Ordinance No. 0176 06-20-1961�
n1V' OltLffi6'N'CE 7`O ]tllDQ�UL4'PL"
1'HLID UA1EliY1NG OL' 1'd9'lOLli WE
IChe City oY Nrldicy dnes ordalv:
deotion 1. As used herein U�e worfls
"pisluP• oe. ••s'eVOlv�r" ehall meflu
any fieea,i'�n With a bareel Iess thau
hvelve iuelies iu ]angtlt
8eutlm� 9. No parami who }ias been
cmivloLed of a 1'.alm�y bY Lha cuurly
oC Lhle d�a�e or any oU1ar stafe, or
bY tLie UourLS of 6he UmCed .ti't�L�s.
or who has� been em�vicLe�l auy�vl�m'e
of �,acts �vhLuLL, il committad in Miun-
osota„ would constitute n6sault lu Che
lirst or second 3egrea, I�rcun��, cLm��,
nnlawklil enciy, oxtox�IJmi, b�yiv� or
recoiving s[o1e�� Dnnpercy, �six�g, uar-
I'Vlll$ OI' yUbNZ931O11 Ul IIAl'g13f LOO�tl
or �veayous, e�cape, o� wlio has beeu
coeiVioCed in �ny o1J�ee cou�itry uL
acts which, it 3mie 1n blh�uesoi.w,
�aou13 be �a ielony or would eminti-
tu6e aily of' tlie other ofYensea speu:
Pied aUOVe, or Piae 6oei� atljudgeil
�i�ontally iucoinDOtanC, shall aL ad�y
time cany a pis[o] os' eevolver upou
his persmi os• in n.ny vehicle w[chiu
tlie um'�orate L�uits of I,lie CILy ol
1! r[dley.
�Se�Liuu J. No yoraon evho is �ml a
c�ttzen oi the United 8La6ae, m' �vhu
is no�S CwentY-one yeara oi ¢g'e, ex-
ce,pt o��e under the avo ol twenL,-
one Vears �vlyo is a,�� activc aud e�eg-
Warly em�alLud �neuibes' oY a�� u.Qu1L
daeg�et ahoodng, pietol clab, ox� sporte-
rn&�is club, which is duly authorized
to purohase or raceive woa�ony trom
612e Unitad States, and peovldeS nuc1�
member of such club ia at, ur is
goiiig to ur frpm tUe p]aces ol �,asem-
Lly or Lar6e[ practioe, Nhall c:ii'ry ;
pistol or revolver upou hts [�zr,sau or
�� any veliiole wiLltlu Che oorUm�wLe
limits of tne City of Pi'id7ey.
b'ectimi 4. Vo peeson wLO la uudm�
Cha inYlue�me oP ful.oxica[ine liyuo�
or narmti�c drugs shall carry ia platol
05' x'evolvw' upon his person or in
any vehicle wiUliin tlie corGOrate liu,-
its o1' the City oY ,PriflleL.
6ectiun 5. Any Person violatiu� Lhc
provisio�s oT th3s ordinance chall,
upon aouviction tlieceoY, be ➢uuLSheQ
U1' a fine noc Co escee�l $100.Ud or by
i�npri�oaunent not tu exce�d 90 -day�.
CIL Ol� 'PllD CI'PY OH F1271�LI'.1
May�or - 7'�. Py,s�;eie,
iuu� !v
Q 1VG? _
Q�% �' ���.a��"