Ordinance No. 0161 11-01-1960�i li I� oanzaAxcE so. rei AIQ OHDIFAFCE IIFDE& BEC• � TION 18A7 OF THE CiPY C}[AII- TEH TO VACATE AI,LEY IN BWCK 8. BETWEEF 6}q�g AVE- NUE Ii.E.. AND HIQH�9AF ft0. 300� AS➢ AL80 6TII 8T&EET N.E. � .. BETWEEli 6fTH AVENtiE F.E.� AXL HIkHWdY NO. 1/0� ALL LY• ING IIPi BLOC% 8 OF }lAMiL• � TO�T'9 ADDITION TO 3IECHAN• IC�JtiILI.E. � " The Council nQ' the pty of Fridley do ordain as followa: Sectton 1. That a11 of the s[reeta � and alleys deacribed aa tollows: A That part oY the alley in Block ��'{ 8, between 54th Avenue N.E. and Highway No. 160, Hamiltan'e Addi- ' tion [o biechanicsville. , E3. That pa.rt of 6th Street between 64th Avenua N.E. and High�vay vo. 100, in I31nck 9, Hamilton's Addition to d7echamcsville. AR lying in the south one-halt (j5) of Section 23, T-30, R-29, Anaka '����� County, Minnesota � ��"'� be and are here6y vacated, subject to s utllity easement on [he Eas[ 30 - feet of the vacated portion of 6th Street. Section 2. The said vacation hae � been made sPter Notice ot Public Heazins �n conformance with Mine- eota Statutea and pursuant W Section � - 12.07 of the City Charter. �-��-s' PA55FD BY THE CITY COUN- CIL, CITY OF FRIDI.i;Y, TFIjB let � DAY OF No 195p. ATT�ST. . -�. �.'.�E..� bfaYar - . E. O'teig CITY CLERK - Alarvin C. B�uneell Nesve: Nov. 3, 1960. - � { i i �