Ordinance No. 0165 01-17-1961. s i �L OEDIFANCE FO. 1!6 � AN ORDffiAACE AMENDIF6 OR- DINANCE NO. 7q ANOR'N AB THE ZONINq ORPIIPANCE. TH� COUNCIL OF TTiE CITY OF FRIDLEY DO OEtllAIiC: SECTION I. That Ordinance Number 70 oP the Clty of Fridley, passed and adopted December 29, 1955, and as. a� �anAed to date hereof, whiclr or- dinance ia knoam as [he "ZOning Otdlnance" be amended av fullows: a. That "Section S- Yards, I.ot 61aee, ODen Sna.cea Required", De WenAed by addi�g thereto at the end thereof the following D�'ag'l'aPh, to-w'iL' 'The etandarda establiehed herein eerve, ar�ang tho other purposos of this Ordinance, to provide to each structure located on any ]and, a Duiiding slte suitable [a its particular needs as wetl as adeqnate areas of open space between ench sVUCture and any adiar.ent building, all as le deemed suitable oi appiopiiate to each eoch bniiding or e�tructure and thei� reapective usea It ie, also, deemed a purFnse herein, to nrovide etandards which enwuraRe uses of land and the erec[ion of buildinga and structures thereon in a�'eae which are o�Pen, unPtatted ot without any substa�ttal number of bvildinga Iocxted therein, as aro of a type, sive, style and deeign as are deemed to meet currenUy at atl times the needa of the City �and tts inhabitante for the ➢usposes of re.aidence, com- merical use or indvstria] enterVrises; an�l, also. to eoable an owner, never- thelesa, to maka a rea.sonabte nFe of a parcel of land or eVUC[ure ther?.on, which is or was e naz[ of subd���is- ton or Pixt of land recorded or e�F- proved pdor to the enactment ot th5a ordi�ance and ia therefore, amaller or dlfferent in rype, size, style or de- eiQn from that otherwise requ�red herein." b. That "9eotWn 8.6 - I.ot Widths itequtred", be amended so that the eBme hereafter reade as fotlows: "Seetion 8.6 - Loc WidHvs Required" A. R-1, R-2, and R-3 Dixtricta: The standard minimum loi widtha 1n residentia7 diatrictn established Aereundar is 76 feeL Except as noted Lelow, a mtnimum width af 75 feet is requtred ot every lat or Parccl 01 Iand used for a one-famtly dwelltnS. ss well ae for a dwelling and mu]- tiple dwel7ing having two [o fouC dwelting unita. A minbnum ]ot ot parcel wtdth of mt Iass than 85 feet 1a required tor multiple dwe771nge havfng more than foui d�vel7ing un(ta. It ie intended that the atand_ ard nro��a�a herein shal] a.pp7y in any area or rzlatively larKe suMlivis- ion oP lant7, ei4�er pLatted m' nnp7aC- ler1, &o loug es [he land itWeLf is vacant, o�w�� or without any eub- etantia] number oP bulldings bui�t thereon, aud is �easonably capable oC division into sepazate pareels Por residentiwl purposes a�[ a minimu,.� width uf 7o Yeot; b�t that when the araa or subdivislon is old a�u9 the land is airearly occupied hy a euh- eLantial number of boilSinSe ol• i� sePara[ely ow�ied by nnmerous De[- sons eo that ft is no IonRer prar.[ical in such area or subdivision Lo apPly the 75 foot st2.ndard herein, that then the foltow5ng exeeptioue sMall ep�ly to aingle farnily dwellings, Bnd a singte fainily dwe.11inS �=��Y be con?tructc i in auch area or sub- divi:;sons on a parcet of Ianc1 ]e9s than a feet in vridth. 1. A pa,ruaL of lanti is �et least fi0 [eat fr� wirlth whieh compric¢s one or more tul] aized 7ots, or party thereok, in a subdivision or plat re- curdad prior to LLe etfuctive dato o� tl�',v Opainance or ie on an officiallY aFDroved plat re�orded subseQUently and when several aueh lo[s are al- read} ocr.ttDiad by dwelling slruc- tvres or are separately ew�ed and used Yor eoch purpo�e and I[ is nu longer P���-tirxl iu usch subdivlsion to reVUire a gm_ater witllh. WYien tl�e width o[ the ]ot, in eucli cubtlivision or piat as or:ginally ma[le ar •sp- proved is more than GO fe2t, a paY- crol, so to be u,etl, aha1L Ae equal a[ least to the widl.h oP [he minimu'n lot in =uch subiticieion pr plat aP wiginaLly made. 2. A pamul ia less than 80 feet in wldth bc[ ie at teast 50 feec in width and wmuriaes one or more PW7 sized lots lor ptirts thereutl on a sub- divislon oi plst of.icially approved aubsepuent to this Ordinanre ur one that �vas recorded Prior [o the eftec- tive data of this Ordinanoe, and th¢ minimum width of a Iot as origina➢y made thereln is la>s than fi0 feet; iv eifher case of which one or more of sur.h lots a.v con[ained in such subdivision or plat are already oc- cupied by a dwelling or are aepazate- ly oivned for dwelling purposes, and ir, is no lo��ger practica] with re- epec[ to such pareet to require a greater w4dth. In sueh case the parcel may be �.pProPri:�ted to use as a dwelling si[e, anA the side yard requirments may be reclueed to flve (5) feet minimum on each side, pro- vid� I:he nearert building ot any kind on a8jaeent land is at least lU feet from the naxreet side of nny bn+LHny in the p�sre] to M1e so used, and the [ollowing iimitn are meG to-wiC a The di�[anre betw-een anv at- tarhe�i garages or other accessory GuildinRe is at least 30 (eet. h. The distanco bebvecn any build_ in� and the living aroa. in an ad'a- cent hnildinq is at leasf 15 teet. a The dlstaaicee 4et�veen tha Iivin� areas in any bvo atljacen[ buildin�a is a[ leacr 20 *ect. � The living area oE a buflding is Iha.t area of a huilding [lesigned to be used, or actualiv used for livin5 purposes, euch as the bedrnoms, din- in4 rooms, livine rooms ynd the ]ike, which are usuxlly and customarliy A used for fxmi7y pur�ses, as dietin- gulshed from ariy garage or othet t}'pe aeceesoTl' space. . .SAC�'iON P. That this (9rdinance , and the Amandment mntained herein ehaf7 be 1n torce wnd in etPect from and aYter publicatSOn. Adopted this 17th Day o�f Sanuarv, 1961, bv the City Couneil 01 the City of Fridley. Dfayor e�P� � ATTE3T: . �/ �y City Clerk - -Marvin �RtGnsel / First Reftding: JanUary 3, 1961 Second Reading: January 17, 1961 Newe: ' ^'" "' ••1 .,. "w�.��"