Ordinance No. 0155 10-04-1960� � . � �f ��i � .� ; � � � ; <� �� � (i . -i ,x cs >,! . . " . .. ..:Y OHDIBARCH FO. 166 AH ORDiTAFCE UN71F.R 9F.f• TIOF 1E.07 OF THE CITY CHART- � EB. TO V.�1CA1'E F.XISTIF/? PUB- LIC tiTILITF EA9EMEST IA LO'P 4� BIOGA 1. AND THE F.X38TING PUHI.IC UTILITY F,ABEMF,NT Il�' �. I.OT i BLOCH 1, BCHIII�T7'8 � nnntTfox. The Council of Lhe City of F ridley � � do ordain. as followe: � Sect(an I. That � sil of the puDlic n[ility easement deacribed as fol- lows: The ceisting eesement an the ea:t � five (5) #eet of Lot 4, Bloek 1, and � the exiatin4 easement on the weet . five (6) tcet of Lot 1, Black 1, trmn 62nd Way N.E. to Lot 2, Block 1, a distance of 8612 feet; all ]yin8 - 1n the Scllolte's Addltlon, in the Swth one-ha.1P (Sj��) o[ Section 15, .� '� 7130, R-24, Anoka County, Minaesota. be and aze hereby vaoated, 3lsctaim- ed, and aDandoned far public pur- ' �9e�ctlon 2. The esid varation hae � �een made aI[er Notice of Publie HeaMng 7n conformance with Min- � nesota Statu[ea and nur�uan[ to ' Seetion 12.07 oi the Cfty Charten � � PASSEP SY THE CITY COtiSCIL, �� � CITY OF R}tIDLEY, TH15 dTH � DAY OF Oc[abar, 19G0. MAYOR - �S : . ATTE3T: % �. � CITY OLERK ��a?'tm L'. runaell . R4st Readtng aepC 27, 196`0. 9econd Readix� Oet 4, 1960. Newe: Oct. G. 1360 f Y t