PL SUBCOM 01/15/1975 - 31178CITY OF FRIDLEY
Chairman Harris called the meeting to order at 8:05 P.M.
Members Present: Harris,
Members Absent: Forster
Others Present: Darrel
Christensen, Meissner, French
Clark, Community Development Administrator
19, 1974
MOTION by French, seconded by Christensen, that the Plats & Subdivisions-
5treets & Utilities Subcommittee approve their minutes of the November 19, 1974
meeting as written. Upon a voice vote, all voting aye, the motion carried unani-
2ND ADDITION, BY REALCO, INC.: A replat of that part of the SE'1/4 of the NW 1/4
described as follows: Commencing at a point on the Easterly line of the NW 1/4
of Section 12, which point is 726 feet South from the Northeast corner of the
SE 1/4 of the NW 1/4, thence running Westerly 1338.6 feet to a point on the West
line of said SE 1/4 of the NW �/4 of said Section 12, which point is distant
726' South from the Northwest corner of said SE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of said Secii�n
12; thence running South along said West line a distance of 140 feet; thence
running Easterly to a point, which is 140 feet South from the beginning, thence
running North along said East line of said NW 1/4 of said Section l� to point of
beginning, generally located between Central Avenue N.E. and Highway #65 N.E.,
North of 73 1/2 Avenue N.E.
Mr. W. G. Doty of Realco, Inc. was present.
Mr. Clark said that presently this long narrow lot is owned by two people. T�e
Easterly portion is owned and occupied by Gustavson Grinding. The Westerly portion
is owned by Sheldon Mortonson. About a year ago, this body approved a lot split on
this property by the now defunct American Auto Listings�
Mr. Clark said that Central Auto Parts, who own lots 10-15, Block l, Cerrtral
View Manor, are contemplating purchasing what will be Lot 2, of this proposed plat,
so they can enlarge their storage yard, if the plat was�.approved.
Mr. Clark said that when this plat goes to the Planning Commission, Central
Auto Parts will also be reqaesting rezoning on the Westerly 60 feet of this same
Lot 2 be rezoned f,rom�commer��al to iridustrial, so Lot 2 will have all the same
zoning. They will also be requesting a Special Use Permit on Lot 2�o enable them
to use this property for the expansion of their storage yard.
Mr. C1ark continued that administration felt this was a logical division of this
property. Lot 2 would not have street access but as it was goi:ng to be purchased by
Central Auto Parts who have access to 73 1/2 Avenue, this should not be a problem. He
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Plats &rSubs�-St. & Util. Sub. Minutes - January 15, 1975 Page 2
said that��r.'Doty originally wanted to handle this as a lot split, but it was felt
that the �g descriptions would get too lengthy, so he was advised to plat instead.
He said ey 'd co�sider replatting this all as Central View Manor, but this woald
have in ve �about a dozen signat�res, and by platting this as a new plat, it only
involve �roperty owners. "_
Mr. Clark said the only comment th�t st�ff had was that the City would need
some drainage and utility easements. These should be along the Northerly portion of
Lot 2, and North and South between Lots 2 and 3 and the South portion of Lot 3. The
property to the North of this plat all drains down to 73 1/2 Avenue. There is a
drainage ditch that goes up to 73�1/2 Avenue which doesn't handle much water now, but
it°will after this plat is developed.
He said tfiat as far as the zoning on this plat was concerned, Lot 3 was all
cor�nercial, Lot 1 was industrial, and lot 2 was all industrial except the Westerly
60 feet, which Central Auto Parts will be requesting to have rezoned from cor�nerical
to industrial.
Mr. Harris asked if there was some way to tie this Lot 2 to the property to the
South, to ensure that they weren't platting a lot without street access.
Mr. Ciark said that maybe Mr. Doty would know of a way, or else the City
Attorney could advise on that problem.
Mr. Doty said that this plat evolved so they could sefil Lot 2 to Central Auto
Parts, and if they don't buy this lot, then we won't proceed with the platting. He
said that before the final plat was ap�roved, Central Auto Parts would be coming
before the Planning Commission on the 22nd of January on their request for rezoning
and a Special Use PermTt. This seems the only logmcal use for this property, otherwise
the land �as worthless.
Mr. Harris said this Lot 2 would be a land loc�ed lot so that's why he was
concerned. Mr. Doty said he could see Mr. Harris's point, but the only reason for
the plat was to facilitate selling this parcel to Central Auto Parts with a simple
legal description.
Mr. Meissner said the problem he sees was if five years from now, Central Auto
Parts goes defunct, or needs to reduce in volume, it would leave this Lot as a separate
legal description. Mr. Doty said that if that happened, that no one would buy this
property except a djacent property owners who already had street access. Mr. Harris
sa�d that this wouldn't preclude someone else buying and demanding that the City give
them street access.
- Mr. Clark said that what the Subcommittee wants was some type 6f document that
could be filed at the County to tTe Lot 2 to the balance of Central Auto Parts property.
He said this could probably be done with a private covenant.
Mr. Doty sa�d he was in agreement to having a pr�vate covenant on the plat, but
he would rather have it say that it couldn't be sold to anyone who didn't already have
street access. Then the owners of Lot 1 and Lot 3, plus the owner of the property to
�he North could purchase it, if Central Auto Parts should want to sell this property
in the future.
Mr. Meissner asked how this plat was served as far as utilities were concerned.
Mr. Clark said Lot 1 was served from Central Avenue, Lot 3 was served from Highwa�
#65, and Lot 2 was going to be used as a salvage yard and wouldn't need any additional
Plats & S s.�St. & Uti1. Sub. Meeiin - Januar 15
SePvice. � *
' Mr.�4ia .is said we could request that the taxes be combined on the two parcels
and the �'t� one lot couldn't go tax forfeit.
Mr. CTark said
did go tax forfeit,
would want this lot.
this was pretty good land, it was not swamp, and if the lot
he would assume that one of the four adjacent property owners
Mr. French asked how wide an easement the City wanted on these lots? Mr.
Clark said fifteen feet should be sufficient. Mr. INe�.ssner asked if all the easements
would be on this plat. Mr. Clark said yes.
Mr. Harris said he thought one of the stipulatTOns should be that any app�oval
of this plat be contingent upon the rezoning and Special Use Permit being aQproved,
for Central Auto Parts.
MOTION �y French, seconded by Meissner, that the PZats & Subdivisions=Streets &
Utilities Subcommittee recommend to the P3anning Commission approval of a proposed
p1at, P.S. #75�OI, Central View Manor 2nd Addition, by Realco, Inc., being a replat
of that part of the SE�"of tfie:NW% filescribed as follows: Commencing at a point on the
Easter.Zy line of the NW% of Section 12, which point is 726' South from the Northeast
corner of the SE� of the NW�, thence running Westerly I338.6 feet to a point on the
West line of said SE�d of the NW� of said Section 12, which point is distant 726' South
from the Northwest corner of said SE� of �he NW� of said Section.T2; thence running
South aZong said West Iine a distance of 140 feet; thence running Easterly to a point,
which is I40 feet South from the beginning, thence running North along said East line
of said NW�d of said 5ection 12 to point of beginning, generally Zocated between Central
Avei�ue N.E. and Highway #65 N.E., North of 73# Avenue N.E., with the following
1. Provide a Z5 foot drainage and utility easement along the Northerly
portion of Lot 2, and on the North and South between Lots 2 and 3,
and aZong the South portion of Lot 3.
2. This approval subject to the rezoni�ng request, ZOA #75-01, and a request
for a Special Use Permit, SP #75-01, by Central Auto Parts, being approved.
3: A private covenant be put on Lot 2 that fhi� saia��Lot 2,<.Central View Manor
2nd Addition,-can only be soZd to adjacent property owners who already
have street access.
UPON A VOICE VOTE, a11 voting aye, the motion carried unanimously.
MOTION by French, seconded by Christensen, that they adjourn. Upon a voice
vote, all voting aye, Chairman Harris declared the Plats & Subdivisions�Streets &
UtiZities 5ubcommittee meetirg of January I5, 1975 adjourned at 8:40 P.M.
Respectfully 5ubmitted,
Dorothy Evenson, Secretary