Ordinance No. 0182 07-05-1961�
�t the CouneR ffnds that the
lous employees of tha Clty of
iley are membera of diYferen[
�LOyee groups, unfons, asaoc�a-
is and the like; �and that each
such groups, unlons, aseocia-
ia and the like acek to eetab-
through ite agents and repre-
[aqvea, for thoae employees
hln i[s own memberahip, cer-
� wRdltbns oP. wark and pay,
uding aVertime, vacatluna, hali-
's, alck pay and the 11ke, Tha[
s to the Intares[ oP the City
. all o[ ite em�pLOryeea that auch
di[fons of warks and pa.y 6e
form and scoocding to a etand-
provlded by the ordlnances n'
CitY oY Fndley 1n a71 reapecte
af tt�e pCObleme oY woi9;e u�i[l
employee personnel af tl�e Cdty of
Frldley. That acconlingly there ia
hereby astablished wltLin Lhe City
of Fridley with reapect Co [he e-
ployeea of tha CiCY the fo]lowing
atandarda, oonditiona, and regula-
tiona o2 employment which ehalt
` be applica6le [o all regular em-
ployeea of the Clty exce�Pt where
�"�� the City ahall otherwise hereaYter
2. rhe regular work week oP each
� employee ehall commence on Mon-
day �f each wsek anrl [er�ninata
on Friday of eacn week anA eIIsll
eonsiat of (40) huurn ea.:�, w��-.,
holidaya excepted. Alsn, except
when the need of any department
ae d�etecmined bv the City Mana-
� ORD3FA GTs FO. 1B8
� or peraonaa neeae ox ea�u
Overtime and over[ime Pny
ny day eh'aR commence after
x��tration of the ragular work-
day. Overtime and overtlme
for any week ehall commence
the expiration oE the regular
Lhat no emlpoyee altall be
�ed to overtlme piay for a.ny
or fiar any week m�lesa the
❑ houre oP work durinz the
days of work and are not per-
fonned on auch day In lleu o[
ather houre ni days of work regu-
lar to auch employae.
2.03 Thene are certain emploYeee
oY the Clty, other than the police
m flremen, who are and may be
deeignated by the City Manager
to serve In a"etandby' etatua ln
behalf lf the City on a Saturd��.y
or Sunday or other h�oliday oC the
City, to perform work as may be
necessarv to the publfc interest on
fa entl[led to and m�.y receive as
eompenaation 4ar auch servica as
"standby" two (2) houre �01 regu-
lar pay for each day served ln
auch s2atus. If an any such day,
the employee on 'standby" ehxll
actuslly perforn.i wark Po� the
City, he ahall be entitled ta co-�n-
pensatian whlch Is to be mmputad
aa� follaws: If [he actual tlme
worked is lesa Lhan one (1) haur,
the employee ahal] receive one (1)
hour Hme se "s[andby" at.regular
pav and one (1) houx time at one
and one-half (lj5) tlmee the reg-
ular pay. For any period aetually
worked in exceae uf ova (1) hour,
the emplayee ehall receive pay
computed at one and one-heAf (1�)
tlmen the regutar pay for ear,h
hour or part thereof actuelly work-
on sueh day. '
2.03 In the publfc lnterest, an em-
ploVee may be dalled to nerform
work for the City a4ter the reg-
ular working day; and In euch
event, the employee ehall recelve
`ui.y compuLed as followe: For
such overtime work pertormed
pay Domputed at tl�e rate oi one
and one-hall Q'/�) times the reg-
ular pay, but nu[ lese in any event
Yhan wn araount equx] M two
houra regu]ar pay; �roviQe(t hu�v-
ever, that such mimmum amuunG
aha71 not apP1Y in the c.iee of :�n
employee who had not left the
eite of the wurk performed during
the iegu1a�r worlcin�5 period, at:d
euch emOboyee is direcGed Lo pex�-
for.a wm�k for the CSty within
on¢ Q) houc of [he ezpiration oY
Lhe regulnr working day, in which
case the work perfmmed i5 con-
sidered normal nvertime for Lhe
3. `Lhe foll
i�nys. a�
the ces
ca.ety, I
less- the
. na emplayees, excep[ 1n
of neaeasity tu public
�alth, iand welPare, or un-
t'oquirerrvents af hts e �-
so Arovide, shall bn
� perfo�im work o�� such
d when so Perfor_..eA
c i.npensatton 1'ut' auch �varl: eh, ll
he paid a,s overtime Pay at the
�¢Le of one and orve-half (1?4�)
timea the mguY.tr pe.y. 4�'hen an1'
o[ such days shall Call on a day
oY the week excluEive �oY 9aturd;�y
or Sunday which ia not a re�;ul:•r
day, for any e!nPlo��e�a,
h emploYee shall be en-
be absent from work, as
oliday' on the n��.xr �ur-
work day. The fol]�owing
[hen suc
titled to
on a 'h
[la;.e are '
reais nay
uary 22),
0), Inde-
), Labor
in Sep-
^,as Day,
day nex[
Day, lndependence vay, or
nay or Snnaay, tne �aim�cmg mom
d•ay ehall be a holiday.
7!:ach emp]oyee af [he City wh�o
has worked Pegulany Eor t�� Cit��
For a Period oF not Iess than
twelve (13) sur,cessive months is
enti[led to a �.tication a�vay from
emPloym�ent wltlipay.Vacati���np��y
ahal] he compvted at the regular
rate oI pay to which sucU em-
❑loy�ee 1s entiLled. An emPloyee.
who has wurlced a minlmvm of
hvelve (13) months 1s enLitled to
one (1) wodcday of vacation for
each month so wo-rlced; an em-
p�oyee who has worl:ed eighty-four
(84) suaaese�ive monffis ie enHUed
to one and one-halY (1�Fi) �rk�
daye o4 vaca[ion for each month
worked baginning ni[h [he efghty-
fiPth (86[h) month oE conaecutive
e nploymenb �xcept where o[her-
wiae provided by agreemen[ be-
hvaen tke Ci[y Manager and the
emplovEe, no more than eiehteen
(18) daye v2ca[ion may be ttiken
in any one calendar veaq and the
vacat[ons, unlesa o[herwisa pro-
vided, whall be taken each year
durin� the months of April to and
fncluding the month of Auguat.
Eaah employee of the Ciry wtm
h�ae worked regularly £or the City
for a period oP not ]ess than
Cwelve (12) enccesaive rionths is
entitled Lo slek leave awav from
e�nplopment wlth pav. 9iok leave
pay shall be comPUted at tlie reg-
ular rate of pay to whtch such
0m�loyee is entiUed. An employea
who has worked �a minimu^+ of
twelve (12) montha 19 entiHed ta
one Q) day for sick leave for eacli
month worked, cu�•�v]ative [o
nlnety (90) flays of aick leave.
AYter nfnetY (90) earned and un-
used daya of sictc leave have ao-
cumulated, one (1) day additional
vaoatlon ahall be Rranted to �n
employee for each three (3) add-
tional mon[ha wm•keQ ��Ihout sLc�k
leavo absence. Before any nick
1eave o�m�en�sation ie pald, [he
City may a�equest antl is enlitled
to reeetve frmn any c�nPloyee �vho
has been Nbsent morc than three
(3) days in snr,ces�io�, a curti�i�
cate slgned by a cn�'iPe[enL phY-
aician or other medir,al atLendant
certiLying to Che facL that Uhe, aL-
sence was in £aet due Lo Sicl.ncss
end mt otherwisv The C1Ty P.lao
reserce�e the riglit to have an ex-
amination made at any time oP
any �erson e7tiroing absence by
reason of sichness; surh exami-
n2tion r ay he i afla when the
City deems the sane reaeonably
ner.essary Lo ceriiv [he slckness
cl�.zir. ed, a.n�l may be '� ade in be-
E Any Ci[y e�ployeu injured un his
regulae job ehall he enLitled �n fnil
�xy uP Lo a Pericd pf ninety [90)
clays �vhlle he is abr,e-�t �Fro�� wm�ti
b,v reaso�n oY such irijwy and [tis
aoervxl sick leave 'h'i❑ no[ be
uhargotl un[il �sJ'[er and boginning
with the ��iin�ety-tirst (81st) day oe
absence 'TOm wot7c by ma,mi of
svch ininry, An employee who
dai s nn ah.9ence fro wor�:
tl e b nn ininrV eustaine3 on his
re^,���1^r ob is =ubiect to an ex-
aminat'on b be ��azle in belralf
of the C7[y by a person co�-�petent
[o perfm�'� Ihe saano ancl as ia
deai^natad by Lhe CiLy
7. 4 failura vnl,hput S'�d ea,use on
Lkie PirL o� Lhe P"ployee to pro-
vi�le such cer!i'4�ah°: or b snb-
mlt to auch examination or ex-
amSna[fons as may be deemed
necae3ary by the City to veriYy
anY ��h�ess or W clecer�*ine tne
naturo ot :�ny injury a�cl the oause
thereof shal7 sub.'rect [he onployee
to being i9isqualified fro-� r��n-
p�nsatim� rothenviee fo ne roceived
by reason of auch illne_s or in-
Jury and Che absence oausrd there-
by: :�nd �ISn Lo such oth=_r A�hcip-
ll�ary means a.s are Prwided by
6. An emPloyee n�ho has peen duly
emnmoned Eor jury dutY in any
courq ar �vho hes been duiy sum-
mnned ae a witneee in any pro-
cee�iing shall be excused 17om
work for the purpx�se of comply-
ing with such eu'-imavts, and while
�absent from work in accordanca �
therewith, such s�nnloyee sha71 be
en[itled to recei�'e as px�:. a �urn
ef money equal to [he differ�nco
Uet�reen �vha[ he roceives a.s �am-
�ansation Por such jury Aury ox
"�'�ness feee, and his regular Pay.
8.01 Any emplayee absant from
worl: in nccordancz with the or-
der of a dulV esta6liehed r^ilitwrv
authority shal] receive Pay n�d
c^ nen�n'�- ri r n sur��i nbsence
as 7s provided by Stn[e T,aw.
8.03 In [he ease oP a dewth oocur-
ring in [he im°-edia[e fasily oY
an emP��Yee. surh e'nployee may
be excused from wm°� during sur,h
neriod ae is reaeon2.bly necessary
Por [he emploVee ta atten�i the
f^mara.l serv'ces of the decedent,
an'i •qr,1,. ' vhell pn� .,pp'
ject the em,ployee to ]asa oY pay.
Far this purnoee, r•�emhers af the'
immedi�te Pamfly oP an �'imployee -
are wnsidered to be the following:
d �pouse ch:ld. (n'tnrnl ne adopt-
ed1, paren[ or grandnazent, or
h��nhher or sisr^r.
aP thie or�inance
n npon publioatbn,
:r, that the 6ene-
�eu�der shall oP-
3v and inure to