Ordinance No. 0173 04-18-1961i � � ANCL" NO. 143 BF RfAl{7NC} A C'HANIkC IN THl'.' 'LOFINGI PISTRICT6. 'Che Counctl oi Lhe CiTy of Rrid]¢Y do ordain as follaws: Seccim� 1. Ordinance No. 70 oF the City of L`ri3l�ey known as the Zonin� Ordinance and adopLed on Decembec 29, 1866 fs amended ae hereina[ter indlcate'd. Scu[ion 2. The tract or area tvi[hin the Cou�iLy of Anol:a ana Ciry of Fridley and described as: a) A71 tiva�t 1:�n�7 lying within tl�e followin� bnundarir.s: the south line of 61st A.venue N.E., the P:aat ]ine of the N7ast River Road, the West line of Ma.in 9treet, and the Nort3 ]ipe of 60Lh AVenue N.r., estencled wesG- erly to Ewt Ricer Eiload; ie Aieaeby doeig�ated to be in Lhe Zoned DistrfcR known as M-1 (LiKht In�ustrial). b) all [hat land 1Ying witl�in [he folloe'ing boundaries: the Nor[h ]ine of 60Ih Avenue N.E;., ex[ended westerly to Last River Road, Gie Eas[ line �C PLast River Itoad, the westerly edge af the area PresentlY �ronerl M-2, and the Nnrth line oE Highway No. 100 right o_' way. is- hereby dasignated to be in ffie Zoned District kurnvn as M-2 (Heavy Industrial). Section -3. That the 7.oning Admin- latratar is �lirected Lo change tY�e o£Picial zadng mxp Lo show eaid ttact oi arrv Erom zoned disGicts PASSED SY TIIE CITY WUN- CIL, CiTY OF FRIDLEY, THIS I6Ch DAY OF APRTL, 1961.' Ma.yot �4q "� PTG ATTEST: ��� CI1R CLi'Ali - �ar[�� �uctsc Flrat Reading: Aprll 4, 19G1 Second Readin�: APri] 18, 1961 „ Newa: APril 2P, 1961 �n nlLl ^ � ��/U%^'_' � ��;