Ordinance No. 0179 06-20-1961i
Tx� ciTr
SeoCion 1. Deivers' License Law in-
corpwiaced by reference. 9'he rc.e�a-
]a[ory pruvisions of Minnesota Sta-
Lutes 19b9, Chapter 141, as amenfted
l�y Laws 1961 of the 5tate ot' Minne-
ao[a a,re h.ereby adoPted as a Dnvers'
License Ordina�nce in the Cit9 o1
Pri,dlay and are ttere7y imcorTOrated
in and m�ad5 a parY, ai this ordinanca
as co�npletely ae if set out here in
9ecEfon 'L. PenalCy. Any violation
of the atatutes adopted bv re.eeence
in Sectlon 1 Is a violiafion oY tl�is
ordinance when iC occur5 wichin the
Clcy 0.F Fridlcy. 9ny Person thus
vioLatinr any »�ovision of this ooti-
inunee shall be e ilty oY a mi-ae-
me�anor and shall he punished by a
fine of no[ ta esceed $100A0 or by
i�nprisonment in Che CitV or Cou�ty
jail fa�r a neeiod ol noM1 �o esceed 90
daYel but iL a mi�iimum 1'ine or i-,-
inisomme�tC ia Nrasrsibed by tha
81aRe Driver5 License La�v for an
nf£ense, such panalty shall api�ly to
a➢erson convleterl oE the sarve of-
fen�se und.er this ordinanoe.
P355LD THIS ?07"Li D.:1Y OF
'I'UNP7, 19fi1, BF THN: CLY"Y CUUN-
yiaY`or ��.�T4li -]1 /
�\'P1LiST: i
CITY CLL]PIi - Marvin((.. ise
First Rea,ding dune G, 19G1 �
Seco�d Reading June 30,- 1'JGY -
N�4V5: Sime 29, 198�
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