PL SUBCOM 10/27/1971 - 31092�
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The meeting was called to order by.Chairman Schmedeke at 8:20 P.M.
Members Present: Crowder,-Mei�sner, Engdahl, Schmedeke
Members Absent: Pierce
Others Present: Darrel Clark, Engineering Assistant
1. LOT SPLIT RE(�IUEST: -L.S. �7L.-11, AZBERT.M.. JOHNSON: Lot 2, Block 1, A1 Rose
Addition -- to split off the North 19 feet of Lot 2 and add to Lot 1.
James L. Lorbe�ki represented Mr. Johnson.
Darr.el C1ark explained that.Mr._Johnson, in March, 1971:,.requested a Special
Use Permit to build a double bungalow ou Lat 1., Block l, A1 Rose AddiCion pro-
vided he would comman--driveway. fle_felt 90 feet was not quite enough
to build a-douhle bungalow and include this provision and_therefore, wished to
take the North 19 feet of Lot 2 and add to Lot 1.
He said that sewer and_.water i� served off the hack of both lots.
Mr. Crowder asked.where the double bungalow would be built. Mr. Clark said
on Lot l prohably closer to East-River Ro�d than the existing house on Lot 2.
Mr. Schmedeke �t�ted the xe4uest complied with the requirements of the City
Code as..the land was and-.this was a common type of lot split.
MOTION by Crowder, seconded._by Engdahl, that the P1at� & Subdivisions-5treets
& Utilities S,abcommittee recommend_to the Planning Commission approval of i�ie
�` Lot SpZit Request, L.S. #71-1Z b� Albert M. Johnson, to splif off the North 19
feet of Lot 2, Block 1, A1 Rose Addition and add to Lot 1, Block 1, A1 Rose
Addition providing this would be only one entrance for both lots onto East River
Road. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the m�tion carried unanimously,.
2. LOT SPLIT REQUEST: L.S: �1�71-12., �JALLACE E.-.ANDERSON: Lot 6, Block 1, Adams
Street Addition. To split.o£f the Sauth 26 2/3 feet and add to Lot 7 for a, and add the North 13 1/3 feet of Lot 6 to Lot 5.
3. LOT SPLIT REQUEST.: L_.S. ��71-13., WALLACE E. ANDERSON: Lot 4, Block 1, Adams
Straet Addition. To split off the North 26 2/3 feet of Lot 4 and add to
Lot 3 and to split off the South 13 1/3 feet of Lot 4 and add to Lot 5.
Chairman Schmedeke said these two items would be considered together.
Mr. Wallace E. Anderson was present.
The Chairman said he was not exactly in favor of this request, but this was
Plats & Subs Str & Util Subcosnn Meetin� - October 27, 1971 ___ Page 2
his personal opinion and not necessarily that of the rest of the Subcommittee.
Although this has been done before, with this plan they could be setting a pattern
they might not like later should there be many requests for lots of this size.
The Planning Commission have given guide lines with the latest Ordinance. The
two lots to the North are not owned by the petitioner, and chances are one home
will be built on that site. Lots 3 and 4 should have a similar type of home.
Splitting Lot 6 down tY�e middle, you would have two 60 foot lots where the
smaller type of homes could he built. �ai�asa�_Schmedeke said that this was just
a suggestion and, in his opinion, is right. There still would be 3 building
sites and it would not be setting a precedent.
Mr. Anderson said he did not believe this request would be setting a prece-
dent because of the sizes of the lots in the surrounding blocks are 65 feet.
Ghr. Schmedeke explained that Lots 9, 10 and 11 on 57th Avenue and Washington
Street were split about two weeks ago into two 60 foot lots. He hoped to do this
only in hardship cases. 75 feet is the required lot size now in the City of
Mr. Crowder said that what Mr. Schmedeke is suggesting is that Lot 6 be
split down the middle, Lots 3 and 4 would be a 80 foot lot and 5, 6 and 7 make
two 60 foot 1ots.
barrel Clark said that Jefferson Street (from 58th to 57th Avenues) is a
half street, and was surfaced last year. It will probably remain that size.
Chr. Schmedeke said he would not object to the lot splits if they were a
hardship case.
Mr. Anderson said it was somewhat of a hardship. The lots face the back
yards of homes acxoss Jefferson. They have to design houses to please the
public. This is a substandard situation. Looking at economics, the land should
be developed.
Mr. Clark said that the area didn't have sewer and water until a year ago.
Mr. Engdahl wondered if there wouldn't be a garage problem. Perhaps the
gar�ges cauld be attached.
Mr. Meissner said he recognizes the problem of trying to build on 60 foot
lots and, in this case, the new lots would be 66 2/3 feet. It does not make
much difference creating 2 or 3 substandard lots. He was inclined to go along
with the reques� as presented. A half street does not lend itself to 100 foot
Darrel Clark said that the other lots referred to had L-shaped homes with
a double garage attached.
MQTION by Mei�sner, seconded by Engdahl, that the Plats & Subdivisions-
Stre�ts & Utilities Subcommittee recommend approval to the Planning Commission
of the Lot Split request, L.S. #71-12 and L.5. #71-13, splitting five 40 foot
lots into three equal size lots for building sites, name.iy Lots 3 to 7, Adams
Street Addition. Upon a voice vote, erowder, Meissner and Engdahl votinq aye,
Schmedeke voting nay, the motion carried.
.� � p�� 3� _ _
Plats & Subs Str & Util Subcom Mtg - October 27, 1971
75� Avenue from Lakeside_ .Ro�,� to proposed Cleveland Street and vacate
proposed Cleveland Street 240 North of 75'� Avenue.
Mr. Edward J. Munson, Business Manager for the School District ��16 was
Mr. Clark explained that the purpose of 75�Z Avenue and Cleveland Street was
to bxing a street up the midd].e of this block to give the owners on Lakeside and
Arthur Street an opportunity to subdivide their land.
The only recommendation he would suggest was checking if there were any
requests for utilities and that they be granted. He didn't know where the
power lines were. There are houses on the lots to the South and up Lakeside.
Mr. Crowder asked if the proposed vacated streets exist now. Darrel Clark
said that the streets were dedicated only and not open to traffic.
75� Avenue was dedicated on the final plat of Andco Terrace and the vacated
land will be returned to the plat.
Mr. Munson said that part of the lots purchased were tax forfeit, part were
to be acquired by Resolution authorizing condemnation, and a few lots were tax
Mr. Meissner said that he could see no reason not to approve. The timing
looks like it is all right.
Mr. Clark suggested that notices be sent to the rest of the people in the
block inviting them to attend the Planning Commission meeting on November 3, 1971.
MOTION by Crowder, seconded by Meissner, that the Plats & Subdivisions-
Streets & Utilities Subcoirnnittee recommend to the P.lanning Commission approval
of the vacation request, SAV #71-06, by the Independent 5chool District #16,
to vacate 751,� Avenue from Lakeside Road to proposed Cleveland 5treet and vacate
proposed C1eveland Street 240 feet North of 7.51�zAvenue with the stipulation that
Northern States Powe� Company utility easements are properly taken care of and
also the Subcorranittee recommends that prior to the Planning Commission Meeting,
the other property owners in the block be invited to attend. Upon a voice vote,
all voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
Section 24.
as Outlot F, Innsbruck North,
Mr. David A. Phillips was present. He explained he did not believe there
would be a problem concerning this request as they own a11 the property surround-
ing it.
Mr. Clark said because the townhouses would be owner occupied, a descrip-
tion is necessary and platting is required.
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Plats & Subs Str & Util Subcom Mtg - October 27, 1971
Mr. Phillips said that between the units, there would be a double wall, but
the garages would have only a single wall.
Mr. Meissner asked for an explanation of the Corporation. Mr. Phillips said
that ownership makes one vote in the Corporation. As the Corporation spreads
out, the owners will have control as developers. As they go into Phase II,
these property owners will be annexed to Phase I and there will be one corporation.
There are somewhere around 300 units. At that level, if the corporation becomes
unwieldly, it may be necessary to form two corporations. The roads are private
and will be maintained by the Corporation. The City will probably be maintaining
the water and sewer and storm sewer. The utilities will f all within the common
area of the street. The homes will cost about $40,000 and $41,000. The owners
do not maintain the development themselves, there will be a monthly assessment,
part of which goes into a street fund, building fund, and some held in reserve for
painting, repairs, etc. Each individual owner gets an individual mortgage.
Mr. Phillips said that Suburban Engineering, Inc. are the engineers for the
Mr. Crowder asked about the square footage of the lots. Mr. Clark said that
at the tail end of the Platting Ordinance, it states that the �lanning Commission
can waive any or all requirements. The lines are not definitely set until the
final plat.
:Chr. Schmedeke asked what standards would be used in the inspection of the
sewer and water. Mr. Clark answered that the City standards would be used.
Mr. Meissner asked if there wou�d be a possibility that the streets would
revert to the City. The answer was that Council can be requested to do so, but
they do not have to accept them.
Mr. Clark said the biggest concern to date was the storm sewer system. The
overflow will be taken care of by a series of ponds. Ultimately, tlze gravel pit
will be a lake and will be the final overflow. If the lakeadoes not materialize,
the next solution would be dry wells, but a lot of the water goes directly into
the ground.
Mr. Meissner asked if the road grades meet the requirements of the City
streets, and Mr. Clark answered that they do.
Mr. Phillips said that the owner will own the land directly and his property
lines will include the easements.
MOTION by Engdahl, seconded by Crowder, that the Plats & Subdivisians-5treets &
Utilities Subcommittee recommend to the Planning Commission approval of the proposed
plat by Viewcon, Inc. for Phase I and II for the Townhouse area generally located
� mile East of Matterhorn Drive and a� mile North of I. #694, described as Outlot F,
Innsbruck North, in Section 24. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion
carried unanimously,
There being no further business, Chairman Schmedeke adjourned the meeting
at 10:05 P.M.
Respectfully submitted
Hazel 0'Brian
Recording Secretary