Ordinance No. 0170 02-21-1961�
�. � _ __
do ordain aa follows: � �<',�
Section 1. That all ot tlie Fortions .
of thc stree,ts and alleye in I�'ridley . ��
Park Addition known xs G2nd Way
N.�., 61?/y 4VaY N.F... x11eY in Block .
19 nlley in blocic 2Q and unnamel
etreet rightmP-way adjacent to the
ea,t line of Blocks Y9 and 30 IYing °
w�thi� the Potlowmg deacribed lines: �
a. The north line oL G2nd Way
b. A line desr.ribed as follows:
Beghming at a point in the north
right-uf-way line of ft3nd 4Vay R.P. ��1
diatant 180 Peet northwesterly, mea- .
sured at nglit angles, from the cen- '
ter line of main track of the Creat
Northern Railway Cumpany railway .
as rww locater7 and constrvcted xnd
recorded; thence southwesterly pao-
altel to said main track centerline
and tlistant 180 feet therefrom to a
point in a line qaraliel with and �
dista�t 3d feet norihwes[erly, me�- `
aured at right an,�les, £rom the cen-
ter line ot the most westeHy yard
traok oP said Railway Corogany as
formerly lcea[ed, con.ctructed and re- .�
corded antl now re�noved; Ihence
southwesterly parullel �cith and dis-
ffint �0 feet northwaeterly from said �
centerline of yard tradc to a Point �
in the sou[h ]ine of ittnch _.n, said
maiv track and S^ard tr�ck center-
lines being fiirther descr�ber3 as fol-
�3aid center line oP main tracic ��.?y
fa deacribed as follows: �
BegittninR at a point in the easL {
weat quarter line oC Section 16,
TownshiP 80 North. Range 24 West,
Fourlh PrinciPal A2eri�li�aai, distant
188 feet west, moas�red along said
east_west quarter line, fro:r [he es-
ten�ied eaEt ]ine of First Avenue in
the City of l�ridley; thence south-
westerly at an angle oE 86° 6G' with -
eaid easC-west quarter live for ?700 .
Yeec to tha end of this description.
Said center line of the moet weat- �
eriy yard track is descrihe�3 ns
Commencing at a Fwint in said -
eaet-west quarter ]ine in Section 16,
d:stant 1R8 feet we.ct, rnea�suret7 adong
said east-west qvarter linr from fl�e �.3
extended east line of Piret Aveiiue ��
in the City of Fridlev; thenee soufh-
wester79 at an an�le of Rn� 5�f' wirh
said east-west quartei line fnr 1200 ...�
feet to the nLace of be5inning; thence � _�
seuthwesterly at an anS�e of S° 10'
with ]asi described coorse for 1fi00 �,.-�
feet to the end of this Aeseription
c. Thc south line of Aloek 20 ex-
tencieA eastarly. �
d. The r,enterline of the Great
Northern Railway Company main
Lacept Ihat the City of Fridtey
reserves that portlon nf 63nd 4Pay -
r.T9, hereinbeEOre described, foe , .
uti7ity easement �
All of which lies Sn Lhe 9outh
one-halt (S�h) of Seetion I5, Range
24, Township 30, Anoka County, Mln-
be and are hereby vacate�l � '
Seetion 2. The aaid vacation haa '
heen mar7e xfter Notice ot Pvblic
Hearing in conformance with Minne-
sota Statutes and pursuant to Sec-
tiov 12.07 of the City Chartea.
Passed by the City Council. City of
Fridley, this 21st day.`qi 'NTe$russ�,
1961. ' I �L. A.',��
fayor T Ty a�g .
ATTF.ST: �j�� �/Jy ( �
City Clerk - 7,1N.ih�in L�rh � 1 �
Fitst Rea.dinK: February 7, 1961
Second Reading: Fet, 21, 196]
Newa: March 2, 1967 � �