Ordinance No. 0016 08-01-1949�
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ORSIIIV9NCE T0. 16 � � �:y
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The� CoanciT of the Dillage M �
Fridley do ordaiu as followe; �
Section 1. So restaurant oi dairy
bar oi anS kind or nature, or any �
place wherc prepared foods & meala
are seracvi for cronsumptian ou the
premises, ahall be mafntnined, oPer-
ated or conducted within the cor-
�ro�rate ltmits af tDe Village of F`rid- .
ley unle� n license therefor, in �
a•riting und specifcing t,he terms of
the lieense, shall Pirst be� obtained
from the Council of Yhe Villuge. :"��
Section 2. The license fee for a .
period of ane year or leas shall 6e � �
the som of $3.00. All licenses
grantcvi under We Provisiona of tLfe
ordinance shall espire on tDe 30tL �
dav of Aprll nest� after tLe date of
Section 3. 17�e application far .
a 1[cense shall be in�� writlng, signed
b5 the applicant, and file�d witL the
villaFe reeorder. It shall: state the
applicant'a full name, Lis age, oec-
npation and whem he Las resided
dllring the S�r nest precediug the .
date af ffiing the application; it
shall also atatc wLetLer or not the
applicant is a citizen af tLe Cnited
���� section 4. An �
y person wDo vlo
lxea anS oP the provisions of tDle
ordinance, shall 6e guilty uf a mia-
demeanor and upon convictian
thereof, sball be Punished by a fine
. of not� more. than $100 or by im- � ,�
prisonment for not more t�han ninr .�
ty (90) days, togther wit6 thc
Co3ts of p[a�ecution in ei[her cese.
Passed by the Village Couaell
tLis f5rst day of Angust, 1949.
Mayor � �� ���
( BF.AL)
Attest: �
WARD�y. RS. N�3� � ��� .
Glerk .yj� j: ..
Published in We CoSumbia ghtg -���
R.F.CORD on August 19, 19�. .