Ordinance No. 0102 07-24-1958�
An ordinauce udoDking' iot nse xnd
tegidatim� io td�e fit9 uP Fridley
r.�•rt��in b�Wtling rmislcuction und
nlillty ioFkwliutio�e cutles un❑ ordl-
nanrus oP thc City oi d[iuneuDOliA,
�u�1 pmvi�ting pennitiee [ae vialn•
tion� thoruoC.
The Com�cil ot the City of I'eitlley
Do Orduiei:
9eetion l. 'Phat is deemeA to be in
the intevest uf the City oY Fridley
aud Itv redidenls [hat the tequire-
menL a.vtl regulafinn of builtling
on_teii�tiori, alteration [epalr, ad-
�litun [L remoqeling, �emov6ig, use,
auur. iance ami ou;µpancy, a�iii the
i i'.Lallation ot phnnbh�g. heating.
aud elevu�ivity, ttnd the resPective
aPl�lixnoc.' thereot aud in use [he�'e-
�rlth_ : ud Ihe feec charSO<< for per-
mits relu[lves [o nach of the Sa�ne
bv uWfor:n in the CitY ol I�riAley
and in accm'dance �i'Itli those 1�
ferca nntl of aPDlication i i the CiIY
' MinnessP�l _ save xn� � cept as
❑•.e �a e m.ay hcrsal4er be cloter-
i Yoe9 to �e inaDP»aable m' umieees-
.aiy Lo Lhe P��te� re�nlslion f e2uY�
f Che sa.-. � ihe C1ty I l�rldley
heeFun ". lhe e le hc�cb• adop[ed
b,r �e e'e.n<' .nd the avme �s rnyde
a p8r1 of thi�. .� L �anee the same ae
i I illy *et rt herein, the fallowing
( o le .:vid f)i I i anees of the City u£
Almnetu,li� �h.��h codv anci orAF
u.�necs �hall be eonsitlered and cm-
eb'ue� 3� Ihe co�ea autl ur3h�aneea
oF the Ci�y of 1'ridley ���ith ra�peci
[o eti.�•h r i the inat[cra to v:hich thtil'
apPly. LV-wll:
(a) An ordioa�me to �egiilate all
matters cnveeniing m' Partuining
W tLe constmctioq ultcration,
repav, a�c�ition to, ra:nodclin,�.
nxucing, uae, maivtenance oe oc-
�cupanrc� oP buildtnns or their
pa�4r, also oPstructu�e� �f c��ry
nature ereotecl on n�iclle pro-
perty fn [he City of ]1'nvea��oliy;
provicling fot' the condernnxtion
and atopDage of the u�e tbeveof
,�,��d wredcin�; of [he earne: pro-
viding a pcnaLLy Cor the cioLa-
timi thereol; �rePea�ing ail Tm'�n-
e� m�dlnxnces mnflivling Neee-
with. (as passed lfarch ?9, 1954,
and as amende�i Lo datu tiereol',
which orrLinauces may be te�'mul
bv ihe =horc LiUe ae the 'BUlld-
ing Code.")
(A) "An ordinanee to �egulate
the consCrucLiun. u�tsnsion, al-
LevaGm�, and reP3iring o[ U�wnb-
in6 �yarlc �cilhin I.he City of
Mim�e¢polic, and to provitle Pu[
Lhe sa�uYxrp iri�Lallalioa of soeh
plurobiug wor6-, an3 �cDealing
cerLaie� ordlnunee proc�slon,° (as
passed June lI, 1909, an� us
u.:�endeci m daie hereof, whfch
oM�nu.nnc �r,ay he lurn etl by Lhe
ehorL ticLe as Ure "Plumbiug
(c) "An ordivances to reh`ulate
❑ie u�st�.11ation oi gas piViug foe �
illuminatnig or Puel R:�s nntl the
installnlfon, alLeiaLimi, mainten-
ance and use of gas burning de-
vices cor�necte3 [hereto. and re-
penling a rcrtaiv or�linanee.` [as
pn.-sed .lanuarg 16, lA3n, an�3 as
a �,enrle�l to date he�eof, �ch�ch
c cdinance miy be tern ed b)° [he
.hort tille a� tlie °(�SS PlDing
(d) 'AU ordivanre regula[ing
Uie insta➢alinn, npa'atiou anA
r-ainten8m-e ol elet-tt'io ��-�re9,
npparntue and plante vithln the
City of bZinriea[�olia (Comyila-
tinu R:1)," fand ns nmenAed to
ilate he of, nlil��h o di� ance
i ay be [ar. etl bc tlie �ho�[ [itle
as the '791ect��c Cnde."7
(e) °An ordivanoe celatie�� to
an9 regWa[in� thc iunsuurtion,
installatim , al[eraUne r.a r tev-
snce auA repair of heatiug, ven-
tila[]ne flntl air condiciomng
Tlints aud eguipment ni xud Nr
1 ulAi��qs o[ all claase_ n the
C¢y of Ylinne�.i��l�y.` I1a Ia.�aeJ
lnue '_'8, 1�3� autl as amended m
date hcreui. �chirl� eode and o��-
di ia•xe ay hercaf[er �e ter � ed
by iLS siim'L title 8e the "11eaF
hiq l'nde.")
(`1 "An or{Inauee provi�3iug Por
ar�A aataLliehing fezs to be
ekian.�ed fnr' persilL. issued by
the DeParGrnen[ o( 13ui1�3inSS of
Nc City ot NtinnexpoLis.° (aa
Daesed Y`eb. 5. 1915. ani as
�t e�i�le:i to �3nce hireol whirh
�edin>nec .ay he� .iier be
tv�ner7 bv ita �hort [�tl� as the
„I.,e= �'oile" )
lerkino Ii 'Phac chree copies of eacn
o[ [he aLOVe eo�lee and m�dinancea :t_+
herein rn te�i shall bc liLed by Lhe
Ciiy Clerk in hle oGice for inapec"
Con and use by Lhe public, and each
�bPY ���R�> »e � �ar':ed with tY�e �rmv3s,
"Ci1y o[ Fr'i�7.•y. Aua;x Cnuiip•.
]linncsuta--officlal cn��v" 'fhis oo-
�linanee snall becoiae ef[e��tive upon
tl�e P�a'%li,�q[inn r,F Ji9s m'divance we
eeyuired bp L e Charte�' of the City
ot I�ri�lley a��d upon the filing oY
snch ropien by the City Clerlc ao
�n'o�iQed hereiu
leetion L �I snall be the Aury ot
the raspnctivc City officers as may
De PTOVided in tlre City ['harfer, the
Ruildlug Lis;ee«�r, LtiN re�n'esevta-
Uves, and xny other nfi9rer or �'e-
pre.sentative of llie Cit�� designed by
the Council to enloece this or�ll�iance
an�i te reU��i�a compiiance with the
�v'ovi.4'ous hn'oof, Any UecSau �vh0
violates any prmision ol' Lhis ordi-
uanca avd its reanective narts o*
purtions as Lhe s:+me may be in-
<�orporated herein bY rePereurz, ehxll
Le guiltY �Y a misdamaxnur. untl
uPOn ronvictlon Lhereof, he shall be
n��nisned by a fine not Lo exceed
Rlllfl or h}� i�,�isonmenl �o[ tu ex-
c�ed ninetY r501 days
Ferlinn :�. i[ is fm'iher hereby Pio-
vided chat any and all work, cOn-
rvtevefio», altr.caLion, �z��aiq ad3ition
tn. rerodelinR. "oviuR- �Se. main-
teaiance, and orrupancy ot any
huildin4 and Oie mm9c and inatalla-
tiun oP any ntility and aPV��ance
lhereof and in use therewith to
whirh these ori7lnances and the
<oic I crei � refo��etl to iDPI� shall
te doce a�l peef>nnel 'trictly in
a orli�ce �'�[h Chis oi� t�e and
the aa�d code. aa noted heiem nbove.
]C after inspertiou any of the same
are foun3 ��ot [o be In acwrd with
this ordinavcre of sueh wdes. theu
the same sha❑ be correeted u�on
noiirn tram any ins➢ectgr or other
rePreeencative of the CNy of FeiNey
nuLhoeized [o K��e sueh notice. Cf
aYter �urh arlCten noLice to any pei-
smi perPorrr�ing any work .vhirh re-
�uireB wrrec[io�� theo6o[, such perv
enn neglects or re2uaes to coreect
snoh ��rork and fails [o make the
aa^ze eonform to thls ordinance and
the �'odes noted heroin and to the
m�der nT [he lu�;Pertoc or other re-
�n�ssencacives ot �hc City, the CiW'
by ¢ny of lts duly appointed rep�es-
entatives may re:�ove such work .��d
❑2' � " u '[ Cher'eoP to [he person
m talling the same. Vo pcison s'hall
r ivoc nny such �vod< without the
ca e being flrcl. daly uisUected, and
t i crs�m � o � ' (- �m h �� ork �t �th-
ou Lh�� sa"e beinh first so ms'pec[ed
or ie'nsi�ig to eorrect such woik
�chen ordered by the ir�specW�' or
oth�r xu[horined repreaentative of
t�e Ci[c shall bc gnilty ol' a mis-
dq �n�r and shalL he p�n5shed a3
�rovideii herein.
:'o'�ticn 6 'Che provision,5 of ffily
nrll�an�e and Lhmse oP [he resper,-
ti--�. eodes rw[ad Imreiu sha.11 be co�-
sUU I a�. upplericnLiry to ar�t] in
I r� ��< s �on i teut tvitb thc o[her
c�l�•� .ind ordmxnces oC ihe Ciry
o' f'r fllr.Y. �«I'L ns' r.aY be heie-
��� � �'�lefl ssnd ezcepc insotar ae
Che P�'�vi�ons hereoC and of lhe
M1�s nnte9 hereiu ax'e neressavi]y
niv�nci��.rcr�,c wi[h or in conflict with
a•�y othc* ordinenre peovision= oP
{n„ [���y �f Fr'rllcy nn Che san�e �ub-
��t i� �°h� h cxse the pimisimis af
thi- onlinn and Uie <.oded �mtetl
h rein aLall rnnll�ol: esr.eP� [hat it
i� � iriP•� ��r�^idcd that Che Pro-
v"�n+� uf ordinanre No_ 9p of fhe
r� �� ��P P - eomr-onTy lermed
'i nin^ OiP.� �aree" shall Oe eon-
a�*-reA in ^ll rrkp�.cts nvPerSOr to
�� i� ndinanc v d �.oi [� llin�: ac [o
�� ^IIP.0 pS �V 1P(i lOY H�lf� COO-
t n. 1 the� n itov:ecer, no paet oi
�-� ��.�df�^m e?hall he in[copre[ed to
ennfLcL kherewith iC the eame can
r"��, m�a`�;y be eonFt[ued as cou�i3b
� �. the sa � �+
Yrtion i 'Phe `o'lowing ordinances
o 'h� �'i« of I�ri�:ley, [o-�aft
(�) Orrlinance �o. '_:S, an ncdi-
� P:L"C° 1'C�:L[lil^ t0 A UlII��IIj�' CO(�2
rf [h^ '�i�ls.ce af L'riALey_
(�.) Ur:�inF.nre No. ", wn ordi-
-nro a ien3ing Ordinance So.
( ) Orrlivance '.�TO. 69, an m�di-
° �' nl.itin¢ Lo iegulaTing the
minimum requir'ements Sur Kas-
��npi cu� �r and [he installation
ot r_a5 t�"��' and use of gas
eq��n errt ronnected thereto.
(�7) Ordinan�e So. 60, an orAi-
nance Providinfi Por licensing
and permit raes for worlc re6ola-
t��l in Onlinanc? Ao. 59.
a��e harcbS' �Perilie:tlly repealed and
��n.❑ ne oP vo furLher force ae�d
rf'w�l I'ro-� and aY[er the paasage
and nuhlfcxtlon of thia ortlinance.
FerYOn 4, Tt 1s speciYirally t�rocided
Ihat this nrdi��a��re a��a the vxrious
aode9 noted herein hy �eierence may
herea�ter be tr�'enAetl b}' strildng
❑inrefrn'n a��y o� Ihe various parts
of the Qaid ordina.nces a��cl codea
fl�? City ol' lfinneapolls a� are
fountl t� be 9nappJicable oc u�¢�eeea-
sn�y in rhe n�'ope� regnlation and
nse of t,he sa�ne in the City ot
Fridlev' an�l 2.� �cill no[ interlere in
subslan�iul �vnv with the estab-
lish•�enL of a imiform re6������on ot
a❑ ^�2ttera Provided for �vith those
ot Lhe City o[ blinneapolis.
Rertiop :I. II' any section, aubsec-
tion, sentence, Nanse, or P»rase of
[hiv ordir�ance 3s for an.y xeasor
held to he uncorietftutio�al. such
decison shaLi not affeM Clie validity
of Ihe remaining portions of this
ordinam�e. The Coanc❑ of [he City
of i'ri�lley hereby rlerlares Chat it
�coWd h�ce Da�sed thic ordinnnce,
� :�ny eertinn, eubsection, sentenee,
�iansq or phraae thaceo2, irreapec�
tive of the £xc[ that any one or
i��ore sec[ion, eubeections, sentenaes.
rlauses. or nhrases be dedared un-
� 4Annte�3 this ' 9ch iay ot Suly, 1968
�be r�j ouy �ci f tl ity ot Fridl
( i �r< �I�f. c. ��A'A�, �.r��,
R. b4I6I�OW"IC,
July S0, 1958
; .7ulg 24, 196R
' PuAlisheA:. Frldley News
Tuly 31, 1968