Ordinance No. 0144 04-19-1960� • � ORDffiAFCE FO. 144 Ae Ordluance .lmending Ordanee Fo. 41 Being aud Urdinnnce Euttqed •'An Ordlnance YrohiUib Ing 'fLe llurniug oi ltubbleL And Cuinbustible and InPlammuble Ma• tecinis Under CectWn CunUltiona and Regulating The Hu[uing o( 4rnae and Provlding Pm�altlee For Yblaclon TrtereoY' Aua raecea on !liuy 6� 18SE By ForAlAQiug a F7re k;xceVt RitLtn Oer[nin Aorre And on Specified Laye and Re- qulring a Hnrning Yermit kbr G[axs Fires From TTe Bnreen Ot Fire Prevention And Hepeall¢g Ordinuuce No, B°, {Vhleh Is Aa Ordim�.nee Amend(ng 9ald Un dfnance No. 41. cne Councll of the City af Fri[lley do ordain: HIBITING TT3P RORNING OF RtiR- BiSH Ai�n (;(1A1Ri"STTRLF. ShD iVFT,AbR11.4Ri.P 14ATERLV.S UN- ID9R CFIT=TATS COSDTTTONS ArD RE(=?Ti,:tTTSl: TuF] BL*R?�- ISG OF /1RA55 AND P?'.O�'1UTNR PF,9Ai;PTH:9 FOR �IOL.4T[ON Tffi�:Rp;pp" pas�ed May 5, 19"a?, ie T,^�enderl in the manner as hereirv after follo�rs, and save and exeept as the Trovisi�ns of this ordivanes p,�d the n^�end+�ents contnined here- in may herea�fter Fe declarrvl n'A a.n�l invalirl. [he Piovisions of Ocdln- ance Vo. fl2, entitte[7 "df ORDTN- >���r pyiP.\DIRr, pRPTNAtiCE NO. 41 Bl]ISG AN ORnT_A'1V(`r P�*T�9'I.FIn q� nP.nTrAV(`F pRflHniTT1\f: THE R*'R!�TFG OF P.UBRr9H AND COMBI*9TTRI.i+] MATERNT,S i'VDF.R CFP.TAN l`ONDiTTO.A"R A5A RF.(3i7LATNG THF, RT�P-NINf: nF �:R.AFS 1'.�*P PpM'iT?Tr pT'^!� 4r,TTTFB F(1R �'IOI.ATTON THPRF.-OF" AVD PA88ED ON MA? 6, 1452, BY FOR- kil✓L1NG A FIRE �XI:N�P'P 4�"ITH- 1K GEH'L'AIK HOUR9 A�*D ON SPLCININ:ll DAYS Arll RE- QCik:11CG A BIIRNING PL�'HMI'P k`Ult l:RAS� h'1Rli5 b'HO�I 'l'H�` tlUHEAU ON' FIRE PREVHNTION" panseo .+lay 7, 1967, and amendmen[s cmitainru [herein are who➢y re- �iealed and the provisione of this oru uxnce suDetituced therefm'. BECTION Y: Section 3 of Ordinance Fo. il eudued "AY UHll1N.aHCr% POHIBI'1'IVG THE 14URYI\G OF RUBBISH AND COMRtiST- 1BLE AnD INFLAM3SAF3Lli 3]d- Yiit1�1L5 UNUER CEH'PAI\ CON- DI'1'IORS dND REGULA'PI\G THE BURNI\G OF GRASS ANll PRO- VIDIYG PENALiTES FOR VIOLA- TIOV THERF.OF�• la ammended so that hereafter i[ ehall read as fol- lows: ............ 3F.CTIOV 3: (Ordinance No. 41) Except during the houra o1 12-:00 o'doek mon to and ineluding the hour of 8:00 o'clock P.M., on any day, or excep[ as� may be suthor- ized, and allowed by a epectal per- mit first obtained therefor from [he Bureau of Fire Prevention of [he City o( Fridley, no pereon shall atart or maintain a fire or bum any materials of any kind on tfie outside of any building or in any onen area in th¢ City o[ Fridley, whether the same be in or aut oY any [ype burner provided therefor; and in evecy case when authorized or allo�e�e3 by any apecial permit oY [he Bureau of Fire Prevention, the fire shall be staz[ed and main- ta(ne[7, and the materials theretn burned atrictly In acwrdance with the terme and provisions of such special permit and not otherwiae Any fire started and maintainded and any materials therein burned conVxry to the praciaion of such permit are in violation of law. mi[ are in ciolation of law. ••cF.CTIOIC 3�1: Vo Person shall at any time start or maintain a grass tire or any other type fire outside of a containec ��rovided [herefoc and of a type approved for such pnrpose bY Che Bureau of Fire Prevention of the City of Fridley except and unlesa he shall fSra[ obtain for such Fire a permit eo to do from Iha I3ureau of Fire Prevention of the ('ity of Fridley. "9ECTTON 5.2: No container in the CitY of Fddley a�all be ean- siAered an aPProved fiurner for the ntarting and maintenance therein of xny Pire or the burning thereln or any material unlese auch speci- Cic burner and its make, type, model and desiRn Qf paten[ed or manu- fxetured burner commonly bought or sald) haa been previoosly certiti- ed as APProved by the Rveeau ot Fire Prevention of [he City oY Fn�ilec. Ro eontainer shall be aP- proved except and unlesa such con- tainer is conetructed oP a metal or n!her tvne nom combustibie mxt- eriat with a cover thereon whioh prevent snarka and embers therin fro^ leavtng such container ao far a= the came is reasonably P�eaible nnder the atate aC the acience. Fo opening in euch contelner or iL co��er shall be Kreater in size t�^n three quarters of one inch !3/4"1 in diameter or Sn any one �Irerrinn unla=e Furh lareer open- inF shatl be itself obstrurted or ra flnc?A in gize in a manner aFlPioved nv iqp Rarean of Fire Preven[ion. A wire type Aaeket conta.iner chxll n�t be annroved a�d vaen for any fire exee�[ ns to materiale and =n�ar rnndifionfl Aeemed by the Rnr�an nf F+re Prevention t0 t�0 <afP xnd wiNnul daneer therein, eyre�r rhat anv rontainer no�v in use by any peraon in the City ot Ftidley, whether the same be wire [ype baske[ or otherwfae, which ia � �� in a wndition of good and eubstam , [ial repair may continue to be used, '� provide�l tha[ shoWd the same . � hereafter be inspected and eKamin- .. ed liy Che Bureau of Fire Preven- � � tion and upon such 7�spectimi and , examiation be found defective oe � '�.. Sot appruved aa dangerous when a � .� fire is wntained therein, then [he co��tinued use of aueh container . shall cease and its use there-after � Por containing a fire contrary [o .� the arder of the t3ureau ot Fire Preveu�[io� ie unlawful. 9ECTIOI� 3.3 The Bureau of Fire t reventlon way from time to time, as is deemed necessary to fire pre- ventim� by cha Chief of eaid Rureau .�:� malce an inapecLion pf all eontainers in the City of Fridley for fire use and burning purposes and is author- � ized to enter any peemieea for sueh ❑nrpose at any a�d at al1 timea ' reasonable thereto. Upon such in- apectio�� any eont&iner Pound on the premisee for fire use or burn- inK DurPOee may be esamined and, after such ezamination, ma3' be aPProced or �ieaPProved for coo- [inued use for fire or burning puo- poses. No such container which ie� so disa�proved as dangeroue when fire ie oontained therein shall there- - after De used on said premisea or . � elsewhere in the City of Fridley [o contain any fire or �urn any ma- terial, except in etrict accord with � a�y permit � and under the co�di- [ions of any order of the Bureau � of I� ire Prevention isaue� relative thereto. The Bureau of Fire Prevention may alsa Pro-^. time to time inspeet and � examine ehe make, tyne, model, and . design ot any paten[ed or manu- factured burner or con[ainer com- monly bonght and sold in [he City . of N7idley, or elsewhere, and ie- sue and ordee celative hereto, ap- proving or disaPDrovinRthesa*�etor fire use or barninR Purposes• in the City of Fridley, an3 thereafter all � of such itema of the same make, tYne, model and clesign are and � ahall be considered aFFroved oc dis- �� approved, as the case may be. Further, no person in the CitY oY Fridley ahall rePresent for the . purroae of any eale thereot or any gain to be obtained thereby that a � container is approved for vse with any Ptre or the burning o` �ny mw- r�r%al in the City of Fridley, un- Less and until suoh container has �een speeifically eo apProved Or ite make, type, model and desi¢n (if a Patented anti mannfactured . huvier oomrt�ovly bought and sold) hxs be?n prevlously eo approved by . the Aureau �f Fire Re��ention oY -�� the CitY of Fridle�," 4ECTTON 3: This ordinanee ahall be conatrued at alt tlmes In Its pco- visione ae separate and divieible as to all aectlona, DA�agraphs, sen[ences anA elauses therein and the invalidity of any one of the same in anv respect ahall mt be constrned ezezpt when neceseary na affeeting the valid3ty Of &rl}' O(�ICP 5¢CL100. FIRTR$I'8pI1. sentence and dause thereof, and ahxll be conatued as amendinK on the one hand Ordinance Va 41, as first hrrein nboce noted, and on ttie other hand as repealinR �e amenda- tory nrocisiana to snch Ordinance ae contained in the nai�l Ordinance yn. $2 herein nest roferred to. Paased by [he Counc:i of the City os Fridley [Wa 19th day of April, lAfiO �• ATTEST: •✓� ��� A4arven Brnnsell Citv Cierk 8igned: T. F. Gretg yIayor/; • xewe; wnrit, zi, isso�/����