Ordinance No. 0158 10-04-1960�
Oiil/ffiAJTCF. \TU. 1i8
'fHF: A1"]iBF,HSSIi OP Bti1LI1-
�sus as�� i.o�es, a�cn �ro co�t•
YOtl'1' tll'.CH C['11IRA:liS 79LBIiX•
The City oi Fiiiiley does m'dain:
Section 1. Ror the Durpose ot Pru�
viding to every buitding and lot a
nvee( :uldre�s by number whiah is
cmtsintent �vith ihe adtlrass' ot every
othec builSing and lot, there i5 es-
Lablishe�l In the City of b'ri[lle)' a
eyaGem af numbering x'herein the
emmbers p�rocidei9 for such buiidings
and lots wrrcvpond, wherever ree-
sonably possible with the numbers
alreadv in common nse in the Ci[�
and aa are an extenaion of [he �mm-
hera in commo�� use in [he arliacent
areas of the City of Ylinneapolis, and
the Ci[y of Columbia Height=, when-
ever a road or etreet of Lhe City
upon �chich buildit�g or ]ot is located
ie att extension of the same or a
corresponding road of either of auch
citiea FurEher, so fai ss the ecuna
can Peasonably be avoiQed, the num-
De�'s �hall not rqnflirt with thoae
used in any o[her ci[y m� munlcipal-
ity vzhirh is adiarent or enntinguuns
to the City oP P`ridley.
9ection ?. Lach lot nr parceA of
land on every road or atreet ah871
have a segarate numbar difterent
f[om every other bt or PArenl on
such road or etreet; and every buil�-
ing on the aame lot ar Parcel w�less
it is acce�so�y only to aerolhee bu�ld-
ing thereon shaU have a �umber
separnte and distinct itse7P. �vithm�[
re�ard ta x�hether such building is
a houee, or dx�e]]ing of any Aind or
Section 3. The numbers in each
block m� any road or street shall be
a uniform series in y�mple arithmet-
ival �rrogression hom one end of the
block to the other. They shall be cnn-
sis[ent aleo from block to bicek wifh
the numbers in 'adjacent block� and
shall nOt eztend aoross any inter-
aecting atreet, etcept as necessa�y
to a uniform sys�em a� a whole.
8ection 4. ��'ith resDect to mada
and streeta emmin¢ gener811y in a
north and south direction, all l�L�
and buildings on ehe west side of the
road or s[reet shall have an e�'en
number' and al] ]ots and buildinFs
on the east side ,shall have an ond
namber. «'iLh respec[ to roxds and
atreets ru�ning generally in an east
and west direction, a11 lota and
buildinga on the aouth eide ehe.11
h�ave an eve�t nWnber; and all lo[s
and buildings on the north side
aRail have an odd num�er. As to
roarls or atreets which are in Lact
circular or ao curved as not to run
qenerallY in one dlrection, [he num-
�etta used shall be coneietent with
thu4e in nse ort the neares[ ro'ads
or stmcts which do.
Section 5 The numbera on every
roaa or streat shall be rnnsisten[
from Llock tu block with the nanies
uf evary intersecting road or etnee[,
xo that whenever an intetsecting
roag or atrcet has a name such xs
"49th StrceY', "4?nd �i'ay", or the
llke, Ihat Lhen the numbers on ea.�.h
side theieof retlect the same ai:d
6. it is the �ludy e� the
rk to D*e��de for nnd es-
he reco�vls for enid :uldrese
ibeMnR system of the City
�rePa�re nnd keen in his of-
a of the lots and blocks in
o Q Fridley, an3 to enter
in _uch mxnner ae will en-
partiea intereeted readiiy to
aecerlain the same, the nnmAer of
nvn'y lot or P��'�'e] as �cell ae' ecery
builrlinb in Lhe Citp; in arcoe�xhall
�rith ��is otdinanoe. I�tiirthr.r,
mal<a 3dditbns thei•e�o 1'�'o�a i'�.me to
ti'•.e a.s ma}' be nec�essary to keep
nuch pL�ts en�'rent KTere anP�'opri-
ate t�vo m� n�,are number5 shnll be
a+�iened to the +ame loc m' pareel
ao tha[ the sePA�'ate buildir�gs rhere-
on r.ay Ne �.xelres h8ce �eD:+�'ate
nurohnrc; and �ehe�'e P�'oVe�', fls in
the case oC Muitiple dwelliuge auJ
'buWili��s similar thereCO. cK��erai
nm..Lerd rv.�,y be assigneA to the
aa.me buildin�;. Anl' I�rspn de5irinK
to a�ce[tain thn nu�nberv uL any lnt
m• paecel, or any builtli�N Lhereon
shall be eo inPorme�i Lr the eaid
City Clerk or xny of hi� assixta�rtk.
CoP�es oL such plats may Le kePt
:u�d tt.ainlained 1m� ready refere��ce
in Llie offk4 of the Mn�;ineer or elae-
where as the �']erl; directs.
SecLion 7. I[ ix the [iuty ol' tho o�cn-
et ur ownees oC eveiy lot m� parrH
�� 7a-nd in the City of Fridley Pront-
ing on any road or street to a.���e^.r-
tam �he number ur numbers assign-
ed to hie ]ot o�� parec-7, as a�eli ax xny
bul]ding thereon, an� W plare and
I:oep in a conspicnous place on [he
front oP any building therenn ihe
proper nu�nber of such builclinR. Surh
nu°'�ber eh�all be oF sueh size, mulce
and tlosign, and of such rateriai xs
wi❑ malce the ca�ne �eadilv vls�ble
aud reada.ble nnder ordinary ]ight
duriug th¢ �ay time from the street
upc*n which such building 1'rantd. At
oight sueA numbore shall be liqMed,
or iI no�t li.�hte�i eo�tain reflector�-
izi�g or �ther sJmilar tyVe �^aterial
which wilt glow ur resulily emit
7ight so that such mxmber can be
easily read [mm the street K�he��
a ti�'ht is placed nearby. �uch num-
bers shall be regular i�� sna.��e, uni-
form in �ize, and mt l�ss thxn three
(3) inches in height
3e<�.HOn 8. 'fhe City Clerk haa Ihe
duty and authority W m'�lrr anp
owner or awners of xny lot oe naa'cel
oP any Guildi��g thet'eon to removn
1'rom any bufldint; any nu-�ber whirh
is in con[li��l with Ihe number as-
eigned to auch liuilding on P�a�ts of
the C�[y and ro n��yt Lhereon [Fa
rorrer,t nwnber. Also, he has- [he
3uty arul ta�uthoriry to order the ie-
mneal of zny number which eannut
be ensily read from. the stceet upon
m�hich auch buiiding fmn[e or is in
viotation oP Ihis ordinanoe in any
way an& to direet tne Postinz of a
mrnAer which is not in ��ioiwtion of
this ordinancz and can be so easily
read, bath during the Perioda of liKht
a.nd Periodx of dark. A I'ailm'e to
complY ���th eu�'h orAer within q
per3od oX tev days of rereiut ot th0
orde[ ie a vfola[ion of Chis or�3in-
Section 9. The enEOrcemeut nf thie
oodinaneg and Derformanoe oI the
duties herein may be delegafad by
the City Clerk to one or move as-
siSYantn in hie o[fiee, wix7 by resolu-
Lion rzi aPPraval thereto bY the
Cnuncil, may be assiR�ied to nny
othar employee of the City.
Section 10. Any per.son who viola-
tes this ordinanr.e shall be puniahed
hy a Pine not exezedinq $100.00 or Uy
impriconment in a jai7 fo[' a Periofl
mt in excess o[ 9a days
PASSli]? BY THF: CI7`t' COINC71..
T�AS" OF Octo�ber. 1960.