Ordinance No. 0119 04-30-1959i� �i!b y-3v-��s�� Johanson moved to accept the first reading of Ordinance No. 120. .:�Lion eeconded by Councilman Nagel and upon being put to a vote carried unanimously. � PROPOSED REZONING FROM R-1, RESIDENTIAL, TO C-2S, C044IERCZAL, THE PROPERTY BOUNDED BY MISSISSIPPI STREET, 7TH STREET, 63RD AVENUE AND STH STREET. , � -F011owing a review o£ the Public Aeazing previously held in thie r.egard, Councilman Johanson moved that request fnr rezoning of the area £rom R-1, Residential, to C-25, Commerical, the property . rounded by Mississippi Street, 7th Street, 63rd Avenue and Sth Street be denied. � � � y��`� �C �� � ��p � �W � � Motion seconded by Nagel and upon being put to a vote aarried. Ayes, Councilmen Johanson, Nagel, Sheridan, Wolke. Nayes, Mayor LaGrange, 8&GDdD READING OF ORDINANCE ZONING TO COl4+6�RCIAL AND PUBLIC FACILITIES DISTRICTS TF� AREA BETWEEN 61ST AVENUE, UNIVERSITY AVENUE. MISSISSIpPI STREET AND 5Tfi STREET, There was considerable discussion by the Council regardinq the � recoimnendation of the Planning Covmiission that the '� Bl4ck width west of Sth Street and South o£ 63rd Avenve be zoned R-2, There was £urther discussion about the feasibility o£ zoning that part of the area North of the so�th line o£ the Rees' Addition to C-2S instead of C-1. as was provided in the Ordinance at first readirn�. � I Coluicilman-�Jo-hanson:mov�d:t5at::�the..draft,�of the.-�Ardi¢ance-Bec. amended so that the � Block width west o£ Sth Street and South� of 63rd Avenue would be R-2 and that the remaining o£ the above described azea would be zoned C-2S, except that pazt o£ the area aaned by the City would be in district zoned P. Motion seconded by Nagel and upon being put to a vote cazried unanimously. Mr. Maddy read Ordinance Bo..119�..�� .:_ ..�.. __._ __ Councilman Wolke moved that we adopt second reading oE Ordinance No. 119 and the same be published. Hotion seconded by Sheridan and upon being put to a vote cazried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF BOARD OF APPEALS RECO[MIENDATION FOR 6757 WASH- INGTON STREET. Councilman Nagel moved that the side lot requirement o£ Lot 15, Block 1, Rice Creek Terrace Plat # 4 be waived to permit the construction of a dwelli� to within 7 feet oi the side lot line, Motion seconded by Sheridan and upon being put to a vote cazried unanimously. . REPORT OF pLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF APRZL 28, 1959 - THL FO?.LOVIING MATTERS NOTED IN THE REPORT WERE CONSIDERED. =� �/.-�.� 6��� � �"«� , �