Ordinance No. 0019 08-01-1949` _
� '
-. �� 8ection 4. The applicatlon for
. . . . � �nch licence .ahAll be in writing,
, _ eigned by the applieant, aud file�l
. �cith t7�e cillage recorder. It ahalT
. . ' �eri�.re rhe ;�pplicanYs ful] name, hSs
� agc, oitiu{ution and where he hae
resided durinq tLe pear nest �rre-
. � . cwclin� tNe� datc of filing the app
licatlon: it shall nlso state whetLer
� or nat thg aFglicanc is a citizen o[
� . tLe United Btates.
The Canncil of tbe FiIlage of
Fridles �o onlain as fullowa:
Seetion 1. A rehicle used to del•
icer milk is aoy vehide veed to dei-
ver m[lk, cream, battermilk, skim
milk nnd subetitutes for mllk fo
-the eon,nmers in the Village of
fiection 2. The conanmer ie a per-
eon or persons to wLom milk or its
products are sold and/nr deliceiy.vl
(1) w�o uses it onlp io cooking and
other prepeiration of foals fm• err•
viee �other tLan miaed mitk t�ev-
etagea; (2) wLV uses it in tLz mis-
in� and making of mised milk bev
erp.ges; (3) who serves it for u?e
in iroffee or eimilar t�ecerages, or
u[wn fi�nitP, or cerea7F; (4) wAo
uses it for domestic par�nses in
the household; (6) who ��see it ae
a liqui� beverage; f6) n�ho u�es
it for res�rle to otheis fn [he orig-
iflal pacbaSe.
Section 3 It shall be unluwfvl
to i�se or operate on any Pvblic
"high�vay in t6e �'illage of Fridley
any vefiicle nsed for tbe deliverv
of milk, or ite prodnets, ae above
deflned, without first having ob-
tained a licence from [he �ulage
Conncil in the mannen c�reinafter
� � . _ _... - _..
Sectio�� 5. Eveiy' aPDlicant far a
]icenee on a vehicle used in del-
ivering milk shnll �ap iuto the
treasurp of the cillage, as a lir
en�ee, nn each and every vehicle,
the sum of �10 per Sear per �'e-
hicle. {Vhenever aay licenee i$
i5eaed for a tecm less than the fulk
IicenFe Pei'iad the lic�use Pee shall
he pro-rnted, pravided tbat FucD
license fee shall not be pro-rated
m• rectueed aY am9 amovmt less tha❑
Fice Dollars.
Section 8. I[ eLauld be the duty
of ecery liceusee bcrunder and of '�
e�ery person delivering milk to dfs- ��
play and keep �ispinyed at all times �..�
in a prominent place on each onter 5�
qida oE veLicle �sed tor euch del-
iveries the name oP the licensee, �
which shall be printed in F�ain .
lettercs not less ffian four tnches �-.
in height and to keep sucL printed
name in such condition tLat the -��
aame ma9 � at alt times refldil9
distinguishable. It ahall Irg nnlaw- :.I_;�
fnl to displa9 anp name on the oub �.-�
side of We veLicle eacept that of
the licensee and/or his reglstered
trade name.
Section 7. An9 M�'�� who via �
lates any of the provisions af tLie �
ordinance, shall. be guilty of a mis-
demeanor an� upon convictiono . ��
thereof, shall be punished by a fine �
pf not more than $100 or by im• .
Defsonment for not moTe than nine-
ty days (90) days, togther with the
eosts of prosecuttort in either caee. .
Passed by the Village ConncS]
this first dny af Aagast, 1949. �
� � :4fayor i�ir'"'�\
Clerk - .. v�,tC
F'ublished in the Columbia � htp
RPC6RD on Augast 19, 194 . �