Ordinance No. 0011 08-01-1949�
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�. _
The Co�meil of the Villxge oL ��
Fridlrc do ordnin as foIlrncs: .�
Section 1. So perean, firm, or �. �,�
�cornoration shflll en;age in [Le
busineca of r2iein�, feeding or car-
I�g for pi� and hogs, nor she17 '
nny persou, finn or corpoxatfon
m�2intain or rnn a pig or hog farm ��'3
witLin thc eorporntz limita of the �
ViRage of N`riQley, wit�ont fir5t �
h��in� nbtained a license so to do
and pnid inta the villagc teexcary,
Cor the nse of the villa�ge, a license . ��
Cec as speciPied herein.
Fectian ?. The� licence fee for en-
eaRing in the businecs of hog farm-
ing ?hall be the sum oY F3IXY per ���;:1
annum. ?.ny perr,on ur �tson9� �j
desiring to� obtaiu a licens� as re- .�
�uixed 6y the preceding section a�f
this chapter ciiall paS into the cill-
age treaeury the sum of three hand- �
red dollars, and vpon P�S�ent ot
said ?um it shall be the dutS ot
the recarder to iseuz euch license.
Becticm.� 3. Maintaining and run- �
ning x hog farm, or rxLsing, Peed- � . �
ing ar cariog fcrr pigs fl�nd Togs
within the crorDOrate limits of the
Village of Fridleg sLall be deemed,
and fe Lereby deel2red to be a pub ���
lic nuicance. Atl �uch pig and hog
farms eLall be prohibited as a pnb
lic nuieancir and ever after lRay 1, �
]9i0, and Wereafter e�all be panaed
from the cSllage. �� �
Eeetion 4. AnS Person or persons ��
ciolating the prociaiona of thia ord-
ina�nce ehall be guiltp of a misdem- �
eanar, and on conviction thereof ��
shall be senteneed to P�5 a fine 6f
not le.ss thun five dullars nor more
than one� hundred dallara, nnd the
cosYS of pro.secutio�n, and in defa¢lt .�`,�
of euch fint and ca9te he eball be ���
co-mmitted to jail Yor s term of not ��
less thaa 10 dnSS nor more than
90 daYS. '.a
Paesed by the Vlllage Council �_
tbis lst day of AuguxG ]94�J.
�� RL HARThI 'v' j
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(SF.AL) '
WARD ,�T dR�.ING� � • � � .,�
Clerk �y{C�/ � �h�f�j�'-�'`�j - -�
Pnblished in the /�/R,�alnmbia ��
Aeighte RF:CORD an AvgNSt 5, 1942 .