Ordinance No. 0134 10-08-1959� � • • � • � e ?. a OHDIFA9CE NO. 174 AR ORTIRAFCE ADOPTiF/U TA}; BUDqET FOE FISCAL YEAB � Ili� THEE CITY OF F R Z D L E P ORDAIN3: eectfon 1. That the annual budget of the City oP Fridley for the fiscal � year beginning January 1, 1960 which has been submitted by the City Man- ager and moQified xnd aPProved by the City Council is hereby adopt- ed; the total of the said budbet and the ma7or divtsionn thereof being as [ollows: REVF,IPUE APAII.ASLE Current Revenue General Property Tax ....E184,19:� Licenaee and Permi[a .... 39p70 Fine� and Forfeitures .... 9,02"a Fmm Other Agenciea .... 15,000 Service Chargea ............ 5,330 Non-Aeve�ue Receipte . .... 40,250 UnapDropriated Surplus .... 3,287 Tota( ..................... 296,157 C3eneral Property Taxes for Other F'unde Dehit Service Fund ........ 3,343 Pu�lic Employees RetUement Pund ...................... 6.206 Fireman Relief Fund ...... A,986 Total All Funds :..,...... 310,690 .. .... REQUIRF.b1F.VTfi .... .. . � Mayor xnd Council ........ 8.265 Manager .................... 14.fi17 bfunicipal Court ............ 8,luu Elections and Coters RegisMaHOn ................ 1205 Finanee ..................... 37,137 TxGe.l ........................ 6.7W Roarda anrl Cnmmissions .... BBO Generxl Coverflmen[ BuildlnR ................... 7,9�0 Pnblic SafetY ....... ....... 7{.821h� Protective Inspection ....... 27,E75- ftishways .................. 79�Ofi0 Sanita[ion a�id Waste Ftemoval ................... 600 Consen�ation oP Health .... 400 . Recreation and Pxrkn . ._. 13,875 F.mergeney AnDropNafion ... 1fi,70R Total' General Gov. ........ 296,Ifi7 Debit Service Pund .......... 8,393 . Publi� L.mV�oYees Retirement Fund ....................... Q^OS N'irema�is ltelie[ I'und ...... 4,985 'futal AIl Funda .......... $10,990 flectlnn E. Tha[ the City ➢Tanager � be directed to cause the auPP��priate acco�mLtng entries to Ue made in the books uC the CitY. � 1 �SVID AAD ADOP'PF.'D RV lAl ( TP (OLNCIi. 1`ffiS °4� Il� F .S P�y.D��'[?��1/A�6+9�� \ c � �l' A:'\C;F � /' A/� � °T , l'� 1'P79�:$T:i7 "... �V frE� cr.nar.x , n r�. �i annc Oity AfannFer \i R .: Oct 8 1959. � PHfS ORllTVANCE WA3 PREi �If1LtiT.Y PLRI iSHF:D WT'CA 'L'HF: PROPOSPit T3liD �17T 8AO14.A' OS IT. I�I•:K'S: Feb. 18, 19ft0. � i'e �