to be designated.
Exhibits available at meeting.
A city map was shown indicating county routes, existing state aid
routes, existing state aid routes to be considered for removal and proposed
new state aid routes. It was explained that we qualify for .56 additional
miles due to the opening of new city streets, that the streets reco�ended
;f_or removal totaled. 1,�7:miles and they, combined with the new streets,
would equal 1.63 miles.
The four routes recommended for removal and the reasons for their
removal were discussed.
No. 323 Ashton Avenue: 79th Wav to 83rd Wa : It is recommended we
remove this route because of the improvement done on it without state aid
funds being used. However, it was constructed with truck traffic in mind
and would not need spring load restriction posting. It is apparent that
this route be built for industrial traffic and is slated for 9 ton design.
No. 306 69th Avenue: Central Avenue to .��65; This is a non-
existant route and the Medtronic Industrial development will prohibit
the route at this location.
No. 316 67th Avenue: 7th Street to Universitv Ave : This street
no longer has access to Hwy. ��47; therefore, no longer meets the state
aid requirement of connecting two major streets.
No. 320 64th Avenue: Universitv Avenue to 5th Street: This section
was built with state highway department monies as part of the Mississippi
Street loopback.
The Subco�nittee discussed the above recoffiaendations and agreed that
they should be taken off the State Aid System.
MOTION by Nagel, seconded by Batterson, that the Plats & Subdivisions-
Streets & Utilities Subcoamiittee recommend to the Planning Co�ission that
M.S.A.S, routes, No. 323, No. 306, the portion of No. 316 between University
and 7th Street, and the portion of No. 320 between University and 5th Street
be removed from the system. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion
carried unanimously.
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Plats & Subs.-Str. & Util. Mt .- Jan. 16 1969 Pa e 2
Eight routes were discussed for possible new designation.
1. 1.02 Mi. Alden Way, 75th Way, 79th Way combination: Right of ways are
adequate and route is about 80% improved and will not need any
new construction in the near future.
2. .60 Mi. Rice Creek Terrace and Monroe Street combination; Rice Creek Terrace
R/W is adequate and Monroe Street r.ight of way is 50 feet. Z'hese street,s
are in good condition and would not need further improvement for many
3. 1.02 Mi.
4. ,80 Mi.
Rice Creek Terrace, 68th Ave., 7th Street combined. Could be substi-
tuCed for Route ��2 above. Right of ways are adequate with exception
of 68th Ave. and improvement is possible to occur on 68th Ave. and
7th Street in the near future.
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52nd Ave., Buchanan Street, 53rd Avenue and Matterhorn Drive
combination. Right of ways are sufficient except for 52nd
Avenue and improvement is not expected on these for quite
awhile as tl�ey are in fairly good condition now.
The xemaining possibilities are marginal due to either location or their
present state of travel. They are as follows:
5. .50 Mi. Benjamin Street - Gardena Avenue to Rice Creek Road.
6• .12 Mi. Benjamin Street - Rice Creek Road to Mississippi Street.
�• .50 Mi. Main Street, 79th Avenue to 83rd Avenue.
$• .93 Mi. Alden Way, Mississippi Place, Charles Str.eet combination.
The Subcomanittee recognized that the service drive along University
Avenue might also be given same strong consideration due to its being
assessed all on one side and also that we are going to be levying an
assessment to the City Park and County for their frontage.
MOTION by Nagel, seconded by Batterson, that the Subcommittee recoum�end
to the Planning Cou¢nission the following two routes:
1) Alden Way, 75th Way, 79th Way combination.
2) Rice Creek Terrace and Monroe Street combination
and as alternates
a) Highway ��47 East Service Drive (69th Avenue to 73rd Avenue)
b) 52nd, Buchanan, 53rd Avenue and Matterhorn Drive combina.tion.
Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unani.mously.
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•'�� Plats & Subs.-Str. & Util. Mtg. -� January 16, 1969 Page 3
The Subcommittee recalled that this was the case where the City wanted
additional right of way for 73rd Avenue (state aid route) and Council won-
dered if they could vacate 73� Avenue, perhaps the City could trade the
vacated portion of 73� Avenue for the new right of way for 73rd Avenue.
The Subcommittee, while looking at a drawing indicating ownership and
zoning, discussed the various land trades and possible ways of property
development with 73� Avenue vacated and a service drive along Highway ��65.
It was decided that the City should not initiate the vacation at this
time because of the land trading process it would start. A drawing was
studied and on it was indicated how the area could develop without the use
of 73� Avenue as an access.
MOTION by Batterson, seconded by Nage1, that the City not initiate the
vacation of 73� Avenue; however, indicated to Planning Commission that if
the narraw strip (140 ft. wide) North of Central View were cambined with
Block 1, Central View Ma.nor, two building sites could be created, one a 5
acre co�nercial site with access to a service drive along Highway ��65, the
other a 5 acre industrial site with access to Central Avenue , and that
all of Block 2 could develop with fxontage along proposed 73rd Avenue;
that the Planning Couunission, while considering the possible cond�nnation
of 73rd right of way, also consider the possibility of encouraging the
dedication for a service drive along the East side of Highway ��65 between
73rd Avenue and Fireside Drive. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the
motion carried unanimously.
3. PROPOSED STREET PATTERN: Section 2, 3, part of 10 and 11.
While studying a map of this area, the Subco�nittee discussed the
development of this area. It was decided that one cannot really predict
the size of industrial sites and we should not dictate this by adopting a
street pattern for an industrial area. With the Bob's Produce rezoning
and development � Saut� of 79�th.' Avenue, they. reduced the stuciy to this area.
MOTION bv Na�el, seconded bv Batterson, that the Subconmiittee recommend
that the Planning Comm�ission consider the alignment of Main Street from
from 79th Avenue South to 77th Avenue, thence defect to the East and
connect to Osborne Road opposi°b1,Co�nerce Lane. Upon a voice vote, all voting
aye, the motion carried unani.mously.
There being no £urther business, Chairman Jensen adjourned the meeting
at 9:15 P.M.
ctfu y bmitted
Recording Secretary