Ordinance No. 0174 05-16-1961� � � OfiDINANCE NO. 174 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 70, KNOWN AS THE ZONING ORDINANCE. TfllE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY DO OR- DAIN: SDCPION 1. That drdinan�_e Nuzn�be�r 70 of *,�he Ci�ty oh Frid- ley, passed an�d adop�ted Decem- ber 29, 1955, anu as amended to daRe hereof, �vhich Ordinance is kruawn as Che "Zonin�g Ordin- �ance" be aznznded as follows: a. 7`hat 'YSeotien 5.4 - Uses permitted and exduded, "P' IaisRricCs - Yiuibli�c Facili�ties Dis- tri�cts, " be amended so ha� su�bdivision A.7 t�hereof hereafter read as Po1lo�ws: "A.7 Other publi�c purp�ses an�d uses; and sudS Frivate pur- pos�cs or uses as are necessary ar imeSd�ental only^ Co a public Purpose or use ar as are carried on as a public utility or service un�der Erarochise, license, ordin- ance, resoluti�on ar special per- mit, including gas, elec!ric, _ele- prsone, and the like; all after a special permit tlSereP�ar is ab� tained." b. Th�at "Section 5.4 - Uses permitted and eaccluded, "P" Dis- triahs - Pwblic Fa�cili�ties DisSric;s, "be azrvended s�u bh�a,t �ubdivision B.2 thereaf hereafter re�ad as follaws: "B.2 P'ni���ate trades, h+�siness nr industries; except anry that are on1y aoceseary uses or necessar- ily irni�den5al ".o perm�iGted uses ur as are a pwbl2c utility or ser- vire aarried on under a$pecial Perm'vt, all as nnted in subdLvi- aion A,7 herein a'dovo" SECTION 2. Dhat this Ordin- ance axnd Che Asnend�men�ts con- tained herein sCn�all be inforced arnd in efPect Pro¢n and afiter publicaffion. ADOPTED 1'HIS 16bh DAY dF M�AY, YCf6�1, BY 1�HE CTTY COUNL7I. OF T�I-IE CITY OF F'RIIJS.EY. Mlaynor - T.�. rei�g,. AITEST: .f-T,L � - Ci:y Oleu�k - NPa2�t�in C. $run 1 Firsr, Reading;- May 2, 1961 Secrorrd� Reelllvgs May 18, 1981 News: May 18, 1961 � / •( �