Ordinance No. 0018 08-01-1949� } .� � �J , � � � OKDIFANCE NO. 18 AV ORDINANCF. TO LICE9SE AKD REGIIL.�TE VEHICLES U6F.D TO DELI�'EK DRY CLEAN- ING, LAUNDRT OR DIAPERS, OR 9NI OTHER CLEANED ART- 7CLES OF APP.�IREL I\' THE VILLAGF} OF FRIDLEY The Cuuncil of the �'illage oP Fridlcp do orQaln as fallOws: 6ection 1. A vehiele used to del- icer �1rS-cleaning, laundry, or dia- pers, or any other cleaned artiele �f xpparel, is an}' cehicle u.sed to deltcer dry-cleaning, laondry, dia- pere, or ang other art5ele of c]eaned appaeel, to the eonsumera in the Village af Fridley. Section 2. TLe eonaumer is a peraon or pexsons ta whom dry- cleaning, laundrs, diapers, or any other eleaned article of sppare� are suld eind/or delivered. Bection 3. It sLall be unlamful to ase or operate on any publie LighwaS in the Village af Fridley any cehicle ased for the deliverp of diy cleauiug, laundrg, diapecs, or anS other e]eaned article uf appxrel as nbove deiincvi witLOUt Pirst having ob[ained a license from the Village Couneil in the manne= hereinaPter provided. Section 4. The applicatlon for euch license ehaR be in wrfting, signed by tDe applicant, and filcvl with tbe village remrder. It sDall etate the anp]icanYs full nalne, hib Hge, occnpation, and wLere he Lfle rasided c7nring tLe S��.r nexC pre� �eding the date af filing the appli ation; it �hall also state whether or not H�e aprylicant is a citize�n ef the tinite� St�tes. Section 5. Every appllcant far a license on a vchide used In del- irerin� drp cleaning, laundrs, dta- pe�s, or nnti �ther clenned artiele of anPi��'e] shall pnS inCo the treas- m•v of the cillage, as a]iceneee, on ench and every vehicle, the svm of $]0 per pear 7�er veDicle. Rfienever :mp licrnse is issaed for a term leas than tHe fail license period, �he licenae fea shall bz Prnxat¢�, procided hLnt sneh licenee fee eLall nrt be prornted or reduced at any amount lesa than � Five� Dnllars. 9ectioa fi. IL should be tLe duty of every liccnse heceundcr, and of ecerS Person delicexing dr9 rlean- ing, laundry, diz�ers, or nnS otLer� deaned nxticic of appnrel to die- pla5 and keep displayed xt all tlmes in u prominent p7ace on eacL outer side of the vehicle nsed for euch deliceries tbe name of the licensee, mLich shxll be printed in plala ]etters nnt leas than fovr SneDea in heigLt nnd to keep such pr3nted nnme � in sach cundi[ion t1�at the same may be at all times readily be distinguishable. It ahall be un- laivfol to dieplas an9 vame� on the outside oP Ybe vehicle escept tLat of the licensee and/or his registCred trade name. z� Section 7. Any persan who vio- lntes un9 of thz Provisione of thls ordinanca, shflll be gnilt9 oP a.mis- demeanar and upon convictiod thereof, shall be panished bF a fine � aP not more thfln 4100 or bp im- prisonroent. for not more t6an ninety ('JO) aavs, tuserher wfw tne costs - of Pi'�eecntian in either case. Pas:ed bS the Vi]lage Council this fitst day lugust, 19-19. CARL HART\1AN Mayor L��" \ (91.hL) _�� �ttest: WA.RD ORLINC} Clerk ��� �'GZ��� PublisHed in thcr f.blumbia �ghts RF,CO�RD on Angust 19, 194 .