Ordinance No. 0116 03-12-1959_ I i • � L� 1 � OHDffiANCE 1P0. 116 '�', AN ORDINA'_VCF TO A-rIRFD TSiE ; ]�OAI�6 ORDiSANCE OF TIIF � ' Cl'PY OF FRIDLEY'. MI_\"NES• 7 OTA DF BLtKIN(} a CIiAHGE � �7 IN 'PHE 'LO.Qi�Q DISPRICTe. ) The councit af the City of Frid- Ley do orSaln as followa: � gection 1. Ordivance �*o. 70 of the City of Fridley known ae the Zoning 4 Ordinance and adopted on December 29, 1955 ia amended ae hermaf[er .,� indlcated. Sectlon 4. The tract or area within �. [ne County oY Anotra and Ciri oE - �..j Fridley and desc�'lbed as� a� That Part of Lot One Q) Audi[orb �� Subdivician Number 25 whiah is � descdbed as follows: Begiming at a polnt on the North line of eaid Audltor's Subdiviaton Numbe� � 26, Dietan[ 2211 feet �ast oP the Korthweet Corner thermf, which j � poin[ is also on the cen[er line oi � Central Avenue, thence, East on eaid \or[fi Iine a dietance of 270.8 eet; thence. 5outh, a diatance of 308.2 [eet [o a pofnt of a Iine par- ai]et with aud 160 [eet rorth of the most 9ontherly line of sald Lot . �� one� (1) which Po[nf is A37.44 feet � distant Pxst from the centet-line . oP Central Ave�ue; thence, �Bai j slong s line pxrallel with and 160 ._� feet rorth o[ Cha moat Southerly line oP said Lot 1, A37.d4 feet ta the centedine oC Cen[ra1 Avenue; Thence, \orth eaeterly along said ren[erline to Lhe point of begin- ;] �(ng, except the weaterlY 50 feet j thereof, for htghway purposes; and j Kortherly 136 feet. 9aid property � beins located at the 8outheast � corner o( Centra] Avenue and T. 11 r,h �ie hereby des(gnated to be in the .i zoned dietrict knawn ae CdS Com- merciaL I Beetlon 9. The tract or atea withln the County of Anoka and�"City oP � I t'rJdley .and deacrNed aa: The West 676 feet of the NEl/4 � � af the NWI/4 oP Section 12, �TOwn- ehip $0, ftang0 2q, eXeCFt tha �i'FSt 75 feet thereot, which ia T.H. No. 65 rtght of way, �s hereby deaig�ated to be in the , zoned district G2S Commercial. 3 Seetion 4. The tract or area within � the County of Anoka and City o[ � Fridley and desc�ibed as: . The :VI;1/h of the �rR7/4 aP Sec- tion 12, Township 30, Range 24, '� except the Weet B75 Eeet thexeot, � ia hereby designated to be in the "� zoned dfatric[ ]cnown Be bid, Light � Induatr[al. Beetlon 5. I[ ie s�ecit1ca71y provided . ? that with reapect to thoae lande in the area described in Hection 2, Lera- � of, that said lande eha11 be appropri- . � ated to and occuPied bY a use con- aistent with the rezoNng as provided herein, as a C4S Commercia7 Dia- trlot' withtn a petiod oP one (1) yeac � I hereoL; and failing therein, the zom ing of the same as provided hereby ehal] fail a�d the said ]ands shall j revert to the condition of zoning eA- � istant and &Pplicable thereto prior to this amendment. �j Aeetlon e. That the Zoning Admin- i (strator is �lirected to change the ' ofPicia] zo�ing map to ehow sald � -'tracts and areas ahove deacribed aa apecified in 4eetion 2, 3 and 9 above. � ��^/0 PASSED BY TAE CITY COUNCIL /✓ � THr5 12th day of D(aroh 1959_ � (�� - Frank C. �g Gr�ange, iTr. � �I . ]YIAYOR //"Y/y'J!� ��I �ATTEST: bTarv(n C'�n3f�aelt Publiehed in Frldley NER'S, MARCH 79, 1959