Ordinance No. 0105 07-24-1958�
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An ordinance unSer 8ection 1E.07
of the Clty Churter, to vucate s[ceete
wnd alleys in Pa�'1 of I[evixed Audl•
Wre Snb-divisiou No�uber 33 nnd
part oi Priflie)' Pnrk, more purtl�
enlurly dn�erihnd.
The City oF Fridley do oxdain as
9ection 1. That ail of We s[reets
nnd ai]eys lyins within the followi�g
deaux'ibed Lract of land:
That part oi Lnte Three (3).
and '1`�venty-one (21), Eteviaed
Anciitor's Bubdivielon \umber
33, acmrdinR to the maP or plat
thereof on file and of eerqrd in
[he office of the Register oE
lleeds i�� and Poe Anol:a Counry,
➢linnesota and all that part oP
Blocks 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11, fying
in l�`ridleY i'n�rl<, ace,ordiiig io the
maP �r plat thereoC on file and
of recorcl in the office of the
Registec of Deede in and for�
Anolm Cnunty, bfinriesota, to-
gethor with all streets and a11eYs
]ying wiNin thc Lollowing clv
scribed traet clescr�bed as 1'0l-
ION v:
Commencing aE the inteesec-
tion oP the So[th Iine of n4issis-
sipP� ��reet a�d the Westet'ly
rigl�t oP way line of GreaE Nm'Lh-
ern Raitroud; the�ce TL'est :�long
the North line af 11iss-issiPP�
Street a clist�:.nce ot 750.71 Ceet
to its intersa�Bon wich thc J�:asP
edy Lirie o[ U`rancl Avenue aa
D�atted in PridleV Park; thence
Northwesterly along the L;asL
erlY line of Grand Avenoe and
escension thereoY to i[� interseo-
tion �cith the nor[herly line of
La,L:eshore :lcevue v.a pla[ted in
Fridley Parlc [heuw Westerly
a]o*ig Nortl� ]ine of said Lake-
shore dce�ue to its lntereoction
with [he �aeteNy Line of �nst
River Road, ao calie�l, as [he
eame is no�c laid out and travel-
ed; thei�ce Nm'therl9 aLOng tl�e
Easterly line of saia Paet River
Ro.�.d to the Southerly line af
Sclierer Adrlition, thence LasP
erly almi,g the Southedy line of
Baherer AddiHon to the Shore
of Locke i.alze; thence vori]�-
eaeterly and Easte�9y along the
ehore of Locice Lalee to its in-
teisection wiffi the WesteNy
rigtit oP way Line of Great
NorUiern Railroad; thence
Southerly along said 49esterly
right of way line to tlie point of
beginnine_ IDsceP[ lote 1 [hrough
9, inclusive, Block 10, Pridley
Parl:, to3etl�er with adjaeent
alley thereto.
be and are herehy vacated.
Passed by the City Council oY the
C1ty of Fridley this 29th day oY
Suly. 1958.
Cif,y Clerk
lst Reaciing Tuly 30, 1958
2nd Heading .iuly 24, 1968
. Publiahed in Fridley NEWS
74y 31, 1958 .