Ordinance No. 0114 01-12-1959CJ
The City of Fri3Ley do m'dain as
Baction 1. That all of the streety
described as follo�t�s:
1. Thaf part oP Woody Lane as
laid out in ➢2oore Lake Hills, Anoka
Counry, V�inncsota, lying Northeely
oP the folloivi��g deacr�bed line to
&eginning at a point in the
Southedy line of I.ot 4, Biock 3
in sai3 Addition, �lisLa��t 63 feet
ll�asterly to the SW eorner of
said Lot 4; thence Southeasterly
on a tungencial curve Co the
right �vi[h a radius of 132.89 Eeet
a distance of ].6.r3 LeeL to the
intarcertio�i of SouHieasterly side
of said Tmt 4 extendefl, in said
Mooec Lake Hills Addition,
Anolza County, lkClnnesota.
2. 'Chat Fart of �4"oocl}' Lane as
laid out in Moore I.ah-o Hills, Anoka
CounL.r. bfhmesota, xnd adjoi�mg
T.oC G. Blocic 3 in aaicl Ad�lltinn, de-
srribc[1 as follo�es to wiC-
Re°i�min.3 at a polnt in the
Soulherly line of Lot 4, B1ock 3
of suiQ �IOOre Lalce H111s lddi-
tion rlistauL 63 feet P:asrorly oP
the SW cm'rier ok eaid I,ot 4;
Chence Southeas'ter7y on a tang-
entlal curce to the right with a
radius of 13?.89 Peet a AisYanee
af 16.i3 feet to the intersec[ion
of the Nnrtlwestce9y llne of gaid
Lot 5 estended, �liich is the
actual Po«<t of beginning oP the
piece to be desc�ibed; thence
co�[inuin� Southeas[erly on CY�e
last descriUed rurve a clisCavice
oP 7R.45 feet to Ihe intecsection
of tho Southeasrorly side of said
Lof. "o c�t r l:+l; the�_oe in a
Nm'thenstu�} iireeLLOn alnn� the
eslmisiou o[ 5aid Southcasteely
line oi Lut fi a�1�stxnrc of 612
feot, Nus or minns Lo the SP
Conivr of oaiA LM o�. tnenee in
a Northu'esteily direction along
the Eoutherly line oP said l.ot 6
a distance of 80_7 Leet to the SW
corner of said Lot 6; thence
South�vesteNy alonfi the ex[en-
aion of Northwesterly side of
said I.ot 6,0.62 feet, �lus or
minus, to the actcal �oint tf be-
ginning in said illoore Lal;e Hills
Addition, Anoka County, nfinne-
3. That part oP 4VOOdy Lane as
laid out in Moore I.alce Hitls-, AnoAa
County, blinnecota, and adioining
I.ot G, ffioclr 3 in said Addition as
described as follo��e to wiC-
Be�inning at a point in the
8outherly line of I.at 9, Bloeic 3
o[ said 3Cnore i.al:e HI➢s zlddi-
Lion disiant G3 feet Ilas'ted,v of
the S\F corner of said Lo[ 4;
thence Soatltieasterly ou a tang-
ential curve to the right with 8
radius oP 132.S�J ieet, a distan�,9.
of 9{,gg feet to the northwester.
Iy line of said Imt 6 extended,
which is the actual P�int of be-
ginning oP the piece to tie de-
scribed: thence continuing 9outh-
easterly on the last described
curve a disGance oP 7317 feet te-�
the interseetion oP Uie South-
easterly line of said Lot 6 es-
tencled: thence in a Northeast-
erly direction atmig the esten-
eion of said Southeaeterly line of
said Lot G a distance of 1715
feeq �lus or' minus, to the SE
cornor oP said Lot 6, thence in
a Norlhwesterly direction along
the Southwesterly line of said
Lot 6 a distance of 80 feet to the
�*orthwesterly corner of said Lot
8; thence Southwesterly along
tho extei�sion of the NorGhweat-
erly ]tne of sxid Lot 6 a distance
of 5.12 feet. P�us or minus, to the
acl.ual ppint of be�inning in said
Moore Lako ITills Addition,
Anolca County, Rilnnesota.
4. Thnt part of Woody Lane as
laid out in Moore Lake Hills, Anoka
County, Miunesota, and adjoining
I.ot 7, B1oeK 3 in said Addition, aa
described as Sollows to wit:
L'e,einnii�g at a point in the
Southet9y lino of Lat 4. Rloek 3
of sai<i 4Iooro S.alce Hills Addi-
tion dSStant 63 feet 77as[erly uf the
5�4" mcner of said 1.ot 9; the�ce
Southoasterly ou a tangenHal
ctvru to ihe right with a radiue
nf 183.69 feet, a distanco oP 164.65
teef Co the SorthwesLerLV lino of
eaid Lot P vc[ended, whioh is the
artual po9nt of beginning oC the
picre tn be Aescribed; thence ,
rontlrming 6outheasteriy on tha
last desu'Ibe�l curve a distance
oE GS G9 feet; thence in a South-
�vealerly Qlreriion � distaeice of
6 fi ieet, plus or minus, to x Point
which is 1G.G4 Ccet Southmesterly
of the SR' coruer oi said i.ot 7
i-P�sured nn the estensiun nP the
�^urh�tlY Iine oP saiA Lot 7:
thenee in a Rortheactcrly diree�-
�l�n n'i th^ �9nue!�.e�9y line of said
Lo[ ^ eetended a d+s[avre of
1�'f", tee[ [o [LC S\S corne�' of
sa'd T,ot 4: [hence in a. rorth-
westerly direc.ion along [he
'"^�ter1Y llne a dlstance of 79.7 �
fee[ to Lhe N}fi' corner oS saiA
T.ot Y: thence Soothwcsterly
a'on� the estr�nsinn of tho North-
�eeeheelv lin� ot ¢alcl T.oL i a dia-
tance of tZ15 feet. plus or minus,
I� Ih� � c-t�a� uoin� of heglvnlnR.
in seiri b9oom La�.e Fii➢e Atldi-
tian, Ano':a Count>�. D4innesota.
'fhat Y��st af "'on�iv T.ane a.:
In��l ont in Moora T.a1.e Hills, Snolca
�`nimtv. Mimieeota, and arl-oininC
�,pr $, P.loc!: 3, in sni�l Fiddition as
de^rri`�ed as foPmss tn wit:-
Keginning at Ihe VlV rornu c�P
saic3 l.ot R: thsnce 5onthwesterly
almig �he Mrfticriy tine of said
l.nt & =stenrle�l, a distance of
1Ffi7 I'eet' th=n^e in a 3outh-
westerly diraetion 7S G9 ]'ee[, plus
oi' +^inus, to the S�i� cornar' of �
axid Lot S: thence Sarthensteo-
lv a]nn� ihe �V�te�9�� line of
sa��9 lmt 8 a distance of 86.0 feet
tn Lhn pninL of be�inninn fii saiti
'Vlooro i.a e Hills Additlon,
A ioha County. Vlirmesota.
Ro and is hereby cerated eub'ect
to and reservin� unto the City the
ri¢hl of in�rr.ss avd cSress Lherefxom
Eoe tt�e purr.ose of ingtnilin„, enlarg-
ine, m:�3n[ainins. repairing or re-
moving an} and all utilit.v 7ines in
and to the Piexnises adjoinin�' eaid
street fro*+i the portion ot khe street
hereby he�n� vscatecl ineluding all
5ewer and water Ilnes oC the C1ty
and also all gas mains and lines,
Elee[rir caDlee, and ronduits, a��d
telephone cables an�l ]ines vow or
nereal't�-r to be located in said street
whether now or hereaftee owned by
the Oity or a pnblia utility maintain-
etl and operated in the City unde[ �
Pranchise or �Per°isslun granted by
the CitV in which case s-uch ease-
me�t vtg'hte shsll inuro to a�iah pub-
]ic utility uPOn con�evt of the City.
Pnssed by the City Council of the �
City o]' Fr ley tt' th ay Jan..
1459_�_/'^��� ��
Ciry Clerk
Pub:isUe<7 Culumbia- Fteights RecoN
.la��. 15, 196D