Ordinance No. 0112 12-11-1958� i � � ` I Page 1 of 2 Pages OFFICIAL PUBLICATIOM OILDIP7ANCE NO. llS An Ordinance relating to and reg- lating the use of �vater and sewer in the Ciry of A'ridley, estflblisL2ing rules and re€ulations Lor the aQ- miuistra[ion af the water a��d ee�ver system,s in che Cit�' ol' 1'ri�lley aud matte�s- rclutinK (here[o inclndiug all properties-, � malns, iares, and chzr.ges in eounection theremiLh; and repealing' Ortli��ancev IDo. G3, 77 and 9f,. Beclion 1. The City Slanaber in the l.iy of Nri�ley shall hxve the e�POneibillty of the manaNement uicl opccnt�mi oi Lhe � uni�.it�al wa- tec s}•eEe � samt�ry �e rer xnd stor:- se rer ..yat� � in R�e liGy oY Fridley. He :hall hti�� rrnnecliate eontf'ol o.n� emtndy of a1J �mot�e��ie�, be responsible for thev eafelceepiun ana thei�- proper s'[oraqe an9 cure, aud �li&17 pr:�vide fm� the I:eepiug oY a f�➢ nnd acemato record oF k1I ��°ork doue �vith res��ert thereto, lhe ovt [herwl'. Lhe ux.:c;s ol' men e:^- ployed, hom's v.�orlcc�l, and surt� other inbe atim� and recm'[ls ae r ny be eeqotred by thn City Coun- ril. FurLheq he shall have imvtediaLe chart;e oY a➢ empiny�e�� nece=s'ary to the opetntion of the s'aid ulilitios nl' the (]iYy. RecBnn No person shaLL r�al:e 30V Lype . lnpPlioll to thc 19unlci- pal waler.��s}sfe:;�. the saniCnry, sewer systcu� nr the pL�rm seicer syntem cscel�i upon ! a'-ing an al�- pli-atlun therelor, on n f�r � provid- ed by Lhe Ci:y, and reoeivivg a per- ��iL icu�d b' UiF Ci�v for ,surh pur- ooee. 'I'he a�iNica�tion shall l�c'u�'e �ui est�rt deN�.t.�Ution of the proDerty ro be eerced, the uses ibo �chich the �� niee.limi i� roques[ed. a�il I.he 5iae oP the eecvice lines reque�Led m W a u�:e' �At t`ic ii e of a!'.iu� �vel� aPP���������n here shall be t�id to the CiTy he.aa�ar th rolloo�i.�c lees which cha,ll be aONlerl t0. Pd'`�� ove�' oq rereiccd by Lhe C9ty for Ihe Tiur- �nses lnillrated: � (a) Ao e,inncction shall be �na[Ie m' coutiimed in uso at any time V4"ith [e5p¢Ct t0 a[ly aCwet' o[ water o��ecCmn se� m propar- � [v of a 3 letbon n suDVnts ot triFl hn , nnrcel c ��P'-��ses al'- fected li:�ve �otJ�x�d ur p�rociAed lor t]ic payrvent o � uLl an�i piglym'GOnnte ehaie ��f the sys- te���s,-�eoci`ces or imProce"ent Ln be ua_d as Aeter���ined by the (5ty Counr9, �ahich share ot the. cost of said .vFle-�, sercice or _ inn�rovemenL shall be Payable as (1) Por service to pronerty to �� liirh servic? Iioes hnve ��oL been previously ivv 1'ro'�� the street laterale Cn [he proPZrty Une, tl�e owner, ocrupant or user ahuil pay into Che CiLy 'Creasury, (\�'k ler a»d Sewer Ut�Ptv Rimd). au amount not leas ttmn thn m�t ol' �, :Sn�; �lie ieceasa�y m�eo- cn Liunr'. tsPS an�l u�alallaGOn af rieces�ey P�Pe an� ap[�urlen- ancas to mvvi�le +cevice ro tha property auil necessary st�'eeG ve[mivs. (L1 I�ot se[vice to property to wlilrl� sercica lines have been run Previuusly to the property line but tvwo �mt been paid foq ChL' T'IIPY, Of.CllDfllit OC IISEf ahail P�➢ in cash or agceo to pay rharg�s in the i'or^� of Special Assesgr-ents �n lie Icvied against the nrot�erlv tn be sm'ead ocer a nu'��ber oP�years coincident �vith the '-aturi[y re��uirements o[ any S��ecial Tmprovement Bonds sold for thc P��rpose of financuig the cmistruction of �vah watec �infl ,e?wer Ilnes and serviee Can- itect3mis- serving the ❑ropertp_ V�'d eash pay"ent o> Aesess- rnent charge shall be in prinei�al n o�mt not lees thau the pay- ments made b)' nr charges place�l against eom��arable P�o- per[ies for li�=e services of sueh �cater or sewer, i.e., for an "eduivalent lateial assessmenP' or an amount as may be estab- lished by the City Conncil. In th0 i�stanee of aercices run to the proPer[Y ]ines ne p�oeidecl undor <il hereinaboee, the pa,cmeut to the City TccaSUry o( any of any amount requfeed under item (8) shaLL be reduce4 by the amounL pai�l Lo LLe City u�der ftem (1) hereof. Fa��nent lo the City 'frexsus'y in the Corm of a 5»e�� ciul Assesnmeut char6e sLall be iu Ihe 1'o�in of equal annual in- sta➢ments Logethec �cSth inte[- est mi L}ie unP��� ballnce froin vear Lo cear, �ch3eh in[erest shBLI be conipu[ed a[ the �ata of six (G) per cent per annwn. [b) Prlor [o the e�onstructinS or re��nlr of any water ur sewer liue cuuneeting the exinti�g �nun- iri�ul ec,tein anA any house or Lu51tlTr�g Poe �vhinh Ihe a{rplloar bm� Ia made, 4he owner or con- LL.iUOr stia❑ be t'equh'ed to ob- tdiu a per �t 1'm' sncli connee- ti in. an�i shdll pay u peuni[ iee lu the amouN of k10 for any �va- ter ro�viectioq and $2�.00 for any se�ve� rqnneation. After sueh wnuecLion has been �na21e, the q'atee xncl 5ewer DeD�rtmenC �hnll �e uo[�Jed. lt shal] be uo- I��cl'W �o eocer any counectl�ig liiv u�llil �n inspecYion ha� been � a<le -snd sueh comieeHmi auA Lhe wu�9. inriden[ Lhereto has been apProced Ly lho Citti as a proper :�n� suitablo com�a:Gicn. (c) 13efore any wa r �l+w:ea'eA thro�iKli tM1e r.m�icipal tvater cystrr�sha�t be� used or uttlieed�"' uu the�tand x�nrc :isee o[ auY pe�sou, lir .i m' rorpnrutioq there shall LirsG be installed a water �_.eAer that will eccuracely mea- :�urr. Lhe c:a:.er eansurned on the preinises, escep[ anA unless such i[�stallation shall [�e exempted by the City. The aPP7leant Lor water service shall [leposit hi LttB City 'Crex�o�y aC Lhe ti_ e of �II9 3FIV�1CBC10[l lOC' {)C1�1[IIL &B JQC 1'oeth above, an amounL Aecer- i Sne:l Ly Uie ( iCy aa i5 sufficient [o cocer [�e �o�[ iP said �neter. boch mnrie< <9epoetted �eill�� be use[I Ly tlie CI[y [n proeore sue.h mctcr, and [he Ciiy maY re- turn [he depusit Co tho o�vnei o[ Lhe pre�nlsea Nereaf[er in ar cordauce �cStli [he regulatim�e I�ereinalter sec fov[h. S��mn 3. 1➢ uater r�eters in- stallel uri�ier Ihe. p�ocis'ons of th�n orJina me shall emain [i�e p�uVerty of Uie City o[ Rridiey. lhey shall be rer,aired from time to time as- ia uecesaa..�y m inovre accuea[e mea- suring oP We flaw oF �FaLer, exrept utiat �chenecer a n�etar ��na �een darnaged due Lo ne�ligenee on the part of pereons othcr Lhan employees of the waler department, the o�vner, occ�panl or u�er of tlie premic_es ui surh n[het' peeson dcslring use of L�l¢ ��2I1'P St1Il�l [2lIT1YlU['i-2 �IIC \l'26CC[ deparLmeut fo�' Che exPeuse of ce- pai�'ing any 5ach meLC-r. Lpou fall- ure to rei �burse the wnter �IeparL ment nithin a reasonable time a�d upon demand therefoq the wnter service and sopP�p to saiil premisee r'av be stmt-olf or �liscontinued as deGerininel lo be [he be+t intereet ol the C1Ty_ Bcction L Affer the initial con- nection hac been made to Lhe ourb stop or the sewer leaA, the aGP��cant, oaner n tha occnpunt or user oC tiu �h prer�ises slip.11 be llable for al] repaure requiretl to any water line o[ anv sewe�� linee necessary 1'or cannec[ion of the premice� to the streeL �r�2ins, including any cenaiis necessary m tlie curb stop Dox and any neressxr; un'cet repaii's, if shall Ae Lh� re�pon,ibiliry of the applicant, owner, oecupan[ or nser to �naintain the etop 7ox at euoh a hciFht as �vill insure that it remalns aUOae the 1'inished grade e[ the lanti or Fm- perry. Sectinn 5. It shall be un]awPul Lor anq person to tampe� with, alteq by-pass, or in any mannet mhatso- ever intertere �cihM1 the pwper uea and funr(ionin;; of an}• �vater meter owned bY the � City. 8eetion 8. Pvery perSOn xpP�3'ing Pm� a�aler or se�ver sercice and every o�vner of properfv for which any auch apP���cion is ma3e ahall be deemeA upon making auch ap- plication to consent to all rules, re�ulations, and rates aet forth in tMS ordiunnre, and such Yur'tk�er rules, requlations and raLes as nray thereafler be se[ turth and adopte�l by the Cfty l'ouncll by resoWtion or ordinance. Sectioo i. fa) The Cicy may Pro- c1tic+ a system of water �oeter [ead- i�g by Oost caed. In sneh case, eaCh conru._:er shal] re[urn cha meter card mi or before the I�st day in e:inc �alenila� qua�rtee. Caeh conswn- ee sliall be assessed 'd, 15C1y (a07 cent p01181[S' 10[ :1lly C3f(t nOt CCLUP➢¢Q on Lhe due �la[e. tiuch penalty and any usn cli3rges (bv�s.d on nn eoti- �.2tv of ll�e watcr conswned) may bo iucludcS ov tlie nezt biliing and thoiea.ler until I��id. 'fhe �•al exte c�nrqes shall be �ons:dercl >v ehsrgea and shaLl b� the c"ir�,es V�Yable a[ter [he last S��v oY ii �. . mi(h ol' whtch LM1e b11F �s am cnt nul. Day_..cuts puid beloe�e [he LaSt aay uf Uie �_.m;th �_Wg be pald ou the net rharge hasis, rrhich shxll be the k�'oss charbe Jevs .1.ty (EO) wuts. (b) 'Che City reserves Ihe righ[ to ds�autinue nervice Lo auy euetomer o� O�e �:ctec a�i se��t.r ate.._i �vitli- uut nouce �vhen necevary lor re- pnlrs, uQdiLtonal eunuecuon or re- �. �uneci.ion or for no�i-Daymrmt of <i�ar�ad cr Tllls oc for Jisregerd of auy rWe� or regulations u� e.onuec- ��nv will� [he vse or uPerauon of �a�3 ,yysGes. N'benever any serclue t�ae becn �liscnnlh�u^d for noo-p'v,y- �neut o; }.��.tcv m' b,lls or I'or dis- regnrd o. any rula or revulations, it nhalL nut Le res'u �e1, exeept upon P�'-V-iait nf tlm charges ox bi la ao- cn�ed [onether a'ich intemst [hereon in tlie a..��unt uP G%. um' a.imum, or iu_ipliance �citii the iules or te�;u- laeions yreaiously vlolCted nnd Pay- • ent to the Ci[y of a restoratiou tee nY [hc eu:n o£ $5.00. [r) In the eceut a t��a[er or sewer b'll is un»ai�l at the end oi the c¢len- dnr ryu:u'[cr Lliut tlm billing is aent nL, [;ie b]I ehall le <emiim�ed de- IinGncut, and the ser� ce :ray be dl6continued as nrov3deQ in (b) aboce znd Ihe Cit} Cum�rSl may vausr. tLe oh�rae.9 notecl in suafi bil- ling [o beco -e a lieu n�;ainst the properLy ee�'cetl by cectifmng to Cha Comity the arnount oi saltl delin- q��ent bIIL lu accm'dance �v1th Sec- nona A416 and 4a316 of the Sta- tutes iY L�e State oC Minneso[a. Soclimi P. Ra[er consumPtion and sem�er vae r.�i:tirg�� to ronsmnor shall Lecmcc �ioe aml P3yable yuaeLerly m� a ealcndar s�=heduLe Prep:n'ed bY tho Clty A4a�i�,^.er. fA) W_4'Pl:lt �RATF.S: Der calen- �lar 4uartor Shall bo ss Collows: $300 �*�iui 'mn for' u� to 6,OU0 ga➢mie, pay.eblo in arlvance. 30 per 1,OOU Yalions ior next d-0,000 °alloos. 0.38 Per 1,0�0 gnlloiis for next �U,000 ;;xllons. � 0.35 Per 1,p00 6altons for next 1p0.0��0 -;allous. 0.�0 Dcr 1,000 Sallone for all over L00,000 n^Ilone. A surchur$e of 31.25 per 9uarter, tia,yablo in advance ie retatned avd 5ha11 be iinposed fov each aaleuda� 4��atter xtf[m' January 1, 1368 i� each �ear unlc.v [I�e net t'evenues, �.ftcr �deducting all oxPenses of op- ert[iori tnd mtintenance of the City '1LCr and :e«rr system in U�e pi0- cedine ealen3ar year aha71 liaee ex- :e.ede�l $L1.000. (b) 3anitary aewer service chargob sheill be pxift at the r:1te of $6A11 per calender quarter, nayahie in advanoe, I'or each domestic sani- tary se��er usee. TndnStrlal, com- merical and multiple dwelling sercire uee chav�es shn11 be at a rate dete�mined by the City Coun- cil by �esolutiov as set forth aFOn a schedule on file with tlie Citq Ma.naKe�. geetioei U. ]f a meter £ails to reg- ister or aecurately measure the wa- ter, [hc charge foi water oonsumed tihall be paid for at the established rate based upon past acecag,e billinge as �etermincd by the City Manager. 9ection 10. .1ny owner, occupant or user of a premises �vho shall dia- � � �� 1 � i � � �/'� V�!° a9e 2 of 2 Pages .. ��S oover a lealr in a se�vice ]LUe to the Dre�uiaes shall notify the \Fater lle- L+x�tmenG wiGhin 21 houre. A�y wa- tcr v:asted duc to !a1Wre oY such person [o comply with thls regulation shaLl br estvnated by Lhe City ➢1an- � agegr and be ciiarged ior agalnst �� che o� er oY such P�'emiaes ¢t the e�scabl�.hed rate. 3ecLii.n ll. 9'iiere shall be install- ecl in e�ery commc4on Co Lhe City ��. ��afer ysLesn oo� stop ¢nd waete valce witich sliall be instalLed at a ' point belween the curb stop and the n!eLet' so Chxt Ne watet' may be tm�ned off anA tliu mecer aud ho�se Wun bing enticely drainetl. 'Phere sha11 be instatled anothee e[op and waste cock in the �IPe on the huuse side oi lhe mcte� A1I .er'vl�e uiUOa ConneCted to the (.ity systema shaO bo ot �i I�PIv` h coPPei' o� �['s ap- prove�3 �qu17 and shall bc laitl at a depth not lesa tt�an ti.b Lclow [he .,I i>I ,r:u7e or ae low as the stmet riains. � ticc.ti � tY. Any apn��cant, ow�ier, . �euPant or usm' li aLDlYinc tor PeP- r�i�siov to connectr Co Lhe CSt9 ��'atev � � and 5ewer eys�nns �hall haee all � morl: in comnecLion Lhcee�.lUi peo- � Cor �ed under th� suParcision oY a plm��ber, l:cenaed to rlo pluxnUiug in � thP City of' I�ridley, exeept [hat no[hing iv tFifs ovdinanre ahalL be cnnetroed as to prohibi[ an individ- ual o�� er Yrom obfainiug a pennit - tie�elor pcoeide� thaL H�e Pereon, hr.n n cur'V���t�un aatualLy Ver- Ym��ving the work be a pluinbev li- . r.ensed to Perf�rm such �eork in the city. � Suctduu lII. Any apn��aant, owiier, . ocoupant or usEr �vho sliall apply [o[ a conneccinu to tlie C[ty �eater u�a�ms wlurh weineelion sliap be open at all t�nes tor the pur»os'e of 1'ire pmtoilio�, ehz❑ a�V�Y in wriL- iiir, [u t9e watcr' tic,�:�rL.�enL �icing ilecA,➢�d InCor.:�[lo�� A5 Co Che size of i aiii i'equlre�3, location of maiq ana a wn� o. tlie P�`� h of �he system . that s} 411 be scrvA by suah con- �motlon S� .h aP_ ��<aut shall fo�nish xnd inufall at thc pouit oP rornec- tion to I.lic Ciq� inain a shut oYf . aalve in :t r..a�l�nle m' if the saine be instr�llod by Ll�e Clty the eost theva oC sh:�ll be paid by the �xifl appl�- . eant Such r�aeihulc shull a[ all tirnes be oPen tor inspecLim� Pm�poeea to � wala' tleP�rtment Personnel, bu[ r�:aln ilncnuo anA cost oE re�r�ir of Lhe valce nnd ta�� shsll be Lhe sole respmia50]:ty of the a➢Plicav[ desir- ing uah aeevicz Such permit may be g�tinied by Lhe Cily �iPOn suoh .�. contlitimiv as mxy be cieeeim� by the Conucit m be Sn tlte best inter- � est of Lhe Clty iucluclir�g the require- � ent by [he Ciry oC the 5ns4iJlatiov ol' auy valve an�l meter Yor watev uee leteeLion V�eVOS'es . Sertian li. It shall be unlawful � fm' any gorson, 1'irm or corporation having sucLt a� open n�ain Coi [h0 UurPOSC of 1'ire protectim�, to mal:e � any emmec[SO� to suG2 main Ibr any purUOSe othee than the One �rotrd in U�e original request to the � water depar[�nent. _ fiection 5G. l'he Ci[y shall not be hdd ]ial:le a[ any ti�ne Lur any de- � Cicieacy or fail¢r'o in the supP�Y of water Lo Lhe cueCOmar whethee the . sa e De occasioned by s-huttirig oCf � � the water toi' reD�u��'� or oonnectiona, . or for any c2�sc whaievee. Sentimt 1G. The GLY Com�cil ehall Tave tM1e aut}im�i[y [o pi'egcribe the � . rates Lo be chargN fnr n.ater and �. � seu�er servfce to U�e cuatomeq I[om . Linc to tl� e�n3 � a} presCribe the �3ate of Y lling, s d scount fot' the � pavn ent of any 6Il � uhin reasoi� .,hln len.'tl� of ti� e t�7 such furthe[�, rules and ce(,ulat�ons rela[ive to the \ use and opQxabion oP soch syatems fine [a time. Rcetion 17. 'Phe deFOeit for the wstc� meter made to the City ae provi7e3 hervinabove for Lhe Puepoee oP tlie installation oP such ti�ator n�eter shal] 6r returned to the per- emi Aepositine eucli inonoy when- - ever sncL pzrso�� chall leave th¢� premises :tind the �vaLer 5erviCe ig dlsconnected, aucl the meter ceturn- ed i[� good condition and not da-�.aged, Pro�ided further lhat there ar'e no delinqnent or unpaitl water or sewer charges or bills ac- cu_�ulated Co the flaLe oE che term- inxtion uf sueh ecrvice. IP che�'a are unoair3 bills or ch^rges theac must tirst be deductel fe'oin tha cleposit VA'henever a�v wnsur�ee shall be � e deluiquc t ir� p�l �ent of any bill the Ci,� hill bc, cntitl�d Lo de duct Iron �ud depasit t}e a���ount uI Lhe u i[!n� I b�ll �eii miv dis'con t�nue service to tlie eon u ner u�til Lh dc�lete3 de�:osLL -um 'h.11 be in �rease.l to Lhc or�ginal a�nount io qu�red u�ider Lhis ordmance. The 1.�aF�l�ty ci the Ciry for the eeWrn ot sa�il tlepo=it howe�er shall be . liinitea Lo [he Cunds as ai'a arallable in the �cater iiepartr�ent anfl 5hall no[ vons[itute a general oblinatron o� tl�e City. If an own�c shall eell n �nnsfer ih. premue i- nnother � r�n. the ur<hmeor LYereo2 shall te eutitlei m tlie remrn of -.�id de- �' s't fn lieu t Oie m'ig' ¢l n.�Dlicant uGOn the , Ilawmg cond Lions: la) Upon iC=farlury Pmof oi Ctans=cr of title and U- e�sio� of sai❑ pre �ses at leaat �iz �nonLha �r:or to appLCallon far the refund: or (b) [P the px'Inr mvner ahall hace fliilyd to aDf�ly 1br s-uch refund. �S��eh re'uri�, howe�°er shall be sub- jert to all other res'Vic[tons of [his r,rdinnnre 6ect[un IR. lt shxll he uula�viul for any ��erc^n to La iper �rith, uee. alte� or rla a;e any water ll��c or ronnec[inn of any type or part the[e- oP or ;�ny tire hydr�.nt, curh or valve hox or stroet vtilee_ or auy sewer Pne or c�nnecC'mi ��P a��y [ppe m' t�art thereo[ �cillinut authori[y of the City. Any nerson who shal] da a^e anp part of the mnnicinal watev syste-�, 2ny I»Pe Or COnnOo- Lion of uny type or ptirt ihereqf, io- elucling any hyflrant nr vaive or any part of the m.unicinxl so��'c+r s.-,.te�r, any p3pu ra� oonneotion oP any type or par� [hereo(, shall be Iiable Cor tYie rin.-age or losn to Ihe City msed the•reap. 4e^[bn 10. It shall be unlawful for mr.c ev:ner. ncvupant or user of flny pco- ises te tlirect into oe allow a,r 'or' �•:at�r or r;urface wacer to drain into the oxnitary se�ver sYS- to-� n� the City nf Fridley. Secktm� YO (s) All inela➢atiom m�[5 or repair of connert�ous �i thr. b4�nicip�il saw- er xnd �asster syetem, including �rarles. bcnds xnd bacic-Pilllne shall be Verfonned unrler ti�e directiari aud supervirian �f the City i�¢��ector. No ��ora sliail he rocered oi bael:-Hlled o.¢➢ dLree[e9 by said inspeclor. 1111 moN: and esravationa =ha➢ be pro- tected by barricaetes and warning r'arlccre a��d liahts rcasonable an�l sui[aLle [o the pmTOSe. The Cit}' Fhall he held harr^loas o` any claim, 0 r lo.�i� as mieiit otheru�i�e arise foe da-�aea loss or injmy �.uaed by oc arising by rcasnn oP �ucli �rod: heing perfor ��ed: smd [hc anPlirant, own- er, nr o.ser Perfnr,ing or causing sueh �vor? to be Pone shaLl �ve un[IertaAing [o the City x�ith tes[�eet IM1PI'°f(1 (M1) Vo digein� nn any Per�nanent c^ne st�ePt shall be pee-�itted eecept ��Y aT�clal �ennission from the City. Ic) R'henever a w-atec user quea- [i^us the `acwracy of IDe meter, and rlesir� that hfs n�etce be [eeted. he ohatl pay a fee of 350D ii' the meter teeJ.s Kcrurate within a range of minus 3 per rent to pli�s' onc and one half per ren[s. T2 it is �mt ac- cural.e �vithin fhis rnnge, no chaege vill be ndeie lor tevttng and an ad � t t n II ��alcr Y 11 wi❑ he �nade f ir tha perioA of t�m� that the n t i is a�u^ed to he�mnecuratC .__ Secf�oT� 31. fn order [o ineure an � adequate aater suppY Por hmnau eonsumPtion, sanitary PurPOSes and lfire liehtfng purposes. �vatar eon- � rcatlmi reeulations s-hall be in eP- Pect each year Prom diay 16 to 9epL- e'-iber 30, both iuGUSice, as follnws: no persoq firm or corpot'ation ��tihose premises is aasigned an odd ��urnbere�3 house numi�er or addrese siyall use water from Lhe municipal syiY,em Cur the Durpose of lawn s-pdn ' ig or irrigaLion of other vegeYation except on odd numbered cxlendar days. No person, tirm, or ���uoration a�hose premises is as- signeel yn even numbered hoUSa liuinGcr m' ad3resg eh¢❑ uae water Peom tha �nmiicipal system Pov cli& I D���P�se of Lawn eprinl.ling or ir- � if�atio � ol other cegetation u:ceyt ' c � e�en nwnbered cale�i3ar <tavt. �The C ty �nay �m��o_e aelclit onal c- erR«�-� re,;ulat�o bY xesolution ��f LLi� ( ou itil ae d b} 6�<«� �»tice l c P�� Li i[i� � tl�� i.�i oi hY Dosting �m the ut Hall and such public �lares x ihe (.oun<il rnay direet. SeeLun �� 1-e�uests Yor turning �1-f-.�he w?[ r.-hall] be ma$c hi �w�iE in�- '3 �a,� yrim� H� �ffie tiine Po� �shich payment � has bcen made: o[herwiae, Lhe o��mer uf Prernlsee shall be liable for water rent [or the nest pe�iotl. Sectiun 9R. i he City manager, or : ny Flulhorf::ed e�PloYae or aEaut oY Ihe C�t• shall hsve Lhe right to entev a id bc �.l�nitted to any t�nds and U�'�>DC i} in tl�e l�cv for lhc po�➢ose o ir..PU.eu;� r�t r ii.r'ials, vlumbing vor'q aud LsII.res uf all kiu�is used by � .o �nectlon �vith tho �vatev' n ud a. er s.stems. � N�etion ?6 `..henever any yre- o�.isec are conneuted to the n��uniciDaL caier .'stem. Lh�'e shall be maio- tainecl a ro:si�lete p}iysivaL �ePasa- �in,� Fe'�vecn tlie m�mici0�1 rvate� =u1»�Y �Y�� � :-��� �he Py'icate wate� .;np;�l SysLe"�, s� Lhst ii is in:-pos- f�ble [ �nLe�fionally ce tinHllenLioo- i�lrv- allo�� any water produoed by a prlva e cygte �� lo be lntrotlue d in t1i•_ .��:ilY line frm.� tho rnurti�ipaL s� �e � F.ecliou .1ny u'a[er obtained hp any pec'on, 1'irm or cnrporation tro i ffie nonicip¢7 water system �°h'ch is not paicl [o� by the wn- eu �er or' C-.e uses theroot by i�ay- ment o ��ater rhliSes or raU.s de- Lr u Ed by �. ri t� �..all Ge chae.;ccl ¢[ anl psld [o[ tti � h cnnsu�ier oi v rr upo�i an eatim`�Le of [be �uanti- tp ol' �rnCCr us-ed as co ��pnted at the E�.r,2' i1�Ii�d ralc Cm' ench VurPnse or u.e, a�rent tliat the Council may ��2ive p v enL nt such char6'e u'here ii+e d�� Che C.u�cil L� be in tne �u�.,•�a t o" the C�ty. 6netion v`6. Any o�vner of [�roper- [y uo�.' <'onnected to [he municlpal svste ���ho does have a direot coo- ne�4`on hebvern the munlcipal sys- te ' nnd any p�ivate supply system a.vailahle on the P�'ec�is'es shull im- rlediatety upoe� Lhe dato of paesaga of tLtis crcllnanre es.uee �uoh private =�'.t^ n�¢L Conne�tim� to be sepa- raterl fru.� che municipal ?upp1Y �tn . �� 5eetion 97. If an9 nortion of this �rdin.i.ime sh:tll be he7d invtilia, the invalidity of such portion shal] no[ n"�-L the valln9ry of lhc ocher Fro- vi=inns of th�s ordinanc< which shall mntinue in Cvll Potce and effeet. 5ection •L8. This ordinanre shall r��pea1 in f^❑ [ho Orrlfnance No. 63 as ar�enrled by Orrlinanec no. 77, as a'-ended bv Ordin�unce No. 96. 6eotion `�9. A.iS' Pereon w}�o shall Ao o� com-;iit an➢ aet that is foe- biiiAen by the Prnvisions af this nrdinanee shyl7 be Pu�ty of a, mis- demeanor, and upon conviction th^reof ehall Te nuni,�hed by a fine noL Lo enceed 5100.00 or he i�n- prlaoned foe a t�eriod not [o exceed �inety (90) daye. Pes-setl lLYis llth day of Deeembeq 195R. FRA9K Q LaGRANGE,SR., 114ayor AttesC SL"/,Al¢NE MISKOWIC, City Clerk Publtshed Colllmbiu �HeiK>>tn Record .lan. 15,��� � ^ E � / �y�A