Ordinance No. 0010 07-13-1949� � � � � • �;, / ♦ � i3 ORDINANCE NO. 10 AN ORDINANiCE REGAR,DINC � ._�:3 THE CL�9NIN�G 9ND INSPEC• � -_S TIOV OF PRE�7ISF.9� � T'hc Village �Covncil Of Fridley � dv ordain 2s followa: Sertirm 1. Cleaning of Premises Reqaired: Vatice. E3efnre Diap 1, � �' `� in evcrp 9ear, evers ownzr and occ- .�-;.�Y' upank of anp propert9 in tbi-n m�m- -� , cipality shall remoce all debeis, tin cana, msnure, and refuee from � the Propertc eo o�cnM or cecnpie`i �� by Lim. Not later thnn April ]"a. 7n each �enr, Yhe ]ocnl hoard oY health ehall [xxst a. nntic� in three (3) pnblic placea to the etfect that -'� all premises mast he e7eaneti nn � .. by DSav 1, when an inspectian � therea�f will be made. �Sec�ticn 2. li�nfmc�ment. $neh �:..`� inspeciio�n shall be made A9 the eanitxrv inspector or snch other rePresentati�e as thc troard m.ir ���-,y d�'signate for the pitr'[wsa, �n liay �,'-:� 1, or as soon thereafte�r as.Tq�ibla �:� If necesssrs, smch repre,entarive � shnIl issue Sptrific orders to indiv- idual oecapants and pm�pert9 0�- 9 La era to clean np their premfaea, xnd -,� shaR reinspect thhe same bePore ';� June 1, to insure eompltance there- `3 mith. 6ach indicidnal arders ehaII � � no�tify the awner and cecunant th2t . failure to comply therewith wil] � result in the necessary clean-up wcrk being danz b9 the muniMp ality, and the esT�emse thereaf, pins � , ten. per cent (SO%1, being collected � fram the owner or occupant by lesp as a�recisl aeseesment or b9 civil action. Section 3. Cleaning b9 Munic2[r ality. If an� indicidual order is not c�mplied with, the local boaed of health shall re�port such failure to the council. �vhieh Sball ordex � the premiaes the�rin rrvferred tn be . cleuned np bS �unicipxl em�r7o9ee�s, and the eapanae thereaf, plus kcn per cent (lb%a) collected either b�y special lecy or ci�il action. Paese�d by the Villaqe Oounctl � ths 13th da9 of Juli�, 1�J�39. . �ART. HARTb AY i a (9EAL)`��� . Attest : R'ARp N gRLIIC. ;��/,� � Q r_ :j 6,�0n�`'' •-,,..-,z.; Pu �a m Ca�lumbia� Hrinhts � RECORD on July 29th, 1949�.