Ordinance No. 0014 08-01-1949..----
/,I�, �,,,, �1
p.en•�r. All licensee qranted under oI t;te rnuneil. For aneH tranafer
rLe Procisions of rhis ordinance a fee ai $2a.00 Sor an "ON SALE°
� rUal] espire au [he 3U[L day o2 tap und original packag6 oT bottle
. � . AP:i1 next after thg dnYe of iseae, li-�eu�se�, shall be paid. .
� :in�l +liall norma119 commcnce (m
ORDIIGAIVCE N0. 14 � Section ]0. The premisea named
the ]et diiy of �fag each Sear.
AN URDIPANCE REGU4ATIN in any liceuey� ahnn at all times,
THE 59LE OF NOFdNTOXICA�!� �eCtlmi .�. \o pe:�snii shull seR ���en to �}ie public, Ue open to
r uo�rintosirating malt liryno�r co anp �nspec[ion nnd exnmination by any
ING MALT LIQUOR ' ercun ❑nder t�cen�S`�ne cears �f Mlice or he�lth oYficer M the vill-
� aRe. � , a%e.
T6e Council of tLe Cillage uf � ,,,,�+- 'i �7
Fridley do ordnin as follo�cs: fiection 6. So "OV S9I.E" lic-
$ectiau 1. \on-intosicntinq mfllt
liqnor �vithin the meaning of thia
nrdinance :Lall be 6eld tn be any
�nalt liquor nr beeernge wLieh coa-
taine one-half of one pex centiim
ar more af alchohol by �veighL The
wordF "pi'ahibition lnn" atinll in-
A•lu�le any law oc ordinance relating
t�r the eale �ot intoxicnting liqvor.
8ection 2. � S,icense� granted un-
�im� this ordinanee shall be of two
kinds, ciz:
a. "On Sale" licenses eha11 per-
mit .tLe liceusee to ecll non-intos-
icaflng mslt liqnoz to seated pa.trona
for cansumption on the premises
of the licensee de,scribed in tDe
b. "Off Sale" licenses shall per-
mit the licensee to aell s¢ch nou-
intosicating malt liquor 1n original
Packages not to be coneumed npon
The premisea desedbed in sneh lir
Section 3. \o person ehall cend,
fleal in, nr disirose of, bS Rift, sale
or otherwise, ano non-inioaic8ting
malt liquor icithont first having
obtained a Iicense to dn so fmm
the village council, unless such per-
son Is opernting under a licen:e
i�aued to him by the county, dated
3ection d. Ecery ap�licant Yur
an "ON 6ALE" Iicense =ha11 pag
into tLe treaavry of eatd villxge, ay
n licenae fee, the gam oP $12(I.fq per
penr, for the sale oP nan-intos5eflb
in� malt liquars from tap and tn
meinal packages or bottle+a. If eucL
°O�T SALE" licen�e is Krnnte+i for
a sho�rter periofl than ooe 5�r, e
�ro ra[a license fee ehall be paid.
N:ver� applicant for an "OFF SALE"
license shall pay a 13cense fec of
�5.00 ner gexr. Each "OV SALE'°
7icrnsc shall inclnda nn "O�FF
9A7.F]" liceTee �at no aclditional ea-
en<e �lirl] he i�sntt] to an applicant
�m;a�9 he be thE actual on��er or
n.�nrr�iprm• oY the pdnce �cLere he
iu'end,. [o sell �nch malt liqnor.
Fe���i�n 7. The lieen?e nf anp �rer-
�on �cbn sholl be f-��und gailtp oi
Hnc �iillnrymi of tbe� praLibition
Inm, mhethPr fhe ��enne� be com-
mi�'ed on Yhe premi�es nnmed in
ht� ticen�e �r el:e�chere, and thn
Iiren=e nf aa�p persan mAo �Lall
hnce. ke�, aell, mannfnetm�e or
posFesa Sntoxienting liquor xt or
❑pon the premisee namcrl in L1a
license, crontxxrc to enid In'ohibitia�n
]mv, aLall le revoked by t1�e ci11-
age counCil.
Section S. 77re npP�icxtian Por n
license shall be in writine, signed
hv tbe apPlieant, aod filed �vitL the
riila�e recorder. It shall state the
aPPlica�Ys fuIl nnme, his a�e, occ-
uiratien an� whece he Las rzsided
Am•ing the penr ueat precedinA the
d�te of filinR the application;'it
ahxil also sta[e whether or not
ti�e npplicant is n citizen of tk�r
L'nitetl 8tatee. The aipplication
sl}all cnntaiu a full and c»mplete
deeaription of the premisee on
�chich the hueinees mentioned in
hi� apnlicatiau is fo t� carrfed oq,
in said villnFe, anQ a i•eceipt ehow-
ina t}�at the lic�enee Lee has been
�a3d into the tceasm�y of said vill-
n�e shnll I�e �i[:Mehed to �nrh app-
licntir,m. 1❑ enee the a�plicant is
unt €�'» oted a licen�e. the ]icense
fee sha11 be, un demand, £ortLwith
returned-W him.
3eatinn 9. In cnse of -ehnuge nf
ownership oP the preiniaes o�n wLich
lirensr I�as been �ruuted to sell
nun-iutozicnPinr malt liquors, au�
licenae mnc, with the cro�nsrnt flnd
apnrova] of the, rnnncil, be trana-
ferred, to the new omner m leasee,
An[ nn snch irao�feL 9La71 be valid
miYhout saeL aPProval ,�nd consent
Sec[[ou ll. In the placea ]ic-
eased to se11 etich non-intosie�ting
malt liquors no saie of snch liquore
eh�l7 be made bet�veen the� hours
uf 1 o'cicek A.Sf. and sis dcicek
A. JI. on �ceek daSS. Thcrc -ehall
bg no exle betweeu }he hoi�rs of
one o'clock. A.�I, nnd 72 delock
mm� an SundxS� The businese
thercin s�Lall be mnducted in x
nuieP and orderly mannze and no-
boistorous and profane 7angnage
slmll 6e tolerated.
Secttan 12. Anp licenee granted
herennder may be revoked by the
ca�uncil �vithout notice to Wz gran-
tee or a hearing mas YYrst be held
b9 the conneil and the revceation
then madz for enuee. AnS 'viol-
ation o4 any procieion or eondiUon
of tDfs ordinance ar any falsifieation
o�f any statement in the application
shaIl Ue gronnd far �vceation. No
portion of the 1lcense fee paid int0
the village treasuTy sLa1F be re
tumcd upon rerocatlon.
Sectlon 13. Every perean viol-
atlng any of the pcovisions of this
ordinance shall be gutlty of a mis-
demeanor, and om m�viction tLera
�f chaIl Ue seuteneed to pay a flne
of not lrvas than five dollars nor
moce tban ane Lundrtd dollara,
and the eoats af prc�seeution, aaH
in deinult of sueh ffne �and coeM
LQ shall be imprisoned for a term
�of not lesa tUan SO deys nor mare
than 90 daps,
Passed 69 the Village ConnM]
this ]st dac of Angnst, 1949,
CAAL HAR'1`diAl�'
May -
S�'AR� 1�'ORi.IVG
CIe'rk �� � � v;;
Pnblished in the Colambia H' te � j
RECORD on Aagnst ]2, 194 ,