Ordinance No. 0103 07-24-1958� • . • • OFFICIAL PUBLICATION Ol{MNAACE NO. 308 Aa ocdinance enaaling iutlform regulations foe conatcueCion nnd in• stalla[im� oi se�verage dleposal eys� tems .uiU wxle[ snppl5 systems in ttic Citp oi PridleS� adoP��nR �egnls- tlm�s recnmmende� by tLe ]Iluneau• tv Depvrtment oY Ileulkh, Division al '_F,n��irmmretr� 4anitutinn und reqWn 1ng Vermite Yur sueh �cork. The Council of [he City of Fndley �In ordsin: Seetlon L That it L"c deemed fn the (nteresL oP the publlc an� the resi- 3e�rs of the City ot Fri�ley chat the re�uiremenls for conslructlon and '�s[xllation oP sewera�:e disposal systeme aevl �rateo svpP�Y acsteme be miilarm in the City oJ Pn�3ley anrl In accor�lanee with practices rewmmended by the ffiinnesic.i De- Fartme�L o[ Heal[h, llivfsm�� of N:n- viro��mental 8anita[ion, save aud ex- -ept as the same may te tletenmivad � o v or heieatter inapph able m' �no- � ncressary to Che [�roPer regiils.tiou of the sume in the Clt} of b'ridley Yoekion 3. 'Phere is heceDy adopteA by referonce a��Q rnade u pa�t of thie ordlnanr_es, Lhe game as i1 fulle set out he�'ein, the rules, rey,ulation, an� recon�ine�idud Practicee �as set I'orth in pamphlets publichetl hy Che State oY blfnnesata, e•hich :'ulr�, regulx- tions a�d rocummended p�actice- €halL be consisered and cmis-trued x:s rm�ie� anr] m'Ainances of Uie City o.` I'rldla.V: (a) iiole3, reRUialions, a��d rer- oemm�nded peactices fov the d� sign, cnnstruelion, an�l operai.iun of se�verage .�cstems fot srhools, ca^'pe. co[ta�'es, resnrLS, holets, � au3 aimilar establis'hmenTS arul � for reyldenres, as' set Yortli in ❑amphlels enliUeA `Small $ew- �iaFe Sys[em�i', dated 19a7, pub- lishe[1 by [he b9lnuesnta IJeparE ment of Hcalth, Dicision ui lin- vfromnental Sanitation, aa amendcd to 3ate. (b) Ttules, regulalione, and ree- o rv�cridcd p�a�ticee on the type, design, e�natrurtlon, and loca- � t on c weLls fm� po[able wate� 01' suDP�Y when couoect3ons to Lhe `�O[IiClpfll �G8Le1' �v5tem 8iL' llOt Peaeible, as se� forth iu pamph- lels entitla.d "DTanual of �Tatec . FonP�y ,Camtation:' $ection li, da[ed Y956, Sertion v. da[ecl 1956, an� Sectlon Vll, da[ed 1957, all as Publislitvi bc Ih? Aiiunesota Dep&rtmen[ o? Hexi[h, llivis3on of linrcironmental Sanitation. as amerided to date_ 3eetion :�. 'Phat three copies ot oach oE the aboce wdes and o�df�iavees as im[eA herein aYoresaiA 5hn11 be filed by LYie City Cler9< in his offiee for insFl�'��o�� a�d nse by [he public 2nd eaeh copy shall be �narked �vith [he �vorda 'Cit} oP Fridley, Anoka Couoty, IDLinnesota — OPFTCIAL COPY." Thie ordinance sha17 br onme effeetive upon the publleation oE this ortlinanre as reUUire[7 by tha Charter nf the City of Pridle�� aud uP�n the flivg oC soch copies by the Citp C7eNC as provided herein. Snetion 1. I�:cery Person, Gefnre pro- rcedins with the ins[allalion or con- s[�vction of a se�veraqe dl�posul sysLem or wnier supply =v��em, shaLl rinke ant>liratiou Lo the �tuildin,e I�- spectoc 1be a pormit 2o� [hat Pvr- �roee, an�i shall nay to the CitY of k ri�IleV at Che time ot such appLica- tlon a permit fee ae follows: fy) �^or the lnp'Lallation oC a sezc- era�e dispoc�j ,l system, ,$0.00 (b) P'or the fnsCSliaLim� uf a w3- ter auDV�Y system. $6.00 flertimi e. it shall be the duty oP the respective Citc oHieers as may be proaiaed in tlie Citv Chartee. Me Ruiltiing insPector. his reProsenta- ticea, a�od any oLher officec or re- preeeutatiae oP [he City designatefi bq Lhe Coun��il to enforee this ordi- nrynce 3nd Lo require compliance �vith fhe provicions hereoE Any per- son �vhn ciol2�es any peocl?ion of this oidinanee and it� reaper�ive parts or portioe�s as the same may be incorporated herain by re:erence, sha]1 be guilq• oY a mir,demeannr, an�7 upon wnciction thereo£, he sl�all be Pvnishecl by a fine not to esceed $10� or by imnric��ment not to es- recel ydnety (90) �lays_ Gertio� R. It Is further hereby Pro- vi�la�l that any and all work, con- struction alteratlon, repair, addi6ion to, re .o�leliuyi, ���oving, use. �nain- terianre, and occuyancy oL any bnilding and Lhc worl; an�l ie�ntaLlu- tlot� of any utiliLy antl apPlinnre thEreoi' and iu use lherewi[h to �ahirh lheae or�liicancas an� the codes herein referred to apply shall Do done and [�e[ormed strletLy in accorAanrz with this ordinanez and tbe �aitl �mdcs aa nr,ted hereln above. 7f afle� inspection any of the same are found n�t tu be ln acc;ord with ord'�neiru�e ol' woh vodes, Chen the .va*ne ehali be em�rea[ed upoc no[ice from auy insPector m' othei repreeen[ative of Che l:ity of Fri�lley authoelzecl to Kive snch no[iee. IL af- 1z� such µritten tiotice to any V�'�� pe�torminq ariy �vorlc which requims e�rrecb'on thereol, sucii ❑erson ��eS- lerts or reruses lo eorrect such worl< and fafls to mal:e the same cm�lorm t thix nrdma +r a�n�l the cutles noted h r� � anA t. [he orfle� of tl�e in s��eetor or other' rei�resenta[ives of fhe (�t}', ! t Utp by a n uf fts fluly a.pp��nfeil �epee en[atl�e may re- � ve sucY� uorlc an�1 cYia�rge tlie cosi ftiarrn' ro[he I�rrmn In�tallinG the snrne. vn person shali rover xny evch wor�� �+9Lhou[ [he name being f•._� ,�n�z i oreelcd, and a.ny nersm� coverin� aurL2 worlc wi[hout the e;� � hehig �irst so vsf�ected ���� �'e- �u'in� to u�r�-er[ surh e°ork wheu m�l�r^d hr the Inc�•erhor or n[he^ °h�.izefl renreeentalive of the ('iYy shall be ^u'llc o' a—isdr__�eanm' xnd ��.:ill he pm�i.shed as I�TOVI�Ied liere- in F"o*FlO�i i '�'he peovieim�s of thi: �*�'i»2-�oe au-1 ihose of the �espec- :... •�dec n�ted h^reiu sha➢ be eon- _.^a n,� ..imo�e �entary tn pnd in r"' n'1 r��ectv ronFFlene with [he othe^ rni1�^ antl m"d:ntuv�es of the ['�[v of Fridlcy, es��eP� a� r�aY bc ticreafler prn��i,t�il :vid xcept Insnfar a: [ne ���nvis'on= hereof and of ffie codes �• ted herein arr naresga.rily in��onsis- h^t mitl� ,u' iu o�n`liet �eith anY ���har nr:l`��anve prn�"slon� ot !he �'�ry �f F.idlCV mi Lhe s�i.me =uhje�t • , • the Pmcinione ol' tliis oril' �nce ir I the rode_ vo[e�l tmre- i i ..h�ll �mtl.rol' esro t H�til it w 5peri:ica!ly PrnvideA that the pro- v�s�our nf ortlimvice 1u_ 70, of (he (��r� rzP I`nd'ev, commonly Lermed ••Zonin^_ Oir9inanre" shall be consi�l- cred in all reepeats superio� w thi� m�dinance anr9 rnitroll;n� .e to all r�atter� �'�x»vided for and rontained thrrein tilowecer, no part of Lhis m'd'nnrire sha❑ be internreted to co�ifP��f tlie�e�cfth if the same ean ��ensonablv he ��onstrued as wvsis- t�nt �vich the samc, \ocAinn 8 lt i �pecifically �reovid- S ed th�t this m'dinance and the vari- nus rulev. ro�-Wa[ions and recom- �^enrleA k���'��'lire� notetl k�m�ein by re1'erenre may hereafter he amended by etril<inC �herefrom any o[ the aarlous pzir[= of said rvles, reRUla- timi�, aud reco'hiriendea Piactleas of �he FtOt� ��f �Iin�esota as aro (oun�9 Inappllrable or unneressaiy [o the pmper rsculxrtion antl use of tNe same in the City of F'ridlcy: and as �vill nn[ interferc in a substantial ���?p .vilh the establieh�nent of a uru- forin i�egulation of a0 matterg �ro- vide[7 for �vith the racommon3eA px's.cPces of the Sta,te of Vlinnesota. £cctinn !I. [t nny sectiu�i, sub-see- IJnn, aen[ene& �9auso, or ph�ase of fl�ia ordinanre is Por any reason held G� be uncoc�stitutional, such de- ci5inn sh;ill �rot xftec[ the validity oP Ihe mernaining Porlione ot tMs ordinanre- The Council of the City oY I� ri�iley hereby Beclare� that it �voulrl hace P-�°�1 this ordinance. a�c ceetioq sub-ser.tion, sente�ee, elause, or phaese therenP, irresPeo- tiee oi I:he tact that any ene or more secrions, cub-sections, sen[encee, rla.nae=. nr nhrases be declaced uv- eon�tftvtinnal. .4dopLed thia 24ffi day of JWy �96R by Lhe Coueeil of the City o� lat RcacLng Suly Y0, 1958 _ !� S � � °�nd Heading .Tuly 34, 1968 i Puhliatipi9: Fridley News � July 31, 19E8 � P. .:.-y.�C �