PL SUBCOM 05/09/1973 - 31137\
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Chairman Harris called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
Members Present: Harris, French, Forster, Christensen
Members Absent: Meissner
Others Present: Darrel Clark, Community Development Administrator
APRIL 18, 1973
MOTION by French, seconded by Christensen, that the Plats & Subdivisions-
Streets & Utilities 5ubcommittee minutes of April 18, 1973 be approved as
written. Upon a voice vote, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimousZy.
part of Lot 6 and 7, Auditor's Subdivision No. 153, to develop land
either multiple or commercial.
Mr. Bernard Julkowski was present.
Mr. Clark said there is an apartment complex adjacent to the parcel
being split off. The property is zoned C-1S. At the time the apartment
complex was built Mr. Julkowski owned all the property and apartments could
be built in this zoning. Mr. Julkowski built the apartment complex in
four phases, 16 units at a time, making a total of 64 units. He took out
a permit for 16 more units in 1964 on the property he now wants to split off,
but the units were never built. Mr. Julkowski subsequently sold the apart-
ment complex but retained this portion of the property.
Mr. Clar� said at the time these units were built, the code requirement
for 64 units was 95,000 square feet. The present code would require 160,000
square feet for 64 units. The parcel Mr. Julkowski wants to split off is
27.240 square feet, and the remaining portion is 118,000 square feet. What
the staff questions is if we should allow the apartment site to be less than
our present code rec{uirements because the apartment complex is having a
parking problem now. Some tenants are parking on this property now, and
they are parking next to the apartment building in the fire lanes.
Mr. Julkowski said he built the 64 units as he obtained financing. He
had difficulty getting financing for the last 16 units so that's why they were
never built. When he had a chance to sell the apartment complex, he did, and
kept the one parcel. The County has already made the lot split for tax
Plats � Subs.-Str. � Utit. Subcommittee Meeting-May 9, 1973 Page 2
Mr. Clark said the City doesn't honor this lot split, and until it
is approved as a split, we will not split the special assessments or issue
a building permit.
Mr. Julkowski said he had recently talked to the present owner of the
apartment complex and told him that Lot 11, in Marion:� Hills 2nd Addition,
adjacent to tfie comglex to �he West, was a tax forfeit lot.
Mr. French asked if this lot could provide extra parking for the
apartment complex. Mr. Clark said it was a hard lot to work with, and 6
stalls, at the most, could be provided on this lot.
Mr. Clark said the owner of the apartment complex in 1968 called
the Engineering Department and said he was having a problem providing parking
for his tenants and wondered if he could get help in working out additional
parking. Mr. Clark said the drawing he was presenting tonight had areas
where additional parking could be provided, as marked in red. These parking
stalls were never put i�, and there may be a different owner now.
Mr. Christensen asked Mr. Julkowski how he intended to use this parcel.
Mr. Julkowski said he has no definite plans. He could sell it, or build on
it himself. Mr. Harris asked what he could build on this parcel. Mr.
Julkowski said he could build some type of small office. Mr. Clark said
as the proposed lot split would be 27,000 square feet, it does meet the
code requirements and could be built upon.
Mr. French said that as the owner of the apartment complex is having
a parking problem, he should probably be made aware of this request so he
would know this property is either going to be b�ilt upon or put up for
Mr. Forster said the apartment owner would have the option of buying
the property or letting it go, but he at least would have the choice.
Mr. Harris thought the administration should make the owner of the
apartment complex aware that his tenants were parking in a fire lar:� and
that he needs to provide additional parking. Mr. Clark said he wouldn't
want to �ive the apartment owner the impression that he had to buy this
MOTION by French, seconded by Christensen, that the P1ats & Subdivisions-
Streets & Utilities Subcommittee continue the request for a 1ot split,
L.S. #73-05, Bernard Julkowski, to split off part of Lot 6 and 7, Auditor's
Subdivision No. 153, to develop the Zand either multipZe or commercial, until
their next meeting, and request that written notice be given to the adjacent
propert� owners. Upon a voice vote, aZl voting aye, the motion carried
2. VACATION REQUEST: SAV #73= 08, DENNIS RANSTROM: Vaeate 20 foot ,.
utility line between Lots 10 and 11, Block 1, Rice Creek School Addition,
to allow construction of a home on two lots.
Mr. Dennis A. Ranstrom and Mrs. Pat Ellis were present.
Plats $ Subs.-Str. � Util. Subcommittee Meeting - May 9, 1973 Page 3
Mr. Clark said there were no utilities in this easement so the City
has no objection to the vacation. We ma.y want an easement on the South
line of Lot 11 for a sewer easement.
Mr. Harris asked how much of an easement the City would need. Mr.
Clark said this would have to be verified in the field, but he thought six
or seven feet would be sufficient. Mr. Harris asked if this would affect the
side yard setback. Mr. Clark said it wouldn't although there wasn't too
much high ground on this property and they were going before the Board of
Appeals, for a front yard variance.
Mr. Harris said it
said Mr. Foslien did own
the North of these lots.
part of his property and
for park land. -
looks like Lot 11 goes into the Creek. Mr. Clark
this property ard he still owns the property to
Verbally, Mr. �g�l,z�n has talked about rezoning
said he would deed the Creek bottom to the City
Mr. Harris asked if the Park Commission has looked at this property.
Mr. Clark said we have talked to Mr. Foslien about 0utlot 1, and Lot 3, that
runs all the way to 69th Aven�e,�;and he aaid he might deed to the City any
land that goes below a certain elevation. Mr. �arris said t�is �as..why he
was asking about Lot 11. If the Park Department wanted to develop walking
p at hs alo ng the creek, wouldn't they have to come across this lot. Mr.
Clark said they would if the path followed the Creek on the South side.
Mr. Christensen asked Mr. Clark if there was any moratorium on any
land that abuts the Creek. Mr. Clark said there wasn't although no building
permits are allowed below a certain elevation.
Mr. Harris said if the Park Department should desire any of the land
below the Creek for park purposes , maybe there could be some land trading.
We would give the petitioner the easement in return for dedication below
the top of the embankment for park purposes.
Mr. Harris asked the i� the p��itioner had anything he wanted to add to the
discussion. Mr. Ranstrom said he had a letter from his neighbor Mr. Faslien,
in which he states that he has no objection to the variance request or the
vacation request, and a letter from his architect, Mr. Gordon Metcalf, ex-
plaining the problems and solutions to building on these lots. Mr. Harris
said the Subcommittee should read the letters and Mr. Ranstrom could have
them back to present to the Planning Commission.
Mr. Harris asked the petitioner if he had any objection to trading
the easement for a small easement for drainage and utility purposes on the
South lot line of Lot 11, and dedicating th� low land along the Creek for
park purposes. Mr. Clark said they could have some land on the other side
of the Creek. Mr. Clark said that any land that extends across the Creek
could be dedicated for park purposes. He continued that the portion of
land that the petitioner owns on this side of the Creek couldn't be used
for walking paths.
Mr. French said that when he looked at this property he didn't see
any place for a walkway on this property on this side of the Creek.
Plats $ Subs.-Str. � Util. Subcommittee Meeting - May 9, 1973 Page 4
Mr. Christensen asked if this would be a one story home. Mrs. Ellis
said it would. Mr. Christensen told the petitioner he thought it was a
beautiful site for a home.
MOTION by French, seconded by Christensen, that the Plats & Subdivisions-
Streets & Utilities Subconmrittee recommend to the Planning Commission ap�roval
of vacation request, SAV #73-08, by Dennis A. Ranstrom, to vacate 20 foot
drainage and utility easement line between Lots 10 and 11, Block 1, Rice Creek
School Addition, to a11ow construction of a home on two 1ots, with the
stipulation that the City retain a 6 foot drainage and utility easement on
the South side of Lot 11, and that any part of Lot I1 that lies North or
West of the Creek be dedicated to the City for park purposes. Upon a voice
vote, aIZ voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
Chairman Harris adjourned the meeting at 8:05 P.M.
Respectfuliy submitted,
Dorothy Eve on, Secretary