Ordinance No. 0162 11-01-1960�
U1N PIi1C9`6.
Seution 1. 'Phat Ordinance �'o. 70
oC the City of Fridley, cmmnonly
known as the Zoning O�din,ance,
�asae[1 nnd aclopted tM1e ?9th r3ay of
Decamber, 1955, ac amen3ed to date
hereof, le hereby furthec umended by
provicling as an aAditional aubdivi-
aion at the end oP Section 8.8, the
�. RliR�+IRliD b3IIQIbfUbf SPACE
M-2 UI$'1HTC'PS:
In addition to lhose minimum
apm.ce requieements fi�ovided M1y this
i�'uinanru un�ler olher provisione
hereiq the esta.btishment of permit[ed
bullding and uaes in eatl� Yl-1 and
bf-2 lllsfric[s, !n the following i��stan-
ces, s1ia11 inulude the followLnR miui-
mum facilitiee around [h¢m, said re-
quirernents being for ihe purpose oF
avoiQirig eongestion in [he PubliC
atreets and tr�afftc haa�aNS and other
dangers, aiid oT prokecting a�d eon-
aerving the residenfial characcer of
any adjoininF neighbo�hood and U�at
of fu[we neighborhoods in the same
1. C\'henever any such b1-I or M-2
District is Adja.cent [o ar 3djoins on
anv side an R_l, R-3, R-2 or Gl,
C-1S, GE or C-29 Distiick the follow-
ing repuiraments also ehall be met.
1.1 Permit[ed Uuildings and u.ses,
exeept automobile parking and
loading spa.ees, tlriveways, esaent-
ial strvices. n'zl1;s and planting
spaces. shall be not c]oser to any
etreet ]ine [Yian ]011 feeq or to any
xlley line t3ean 40 feet, or to tho
bmnda.ry line of any othor dis-
tr.ct than 36 feet, and any R-1,
R-3, or R-3 �Diatrict closer than
50 feet
1.2 Off sireet automobile Pe�'king
and laadinK s➢aces slVall be pro-
v�ded an3 =hall be soparated
fro�n [hc eclge oi the roadway
in arry sti'eet by a eurbed e'trip
conlaining :� �valk not ]eea than
4 feet in widt�h, and a planting
striP ti�'ith treea anS shrubs no[
le.ss than 16 feet in width, such
walk and such ptanting atrip to
be maintai�ed adeyuately for
these purposes. Breal,s in such
c.urbed strip fpr accese drives
shall nnt be closer to the nearest
p tinn of a sVeet mtersection
than 76 feet or two thirds nf the
IoL width, exezpt at a' T" inter-
se.tion, ���here a �In�e mav be
locate� oryPOSite the end of tha
tntPrcepted street.
1.3 '1`he ofF-street autamobiie
parkinrc aroa sh�nll nrovide for
one parkins yi�ce (190 square
Yeet) per each emP�oyee. The re�
quired area, ehall be inolusive of
parl<ing sl�➢5 and �aiAles only,
a�d mt inclusive of areas of
drivoways, wallcs, tr�ek loading
epacas or F7'�anting spaces.
1.4 A sereen planti��g etrip not
]esa thau 10 feet in wddth ahall
be provided and �naintained for
[he pur�nee within each p4-1 and
M_2 llfsGr�eq atong any boundary �
[hat ad oins the bom�dary of any
R-1, R-2 or R-;; Dietrict.
1.6 In order [o ��reserve vision �
clearanee for traFfiu sttPecy, the
heifihts of planting withiu �0 [eet �
of ang driveway antl/or eU'eet
interseccion in an M-1 or ili-8 Die-
Crict developmen2 shai] be not
moce tY�an 30 iiich� above [he �
elecation of tog n: c�n�q along- �
aide it, but eleeaheiu it sha.it b5
the Lurpose ro hzi.va Srow(h ot
tt'ees and ehruhs as early an pos-
sible and oS good hciqt�t a.nd aen-
s�[y so a..q to provido a tcreen
of P�nHng behveeu the 3evelop-
ment �rithin such �is-irei. antl re-
sidential dietrielS arounU it.
1.61 The zoning adrti�nistrator shal]
prepax'e Lwo ox� ���m�e schema,tic .-j
dacigns or slre[ches on white ��
O�Per of ia substantial material
composition, not leas than 11 "z
inches ln leng[h and 8fd inches ��7
in width, which designs or sketch- � ,
es shall i1L�strate one or more
typec of sebbacics amd p➢anfing �
stritis. toRelhe�' with rompasition
of the tre�s and shrubbery here-
on, and the elze P�ud hefght rhere- �.�
of, as are deer,:.��7 bY che za�inF ��
adminis[rawr to meet the re�uire- _j
mente of [he eub�livisions here-
inabova. Wheri the samchace been
ap�roved for 5uch puri�u�e by a ��
reeolution of tha Cmmcil, the �
sanie sha71 be Published aod filed . j
in the Ofiice ef Lha City Clerl: _,1
¢nd made a par[ o: this Gedin_ �
ance, by re1'ore���a. 'l'heresYtev,
the 6ei-back of any bullding aud ='
the constrpC[ion of any plan[ing ��
slrip which is 6u6st2.ntiwtly ffie 1
same or similar to any one ot
such approve3 sehomatle desiana � �
or sl<etches shall be deer.�ecl a
mmP�FZ.ncz ��•itli the provisionv of �
thiA Ordinaucro as reln�[e thereto.
N"hen desired, the owner of a.ny �
land in any Ri-1 or A1-° District
r--ay, prior to the �oustrucctop oC ���
any such buildi�& or D�anting etrip
aubmit to Lhe zmilng a.dministraibr �
a schoc�xfie �1rs�K�� o[ sl<etch of ,�
the building and planting strip . �
proposed W be erected in such �
bf-1 or D4-2 Diatrict for a�>proval, �9
as Lo compLfanra with this Ordin- �
ae�ce and, upon the approeal �
[here[o of the zoning adini�iistra- ��
tor, construrciun ot such buil�ing
an[l the planting strip in accard-
ance with such P_chematic desiy� :�.
or sleetch ehall be doec�Pd a wm-
pl ae ea w�th [triS Ornv a mq so ��
far as the samo ral:��es to such
s�t bticks of che buildin�, anU the
Pllnting s[rip required
I6 The zoning acim�mstramr
sha71 reqmro the installatiop oi ,�
such eigns, maaRings and traffic
oontrol�and regulaeory devices ae -
3YQ 11CC26S8T� f0 PrnMOfP {'Q�tl- ,�
eulai anel nedhstri�an saiety in . !�
ang D7-7. a�S 31-? DisGict deve-
lopme�t and its access drivee. ��
a required spaces and lar�7iSies a
�^t he rednced nr diminish- ��i
ed �excent as a result of aotion "
bV the City Cou�ciL �n approval �:��
of variance or varia�ccs there-
for upon re<omnendaLmn by the
Roarr] nr ��� .�,7�- � nrovfded �
�n Section 10 hareof.
SI]CTIOh 2. Th^yt exr�Pt as pee-
aentnd herein, the ➢rovinions of exid ,:i
Zoning Ordinance aihall otherwiae 1
re'-ain the same. j
Adonted by the Cauncil of the ('ity
of Fridley thia lst day of \ovemDer,
19G0. �
Firat Re.ldinS: n�t. 16. 1960
Secnnd ktea3in�,t Nw. 1; 1960
Mayor tg �
AmTD:cT: ��•.
Citp Clerk - Marvfn runeell �.
News: Jan. 5. 19f1� �
\ �