Ordinance No. 0104 07-24-1958C�
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O1cDffiANCE NO. 10�f
An ordinance providiug for the
lieeneing and bondinR oP indiridnals�
fteme, coiPOxations, eon[vactore mnd
anL�eunt[actuvs duinq o[ pexforming
work within Ihe citp at YYidle3 and
for �vl�ich pennit. ucc r04ui[ed ws
set Porth in ocSium�rss numAOred
10S iind 1113 oP tLe CIlS �t P[idlep.
The Councl rf the Ciry of Fridley
Do OrQatn:
Seetlon 1. That i[ �s deemed in the
interest of the puhlic and the resi-
de�ts of the City of Pridley that the
work i�volve�l ia building atteration
and consGuciioei and the i��s�allation
of various appliances antl serviee
{acilities i�i and tor safd buildinSe be
done oxilti by indieiduala, ��nns antl
corpo[afions chat have tlernonscrated
ae submitted evidouce of Lheir eam-
pe[ency w Periorm such �codc in ac-
cocdance with the ap0liraGle rode�
and ordinanees of the Ci[y of Fri�i-
ley regula[ing same.
Sectinn 9. 'lhe permi[s which the
Building Tnspeotor is autimrizeii m
issue nndec Oedinances' nvmbered
10? and lU3 oC the Clty of b'ridley
shaLl be issur�i oNy W individuale,
fiems or cocporations holdinK a li-
cense iss�er3 by the City for �vorN
to be perfm'�ne�i under the permM1,
�ccept as hereiaafYer noted.
6eetion 3. ApP�ication Ibe 6cense
shxll he maie to [he City Cou�eil
and auch Lieense sha➢ be granted by
a rzia'oeity vote of the Conncil upon
prooP of [he aPn��canPS- qualifica-
tions there[or an� upon filing a bond
in the ainount ol' $':,000-00 contlition-
ed upmi complianre wihh the pio-
visions of �a.i3 Ordlnances numbered
108 anti 103; the filiu6 op certi-
ficates eviAenrinR the holding of
Public Lianilit�° Insin'ance in the
]imits ot $_"S,OOD.00 per person, $60,-
00400 Per accident Por bodilY injury
anrl gSAOQ_00 Por ➢ToDerty damage'a
and certificates of lVorkmen's Com-
pensa[ion Tnsurance as vequi[ed by
9ection 4. The annnal fee tor each
such license shall be $1b.00, except
that Por C.eneral Con[racGOis Ne Aee
shall be $°5.00, �vliich liee�se shail
eepire an .9P�'�� 30 next Pollowi�g
the date of its issuanoe-
fiectlm� a. i.icenses shall be obtain-
ed by every persmi enKaging in the
Pollo�ving businesses or �vork in ac-
corda�ce �rith Lhe apP���able o['di-
nxnces of the City of k'ridley:
(a) (3eneral contractors in the
business o1 buildi�� conscrurtion.
(b) Masonry and brick w�ork.
(el Plu�nbing inclndiiig the in-
stallation oC cess'pool, septic
tank, drainfielda, connections to
_ �z�
the Mvnlcipal ayatem and ineide
ftl) l;leetricxl construution and
i �� i�ttill:tuo�.
(e7 Ronfins.
(t) Plaaterin�, stucw work,
aheel rock taping.
(g) I1caUnK, ventilation and re-
(IJ �:as Piiiina, Cas Se[vices,
�las l�:quipment lnstalLatiou.
('p Oi] Heatine an3 PiDing
(j) 4C�ate[' SUPP�Y System Io-
stallatloei auS Const�vetion.
Q;) tiscavalions inelu3l�g ex-
cavytimi Co�� I�oo[ings, L'ase-
ment;r, Seu'er �ud \4a[er Line
(1) RiuvSng and wreckiu6 ot
(,-�) St�;n Ecection, Construc-
(Pnu, aud RePair inclodiug bifi-
hoaeQ&, and electrlraL signs.
'�o[tiin,'; herein shxll ba eon5[rued
as Breaentirig tiuY surli dnalilled Il�
eensee fro:�� perlormin;; the worli by
nn empleyce under his euPereisimi
and cmllrol, or by contract witl� an-
otliet' persan pualilied to Gerl'ora� the
=a .n. t>rovidetl the ��ontracto� ie
eu�jert to tite cmitrol ot the liuensee
z�nd @�c Ilvensee is a[ nll lbnex ie-
�D���nible for ihe u�orK Perfouneei.
Sec[ion li. I�oe' each ot the above
]Iviced busine�av or ocvuFlaHOns foc
�.1rcL Ne GCSte ol' &iinnesoia ➢�o-
aidcv tor thc rc6'i.vlration [hereoP, li-
censos' ehall be Srauced ouly W hultl-
ere ol' madtee Ilcenn-ee of the S[ate
of MinnesnCa, escept thaC O�e owner
of auy rr'opc�'te r aS pe1'lonn a'o[k
on properly ��'hich he oceuj�ies so
lmi;; as the w°oi9c when perforuied is
iri a�cm'dKnce with I.he eofles and
ordinancefl of Lhe ('ICy; and [or
uuo�i pulpose a permSt �:,ay Lz ATanY
ed Lo such owner wlthout u❑censz
`:�u.�ou � Public Serviee CorP��'a-
tions shall imt ba requirenl to obLain
1 r-n�rs lor work upon or in eon-
necHon with Lheir a�en pioDerry ex-
cepi as i ay be provided by o[her
heelimi 6. ➢4anuixcmre�s shall tmt
be rc4ulne:l ta obtuim licenses fo[
mork incorl�oraLed withiu equipmeui
aa a pprt oY mssnuft�cturing except
as �. sq he V�nvide�l bY other ordl-
Naction !1. A Vet'soq tinn, ot corp�
oratlun uvho shall violate a�y of the
provi5ions ol' �Jiis orilinanw shall be
Ruilty of a misdeinc¢nor a��d upou
ooncir_Hnn thereol', sha1L be OmiiShed
bv a fine oP not more the.e� o�e
huudrecl tlo➢nrs for earh nPfenne or
by Inipr�sonment foe not more [han
ninety dxys.
Soetiou lU. This ocdi�muce shaLl �ot
be cmislruetl to alfee.t the respon-
ai�ility oe liability 1'or any pa[ry
o�cnln�, aneratiri„ nonV011ing, or in-
stalling the above dcs-c>�ibed wark far
iia�na�geF to purson= or property
cauoeLL bY am' clefect therein or shaR
[he City of 1h'idley be held as ae-
suming any such liabilitY by reasun
of ❑�e liccneiug of persons, Yirrris,
enrporatioe�s ongageh in such work.
Fcetinn ll. iP any sectiaq sub-eec-
tion, �entcnce, clauee, oi phrase ot'
thia ordimua is for airy reasoii heltl
to he unr.onsfilntionad, such decision
shail not affect the validity of the
romxinieig pm'tlmis of thiN ordina�ce.
'Lho Council oC the Ciry o[ Rvldley
Lereby i9crlares that it wou13 have
passed this oidinance. any section,
sub-sertinn, sentcnce, claose, oe
phrase fheeeof, ix'resPectice of the
fac[ thut any one or �nore swtione,
auM1-sections, aevtences, clauses, or
phrases be declared unconstitutional.
Yockiou 13. 'Phis ordinanco shail
tat:e effect after its passage an�
tiublica[io� according W la�v.
.1dnPted this 24tli day oP July,
1964 4y the Council oi the CITY OF
rr<y�aL1�:F. ,. � ,
1Leading July 10.�1968
Reac7ing .7uly 24, 1968
Published: Fridley Newfl -
July 31, 1958 �.�
P, � .�