Ordinance No. 0168 02-07-1961� � � :u o( the City of Fr5dley 9rd dm.y of July, 1966, eo that hereaftec Sec- eu6ject to and sF�ll contorm to tnese regufaHOne and other �➢0lieable law and shali wnform to the land use plan, the ma]or thruughfare plan, thE officie.l map, the zoning ordin- anco and Mher City D7ans, ordinanrea and reSUlatione. �xcept as noted below, all suMiiviaione of landa shaL be by a D�at made thereo[ in con- formity with the reuuirements of Minneaotw Statu[av and the ordin�- ancea of the City ot Fridl¢y. No plat, encept as mey be ordered by U�c Cavncil upon Rood cauee aho�rn, need be made for a subdtvision of landa in the tollowing instances: � a. When the lnnds of the sub- divlstone are confalned in and are subdlvided by meana af x"FWgister- ed Land � Survey", made and fileci among the County rocords in con- formi4y with bfinneso[a Statutes, applicable thereto and each F✓nmel of Iand in the aubdicision is a aeparate "tracY' as contained in suCh RegiaL ered I.and Survey. b_ 1{"hen the ]anda of [he snb�- diviaions are con0aincv3 in and sub- iivided Ay means of an "AUdltor'e Subdlviaimi • made and filed nmong tha County recorda in conformlty wlth Mtnnesota Statu[es xppllcable [hereto, and each parcel of fnnd fn the aubdiv(sion is a separxte "LnY' as contalned 1n such 'AUdi[or's Sub- diviafon", a 4Vhen the ]ands ot tAe aub- divtslon are less than 27 npp �quare feet in area, [he subd7vtainn rontama not more than two (2) separa[e Par- cele, eaGi parce] of which rnntaine at ]east 9p00 square feet, and each parcel within the subdivision exn be deacribed fiimP�Y as a fractional paYt (fee[, etc.) of the larger parcel wRich comprisea [ha eubdivlsion as a whole. Rurtheq In auch case the lands ot the snbdivision shali fhem- eetces be slmple frxctlonal or quan- tl[y pxrte of a Pul] governmen[al eubdivision ne dallned b� bflnneaota 3tatutea, 1959, Section 508.�7, ar one or more '7,ots" aa contained in a plet made in contormity with t�+e laws o1 DLi�neaota. and [he ordinancee of [he City oC Frldley, or as contain- ed in an "AUAitor's Subdiviaion", or one or more ° Tracts" as wntained in a"Registered Land SurveY' or o[her aimitar subdivisions Pmvided by 1aw. A Parcel of land whieh is not capabte of descriPtion in a si nple manner, as may De obtained by �lia use of one or more sVaieht l��Ps (as die[ingutshed fro^� a rr ^I^< descriptlon which involces �he �uee o( anglee and degrees as n^ound an� descriPtions comronly "-ietes and bounds") does not �^ee[ the requirements of this excePtiou. Each parcel of land in a subd�v�=ion �ahich r,an not be �1��ribed ag °Tqts" ol' °lbacta° (oT D3[[s thereo`1 u°211 Te [ermed as ' Plots" and th= ��'hnle therea[ as "SUbdivision Plots" STGCTIOV 2. That this Prrlin+^re and the amendrent containeT 'her?in shall be in force and in ef"eM `ro��i and after publicatian. Adopted [MS Tth S1� Frh�¢�rr, 1961, By [L6'�LMC� Co ll. ^�i!.y af Fridle. / C �� FP F.. Greig � ATTF.ST: C?ty Clerk - La in�Cj. �IR?vn.. Firat Reazling: January 17. 1^^:1 Secod Read{nS� Rebn�ary 7. 1?fi} News: Feb. 16, 1961 i �