Ordinance No. 0015 08-01-1949�-- � i l � � _ I r � ORDINANCE N0. 15 AN ORDINANCE TO LICEN$E AND REGULATE VEHICLES USED TO �DELIVER ICE OR ANI ICE PRODUCT6 IN THE VIId. AGE OF FRIDLEY The Council of the Village of Fridle5 do ordain as follows: Sectlon 1. A vehicle used to del- icer iee or any ice products is any oe�hicle ased to delivec ice, ice cream, ice cream bare, paekaged ice cream, or finzen foods of all descriptions, to tLe co�sumere. in tLe Village of Fridley. Section 2. The consumer is a per- eon or persona to mhom ice, ice cream, ice cream b¢rs, pcickaged ice crcam, or Prm,en Poods of all des- r,ripfiuns, are sold and/or delivered Ynr consnmption in home, restaur- a�t or other eatiu$ place, and for resale eitLer wholesale or retail. Bection 3. It sLall be unla�c2u1 to usg or operate a� an� Public highma� in the Fillt�ge of Fridlep an5 vehicic used Yor tbe deliverp of ice or ice prodnets, as above de- finetl, withont first hacing obtained a llcense feom tLe �illaga (,buncil in the manner hereinafter prav- i�ed. geMion 4. TLe application for eac7i 1lcense shall be Sn wi�iting, aigned b9 t�e applicant, und filed tcith tLe village recorder. It sLull x(At� the applicanPs £ull name, hle age, cecunation, and where he nas resided dm�in� ftie Sear nest pre- ceclina thc dnte oP filing the flppll� ration; it shall talso state n'hetber oc not the applieant Is x eitizen of the tinited States. Eeeion a. Every aPPlicant for a lieense on a veLfcle ared in delio- erSng ice ox any iee products shall pfl9 into the treasur9 of the villag¢, as a licenaee, on eaeh xnd every ve� hiele, the snm of $10 per �ear per rehirle. Whenever xny license Ia issned for a term less than tbe fnll license peria3, tbe ]ic�nse fee ahall he pro-rated, proci�ed that such ]icenee fee shall not be nro-rated or rev7UCed nt an9 amovnt 7ess thah Five Dollara. Section 6. It anovld be t6e duty of ecery licensee herevnder, xnd of every person delicering ice ar �nS �re P�'�dacts to disPiay and kee�p displayed at all times in a prom- inent place on each outer side of the vehicle uaed f¢r such deliverfes the nxme of tbe �����, Wn��n shatl t�e printed in plain lettere not ]ess thnn fovr lnches in heigLt and to kee� sach printed name in aucD conditton tLat the same may be at aR times readily distinguishable. It shall be unlawful to dIsplay any name on the ontside of the veLicle excep[ tbat of tL� iicensee and/ot his registered trade name. � Bection 7. Any peraon who viw � lates anp of tLe pravisfons of thfe � ordinanca, shall be guilty of a mi& �-� demeanor a.nd upon eonvtetion � � � "3 tLereoY, ahall bs puniahed by a fine . of not more thxn $1(ID or b5 impris- � onment for nat more than� ninety (90) clavs, together witL the costa � � af ptosecntion in either case. Passed by the Viliage "Coaneil . this Ist day of Augusi, 1499, . CARI. HART.�iAN /� May t s�r.>�'i.�.. " t Atteat: NARD Ij.ORLNG � - Clerk .:�{�i�Z� `Y/A� i� �,� PnblisDed in tLe Colnmbi e9gLta RECORD on Auguei 19, 9.