Ordinance No. 1297 10-08-2012ORDINANCE NO. 1297
The Cauncii af the City af Fridley daes ardain as fallaws:
SECTION 1. Appendix D af the Fridiey City Cade is amended hereinafter as indicated.
SECTION 2. The tract ar area within the State af Minnesata and the Caunty af Anaka and the City af
Fridiey and described as:
6101 Universitv Avenue NE
Legai Descriptian — attached as E�ibit A
SECTION 3. That the Zaning Administratar is directed ta change the afficiai zaning map ta shaw said
tract ar area ta be rezaned fram Zane District G3 (Generai Shapping} ta G2 (C`reneral
OCTOBER, 2012.
Pubiic Hearing: September 10, 2012
First Reading. September 24, 2012
Secand Reading: Octaber 8, 2012
Pubiicatian: Octaber 18, 2012
Ordinance No. 1297 � X��'t ��%� -�" a--
6101 University Ave NE
Fridley MN
� Lega1 Descrip�ion
'I'RACI' t:
Tliat pan oi'tl�e Sautheast Qu;�rter of the Sc�uthwest Quarter of 5ection l4. Tow�nship ;4. Range 2q dcscrilx:d us commcucing �2 ihe SouthW2st
cnrncr thc��c:of; thencr. NoiYh along the Wcst line uf S:iiJ Sciutheast Quartar nf the Sou;hwest Quurtcr 3� fect; iliencc Last pa��aticl wich thcSiiuth
line uf Soutlicast Quaner ot the Southwest Qu:uYCr 127.22 lcer thencc Nartheaster:�• on u taneenuul cur�c to the Icft h���ing a raclius af 20 feet a
clisr�nce �7t�.31 22 feci; thcncc �orel� tangent tc lasi dascii:�ed eurvc a dis��nce of 100 9b fccr, thcnce Norlhwes�esiy an a tanee�yii�l cu�vc loihc icii
hrivin�, a rvciius uF45 fcet a dist�mce uf 4tt.69 tcet; thence Northwesterly �angent ta last cl�scribed emve 56.941'u:t: thenea Nonhw��terly <>n :i
[angcntia; cnrve to thi ri�hc havink a radiue of' 1 i5 ieei a d'tstance of .5.3 71 feei to the L',ast!inz ofihe WesK 30 fia:t af said Soutlieast Quaricr of the
Suuthwest Quarier said poinC of intersactinn l�cini? the actaa; poLii of' begiuning ni tl�c uact ti� he clesctibcJ; tlteatCe evnluluuiLNotihw�5tar1Y
aton� a curvc having a radius of I75 icct a A.isnncc of 2? fcci to the k.ast line af the Wesi l S feet ui said Southeast Q�u3ner ofthe Soinhwr,t
Qua�ler, [hence South along s�;� Last !ine of the 1'Vest 1S icct <�fxhe Snutitcast Quarter of ihc Souilnvest Quarlerto ilie North line ofihe South 34
tc�t uf �:iid S�ntheast Q¢nrter of: the Southwesi Quaner; t6ence f:'ast along u linc paia.lcl with aind.3p fcci Nonh of dio 5outh linc of'said
Southc�st Qu�rtcr oi'ihe ; ciuih�vcst (lua�ici I S Cr.ci to tlic fiust Liue of rhe 1�'ect 30 fecc az'said Southeast Quarter of tlie 5outliwest Quaitei; thutee
?�'a`th �fong the East linc ot: the �k'c.si 3q fcut of said Snuihcast Qua�ter of the Soiith�vcsl4lua�tci°to t}�c:ic.�rual point af'bcginning Bcing pari ol"
LAi� 9, Auditor's SuUdir�ision Na. 59 Anu1;c+County�, ibtiru�esoi�
'€'!LAC: f! [:
"F".liat f�art of flic SouChcast Qn;uier of fhe South�vcst Qiwnur of Scciion 1 d, 'fownship 30, Itnngc 24, described a cu�aimu�ciiie at.the Ss�uthwesi
corner tiiereoi; itience Nnrtli u?cmg ilie West linc nf said Soutiieast Quarter of tha Seiuthwesi Qusrter3(t feei; th�nee ��t p;uailel x�ith ihe Sauth
line uf said Saufbe:,st Quartcr of the tiaulh�acst Qua�tcr 127..22 fec.N; thrnce T�qrtheasterly on a iazigential cun�e lc> ihe IeH having a rudins of 2U
ieet a disiance of 31.22 icct; th�nc4 North iangcait �o ihe last describecl cu�vc t U0.96 f�et; thi:nce Ncuthwcstcrly on a tangenaal curve to ihe lefl
havirig n radii�.5 of-�S leet a d'ts[ance of 3) �9 Pect to thc North line ofthe Souih t 8D feee of'said Snu�'�cast t�u�rofthe Sunth�v�st Quarter, s�id
poiII� being t}Ye af be�inlling 4f thett'�Ct to hc dexcrihed; thance r,<uiiinuing iVurtl�wesicrly along 1he L�st desciibed. curvc u dicuarce of I K 7 feet;
thenee hp�thwes�erly 1an�;ent to last dcscrinad c�u��v 56.9�4 iect; tl�enee I�In�thwcsterl,y on � f�ngential ciuvc to tiie �ie{�tha��u�g a radius uf [75 fe�t
a clist;mce oi 5;.71 fect io ite in�eL:;c:ction wiih a Jinc parailel �viih and 3D I`c:ct East ofihe Vvest:uie of:;nid Soutbeasrt Q�uuterofihe Soutliwest
(;iu�rt�r; thencc soutl� along s:�id line paiatlet with und 30 fue.t P.ast rif the l�vi:s� line nf'soid 5autheasf Qua�YCrof ihe Southrvi,st ('�tmncr to ihc
Ncir[h line oithe Sauth l80 feet af said So'ut.heasrt. Qnn�7er af 11�o Sont{nvest �u:ulcr, tlicnce £.ast alung lh4 Nurtli fuie �T�itf Sc�urh lR0 �aal ia i6e
nctual poiut oF haeinning. Bcing a}�art n[ Lot 5, Audiior's Sdu dn�ision Nu �4, Anaha Caurny; ;�iinnesota.
IR.AC°I. lll:
7"he South 18t} leet of llie Wos't t 83 fe;c�t crf ihe Southeast (�ic;�rter nY [he 5outl�west QuanerUi�Section I q,'I'ownstup .3i1, Rwige 2�. Sut�ject to d�e
ri�:h�, of.'the nublic n� and to t6e Sotdii �70 f'eet and tl�e bVe;t 3Q Ceet tlier�oi; accordinp,to ffic linitul State. Government 5urveyriicn of.; being a
pari of t_ot ,S, Audiim•'s fiuh clivision Nn =9
[�XC.r.C'"I7NG the��fiom il�e follo�:�ins; describec� vaa: That p:in �f thc Sonth 180 fect of Q�e west 183 [cst ui'the Southcast Qunr4:co£ ihe
Squiinvc�ci Quaiter of.' Section i�1, 'i"ownship 3(l, range 24, descrifsed �s fu€laws; 1'liat p�u�t crFihe Snufhea�t (Zuaries of ihc 5outhwcst Qv�ctcrof
Section 14; 7 owrysl�ip 30, Rauge 24, described as comnicncin� at thr Southwcsi c4rner then.rof; thence l�otth almig Uic West tine oi'said Sauthcast
Qu��ier Uf ihe Sou[htivesi Quarter 3U fect; ihenc.e Last on » liuc parntlet to the Sou1h line ofsaid Suuyhe:tst Qn:uie,r of`tlie South�veF[ Quarn�
127.22 feet tu ihe acival point af ba�innin"; thence Norheasizk�lv nn a iau�;emial curvc to the Icft kiv:nn a nicGi�,s of29i�.t a ciis4tncc �f 31,2»
feot; ihence Nanh tangrnt ttl lasi dcscrit�ed cun�r. a disiance of ! 00.9G icet; il�cncc I�orthw�;terly on a tangeniial cunre io the Icfl ht���ing a tadias
of 45:li feet a tiistanc� �1 31.99 fee� m thc Na1h tinc ofihe South ] 13G fee? r�f said Saunc�ast Cjuarter of the Southwest tlufsrter. thence Fast 4`.ong
U�c North line of sxid 1:i0 iaer uf fhe Southrt�st Qnaitcr ofthe SoutL�vcst Quartcr to � noint clietance 183 £e�t k;usFuf'thr. West 3inG oFsaict
Sauthea>t Quartcc of tlic South��esl Quarta-r; tJ�cnce South 150 fce{ la a;ine pa�nllel w�th and 30%.�t Nort}t ofGhc Southline o#said Suuth�:est
Quaiiex oitUc. Southwest Quailer; dtcnce Wesi along a Ii�ie parallcl wJtl� and 30 fcci Norih of the Soutti lioc of sai�l SnutiAeas�t qua�ler of 4ie
Sot�i]��YCSt Quanef to the aetual point nf'hagihning Be :o� r p.irt nf Lr�t 5, Anditor's Cnr divi;iun No. 54, C"i�y� af Fricil�y, C'o�ariy o£Annlca,
M innesc�ta.
filL" AB()VF DL;SCItii'"C[C)r DFSCR.tLit:S'1'HF, SAME PCtUP131t"1'Y AS iN TI"f1.L COMMIT'�1Eh'"[' E�'LI..E 1�!CD 2.381d L)A7'tiD Evtan:h 27.
Contaic�ing U.5�i acres, more or tess.
Cotthining 24.931 S� 1't., iuore oa lcss ,,/,
�..____._.�_. _ _