PL SUBCOM 02/23/1972 - 31122!f� ,:
The meeting was called ta.order-by Chairman Schmedeke at 7:00 P.M.
Members Pres�nt: Meissner, French, Schmedeke
Meml�ars AbSent: Engdahl, For�ter
Others Present: Darrel. Clark, Engineering Assistant
1. VACATION-REQUEST.,,SAV #72-01, BY RUSSELL HEDGE: To vacate Madison Street
lying bet�zeen Blocks 1 and- 2, . Qak Hill Addition.
2. LOT SPLIT_..REQUEST, L.S._�72-01, BY-GER�tAL-G. HERRINGER: Lot 3, Block 1,
Oak Hill_Addition to be sglit in half.
Mr. and Mr�. Hedge Gzere,present for Item 1 and Mr. Gerral Herringer and
Mr. Tom Norquist for Item 2.
The Subco�i.ttee studied..the blackb.oard drawing indicating the land owned
by Mr. Herringer and Mr. Hedge. The vacation of.Madison Street wi11 give the
West 30 feet to.the Hedge progerty which-they plan to u�e as an additional
yard space.while Mr. Herringer_wilY take the East 30 feet and combine with
Lot 3. Lot 3 wil�l be split in half (L.S. i�72-01) adding the East 45 feet to
Lots l and 2 for.the Day Care_Center. The Easterly 30 feet from Madison Street
together with the East 45 feet Qf Lot 3 will make a 75 foot residential lot.
The Day-Care Center will use their land.for more playground and open space.
Mr. Clark said.the only commen.t the staff would make is that there is an
e3cisting.Standard.0i1 Pige-line over the South 25 feet which includes a six
foot water easement.and there is .an uti].ity easement of the North 10 feet.
There is a watermain on the West baundary line of the lot. There is no
ea�ement for this watermain yet, however, Mr. Hedge said he would dedicate
whatever he could along the West side of his garage.
Chairmaa Schmedeke said.these requests would be beneficial to the City. A
building site will be the result of the lot split and vacation.
Mr. Clark said he had to1.d Mr. Hedge that maybe the City survey crew
could go out and measure the easement for the watermain on the West. The
fence, which was put up by the Church, is four feet West of the garaga. Mr.
Clark said a fe�ce is usually one half foot off the lot line. 'The City should
retain a 10 foot easement on the North and retain the Southerly 25 feet for
the Standard 0il Company_and watermain line.
The Engineering Assistant continued.that he had spoke� with the Standard
Oi1 Company, Northern States Power,-Nor.thwestern Bell Telephone Co. and the
Minneapolis Gas Company and, as far- a� they were concerned, it would work out
�la.�s,,,„�...�uhs.-Str. & Util. Meetin� - Eebruarv 23� _1972 ,� Paf�e 2
Ha continued that when the vacation is made, a 75 foot �.gt..will be created.
Regarding the fence, it was put up to-prevent pedestrians going through the
MOTION hy Meissner, seconded by Frexioh, that the Plats & Subdivisions-
5treets &..Uti.l.itie� Subcomu�ittee recammend approva.Z to the Planning Commission
of the vacation request� SAV �72-01, by Ru.ssell HedgE to vacate Madison Street
lying between Blocks 1 and 2, Oak Hi11 Addition subject to retaining the
Nor.therly 10 feet for utility and drainage, the 5outherly 25 feet for Standard
Oil Company, a dedication of th�.Westerly 4 feet of Lot 1, Block 2 for the old
existing watermain, dedication of the Southerly 6 feet of Block 1 and the
Southerly 6 feet of Lot 1, B1ock 2, and the dedication of the Northerly 10 feet
of Block 1. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
The Engineering Assistant exglained that the Lot Split request, L.S. 4�72-01,
by-Gerral Herringer was to split the 90 foot Lot 3 in half, 45 feet to go with
the 30 £eet of the vacated street making a 75 foot lot. The East 45 feet of
Lot 3 will go_together with Lots 1 and 2-for the Day Care Center.
Monroe Street is 30.feet wide. When Target was processing their rezoning,
. they de.eded the East 30 feet of Lo� 1 to_the City to make a full 60 foot
street. The Glover property to the North will probably be developed into one
project. The City will prabahly deed..the East 15-feet of the street easement
in exchange for the.l0 fo.ot-drainage and utility easement on the North of Lots
1,. 2 and.3 and tlae 6 foat-easement on.the South for water. This would leave
a 33 foot.opening to--the Glover.groperty.,French,,secDnded by-Meissner, that the Plats & Subdivisions-Streets
&.Utiliti.�s�Subcommit.tee recommend agprovaZ to the Plannirig Commission of the
Lot Sglit.request, L.S. #72-01, by Ger-ra1 G. Herxinger to split Lot 3, B.Zock 1,
Oak Hi1.1 Addition in half subject to the City receiving a l0 foot easement on
the North and a six foot easement on the South. Upon a voice vote, all voting
aye, the motion carried unanimously.
Mr. French stated he drove bp the �roperty and the plans presented this
evening can't be anything but an.improvement.
The Subcommittee received a_statement from the Engineering Assistant dated
Fehruary 23, 1972 which,.he said, were the requirements for access to corner
. commercial lots as it exists in_the ordi�ance today. The_requirements for
driveways into commercial.lots have_to be at least 75 feet from an intersection.
. On the blackhoard he showed a tygical commercial lot in loopback situation,
which showed two openings of 25 feet that were 75.feet from the corners. This
would-allow for the stacking of three or four cars between the driveway and
the intersection.
Chairman �chmedeke felt the car wash on 73rd Avenue and University is an
example of what he would like ta-see f.or.:the loopbacks. There is no traffic
jam created-with this type of looAback. I.f the access could be closed, the
site might �ot be as attractive to:filling stations and some other type of
business might he interestad. What he was trying to say and do is to discourage
more service stations in Fridley.
Plats.. &.Suhs.-Str. & Uti1. Meetin� -_�'ebrna�y 23, 1972 Page 3
Mr. Clark �aid to do this, the ordinance �nd restrictions would have to be
changed, and the-restrictions would have to be the same throughout the City.
Mr. Schmedeke said he would like a restricted access completely. He has been
preaching hedges and.trees for years, and now he wants to work on the loopbacks.
Darrel Clark said that a car wash needs room for stacking to get into the
gas statioa, so.the car wash on 73rd Avenue built an extra lane. They have 300
feet between the gas pump and IIniversity Avenue. All requests for gas stations
have to be by Special Use Permit.
Mr. Donald.Mittelstadt, Councilman fram the Third Ward,.offered the following
°� observations: He.stated that Frid�.ey_was the first suburb to use ths loopback
�y�tem.of serv3,ce drives. He, too, i� concerned with the idea that all the isl.ands
created bg► the loopbacks are going ta be potential service station�;;sites. He
hoped that the i�lands could be made large enough to attract other commnercial or
industrial enterprises. He was happy that the Subcommittee was taking the time
to study the possible traffic problem created by service drive loopbacks.
Mr. Schmedeke said he would like to see the City come:back with;.a proposal
and ordinance.
Mr. French said he did not think..75 feet was a realistic figure. He would
go along with the Chairman after looking at the sketch on the blackboard.
Darrel Clark said he would draw ordinance and mail it to the Subcommittee
MOTION by A9r. French that the P1ats & 5ubdivisions-Streets & Utilities 5ub-
committee meeting be adjourned at 7:50 P.M.
Respectfully submitted
Haze1 0'Brian
Recording Secretary