Ordinance No. 0012 08-01-1949�
The CounMl of the Vlll-
aKe of Fridlep do ordain as folloma:
9ection ]. The term "gim clnb",
as ❑,cecl hcrein, mean� nnS pnblic
nr pricate place for sh�ting and
dischargfng fiR arms at a target,
and ineludes use o�f revoLcers, rifle,
shot��n, or enS �ther kind and cal-
iber o�f firearm, whether a fee is
charged and thE� general pnblic in-
vited ta participate, or whether
privatrl,p owned and maintaned fm
thc plcasnre of one or more �rsons.
Section ?. _\'o person, pervons,
fiim or corporatlon shall conduct, �
maintxin, o9ierate o�r cause to be
cnndncted, ivaintaincvl or oPerated � � ��
an9 �un clnb, as hcrcin dePined, � ���
withaut having Pirst been .granted .
a]icenee so to do by the village .;,�
Eect�on 3� A license to operate a �
gnn club a3�a11 be granCed o�nlp
n�n applicntion made to xnd Hled
�cith tl�c co�oncil �o£ the Village oP .�_�
Fridlec. TLe np�Dlicatio�n for a lic- "
en�e shall be in n�ritin�, signeQ by
the applicant, aud 4iled �cith the
villaire recordcn It shall state tLe
»PPlieanPs full uflme, hie age, occ-
upatien and �vhere he has resided �
du��ing the gear ne�st preceding the
Qss[e of fi1lnK t}ie aFPlicntion;ik ehall
aleo atnte whether or not the app �
licant � a citizen of [hc United
Ctatee. The ap�licetion sha11 fur• .��..��
ther recite tLe tspe and caliA:r nt
�rms praposed to be uae�3, and shall �..��
cont.�in a deacri�tion of the manner
:md Plan far stopping and controll-
ing bnllots or othcr emmanition
PrnP�ed to 6e ucHi. �
9ection 4. The fey for a liceDev
iccnefl parsuant to tLe �rrovisions . �
of this on-dinnnce shall be $3.Od per x�
anxum. All licenses granted undet -i
the prwisions of this ordtnance
shall eapire on the 30th day af �'
Ap�il nert aftec the dat�, of ie�ue. .�T�
Seetion 5, \o person shaII shoot
or discharge or cause ta be shot
or discLarged at tLe gun. club any
firearma mhatrwever between CLe
hours oP �J P.m. to 9 a.m. on all
�incs of the meek; and all firnarms
shall kre silent during tl�ose hoars. -
Sectian 6. 1n� persan who ciol- � �
ntes any of Ihe Pi'��isions of thfa
oidinance, shall be guilty �rf a mie-
demennor and upnn canciction ,�
thereof,�shall be punished 6y a fine ':�-.5
oY noC mure than $700 or Ay im- �
prieonment for not mo�xe than nin-
et9 (`�) daSS, togethec with the
coets of prosecution in eithcr caee. .
Paeced by the tiilinge Councff �
this ]st. day of Augast, 1f#9.
� . ''.� MaYOr����tiZ:l"�
(9F]AL) �
�VARD ORLI\�'���
Clerk i✓�/7� �.
Rihlishcrl in tLe Colvmbia ghts �
RF.('ORD o�n Att�u�t 5, ]949. ..