PL SUBCOM 02/09/1972 - 31121� t"
FEBRUARY 9, 1972 7:00 P.M. PAGE 1
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Schmedeke at '7:05 P.M.
Members Present: Schmedeke, Meissner, Engda�hl, French, Forster
Members Absent: None
Others Present: Darrel C1ark, Engineering Assistant
of Lot 18, Block 2, Central View Manor.
Mr. Clifford Thoe was present.
Chairman Schmedeu.e explained that Mr. Thoe had bEen before the.Subcommittee on
June 16, 1971. Thi� request reminded.him of a similar situation in his own exper-
ience. The City M�nager., at the time he was going to build on his three lots,
suggested the home be.put on the Northwest of the three lots. Afterwards
he wished that he had-put the building where he wanted to instead of taking advice.
He felt this a similar situation. The Suhcommittee knows that this parcel
does not meet the area requirement� of a C-l:district even before splitting, it
has only 22,000 square feet.
Mr. Thoe said that.he was informed he would ]aave to retain an.easemeat for
sewer and water to;_however, the se�er is in the street and he is
hooke� up to xhe sewer. The water he gets from the station. He used to have a
we11 tTiat sup.pl3ed both:the house and station. When water came through, he hooked
up to the service station. He has been paying the water bill for both-the station
and the house.
Mr. Schmedeke said.tttat if the split.went through, Mr. Thoe would probably
want to have a separate hoo�.up for the home.
Mr. Clark said he did not think it would be hard to get a water easement along
the Western side of_th� service station up to 73'� Avenue. He would mention that
Mr. Thoe would haue to get a certificate of survey for the exact location of the
house and service statian. However, as it is expensive to get a certificate of
survey, the Planning Commission may not require it until the Council makes a
Mr. Meissner said.the driveway was discussed, but not::solved. He asked Mr.
Thoe how wide a driveway was he anticipating and how much room did he actually
Mr. Thoe answered.that the house is 24 feet from the East line and he would
have a 10_foot wide drivew�y. The driveway could.also be put on the West side
of the house. The geople who u�ed to live in the house drove out that way. It
& Suhs-Str. & Uti1. Mt�. -�ehruary 9, 1972 Pa�e 2
was just a ma.tter of moving the fence. After the exact location of the lot line
was determined, the fence could be replaced.
Regarding the address, Mr. Thoe said_there were two mail boxes outside of the
filling station now. The hou�e would have a 73rd Avenue address and the filling
stat,ion Central Avenue.
Mr. Schmedeke said consideration should be given that Mr. Thoe is the fee
owner and the application for the �ot split is the way he wants to go. He felt
that Mr. Thoe should keep a 10 foot easement on the West side of the station for
Mr. Clark summarized the comm�ents as follows: A 10 fooC easement should be
retained either on the Southerly part of the property or the Westerly part. The
size of.the lot would he approximately �0`x100'.
MOTION by Meissner, seconded by French, that the Plats & Subdivisions-Streets &
Utili ties Subcommittee recoramend approval to the Planning Commission of the Lot
Split Request, L.S. #71-08, by Clifford Thoe, in accordance with the latest drawing,
dated February 4, 1972, presented this evening in the Agenda creating a residential
lot appxoximately 70'x100' with the recommendation that the owner retain an ease-
ment for water access either to 73� Avenue or Central Avenue at his discretion
and fhat he be required to get a survey prior to final approval beaause the house
and station are going to be elose to the new lot Iine. Upon a voice vote, a11
voting aye, the motion carried unani�usly.
Mr. Thoe was informed that the Planning Co�ission would hear his request at
the March 8, 1972_meeting.
Easterly 4.5 feet of the Westerly 15 feet of Lot 5, Block 1, Swanstrom's
Court Addition.
Copies of the letter sent to Mr. Laurent on February 1, 1972 written by the
Engineering Department were given the member�. The letter was in response to
possible vacation of a storm sewer easement adjacent to Mr. Lauren t's home. The
existing easement was 15 feet wide with a 12 inch pipe placed on the center. The
pipe is between 6 and 6� feet deep. The Engineering Department and Public Works
staff recommend that the top of the footing for the proposed garage would be at
the same elevation as the bottom of the storm sewer.
Mr. French commented that the buil.ding would be roughly two feet from the
center of the pipe. If the pipe had to be dug up, the deep footing would prevent
the risk of the ground collapsing. He could not see that he would have any
objections. He felt the chance of having to dig up that pipe would be rather
Mr. Clark said that Mr. Laurent cou].d take bids or estimates to see if it
would be a feasible thing to do. Normally, a reinforcement is not put in. This
request has been discussed with both Public Works and the Engineering staff. They
felt there would be no trouble going down to the pipe. Probably just the portion
of the easement next to the house would be vacated. The manhole to the West and
behind the house is 22 feet away and is four feet in diameter. It is far enough
Plats & Subs.-Str. & Util. Mtg. - February 9, 1972 Page 3
away so there would be no trouble. The ground is relatively flat, but the ground
drops off and is pretty steep from the North manhole to Highway ��694.
MOTIQN by Engdahl, seconded by Meissner, that the Plats & Subdivisions-Streets
& Utilities Subcommittee xecommend approval to the Planning Commission of the
Vacation Request, SAV #72-02, by Joseph A. Laurent, to vacate the Easterly 4.5 feet
of the Westerly 15 feet of Lot 5, Block 1, Swanstrom's Court Addition, only in the
area fo be occupied by the proposed garage and subject to the conditions in the
letter dated February 1, 1972 to Mr. Laurent from Darrel Clark, Engineering Assistant,
and subject to a certificate of survey giving the dimensions of the description
before the Ordinance is passed. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion
carried unanimously.
Chairman Schmedeke said he would like to mention the problem of loopbacks.
They might have them up on the North side of Bob's Produce Ra.nch, and the Pure
Oil Station on Central Avenue and Highway 4�65. He was suggesting that on loopbacks
all egress and ingress from the service drive should be something like :t�at a�_:,
the car wash on 73rd Avenue and University when you go to the post office. If
the Subcommittee could decide on a solution, the suggestion could go through the
Planning Commission and up to the Council. .
Mr. French thought the City was subject to enough accidents right now without
adding to it.
Mr. Schmedeke said that it wasn't necessary to limit the loophacks to service
stations as the land area is large enough for an office building and there might
be other suggested buildings.
There being no further business, Chairman_Schmedeke adjourned the meeting
at $:00 P.M.
R�S ectf 1 �SUbmitted
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Reco ding Secretary