Ordinance No. 0020 08-01-1949� • � � � ORDINANCE NO. 20 AN ORDINANCE TO LICENfiE AND R,H(}ULATE VEHIi`LFS ti3F� TO DELIVER BREAD AND BAKERY PRODUCPS IN THE VI�I.I.AGE OF FRIDI.EY The Coaneil af tbe Village oi Fridles do ordaln as follows:� Qection I. � cehicle ueGl to deb iver bread an3 RakerS prodncts is any cehicle used to deliver bread. eookies, pies, rolls, cakea, and any other bakecp prwluets to the rnn- aumers in ttie �'illage of E"ddley. 8ection 2. T6e couaumer Ts a pereon or persons to whom bread and bakeev praiucte are sold aod/or delivered for consumPtlon in home, restaur.tnt oc other eating Places, and Yor resnle eitLer w6olesale or retail. Section 3. It ehall be nnlawfnl to use or operate on�� an9 public highwaS in tLe Vi'tlage of Fridley anS vehicle used for tbe deftvery of bread and bakery pradacts ae above defined, witLuut first hacing obtained a licen,se from tLe Village �3 Cwncil� in the manner hereinatter '�� procided. � a StY:tion 4. TUQ ¢pplication for ''. :i sneh licenne shall be in writing, .�„� si�ned bS the applicant, and filed � � �citL the village� xeeorder, It ehall ..� state the a�licant's full name, his ,,J a;e, �ecilpation, and where Le Las ���+ a resided dueing the pear nCxt pre- :':j redinQ the date oP ffling thc app licaton; it�ehall also etate whctLer �"�� ar not the applicant js a citizev � nf the linited States. . Sectioo 5. Pvers flpPlIcant foe x licenae on a cehicle used in del• icerin� brend and bakerS pralucts ��:i chall ry�9 into the tirasur9 nf the - billa�e, as a licensce, on each aad � e�ers o0hicle, the sum of $lb per cenr per vehicle. Whenever any .";� l5cense ig iesued for a term lese � than tLe flill 13cenee �eriod the license fee shall be pro-raGed, proo � �ieled that snch license fee shall � not be pro-rated or redurvxl at aay ' nmount lese than Fice Dollars. Secrion 6. It ehauld bz the daty �..� of every licensee Dereunder and oY ,.a everg person delivedng bread tn -'��+ tlisplay and keep displayed at all times in a prominent place on each onter c+ide of vehicle used for such �`=� deliveries the name of YLQ licensee, � which shall be printed in plaln � letters not less than four inches �-' in height and to keep such printed �° � name in such condition tLat tbe �'". same ma5 be at all timee rzadil9 d4etingaishable. It shall be unlaw- :� ful to � di�play anp name on tfie ����3i outside of th� vehiele esctpt tLat .'`y oP the licensee and/or� h3s regie- � tered trade name. � Se�tion 7. .in5 P�n'son who via latea any of the prnvisions of TLis � � ordinance, sball be guilty of a mSe- � demeanor and upon eonvict5oa, thereof, shall be punished hy a � fine oY not more thnn $100 or bs � impsisonment for not more than ninet,y t90) dav& togetLec with the co&�ts of prosecut�a�n In rither case. pACC�7 by the Village Counci1 this ffrst day of Avgust, 1949. � CARL HARTMAN . Ma�� (6E9L)���� �ttest: R'ARD NO�N�/?A9 ;� Clerk � Pubtished in t e Columbia SDte RECO}t�D an August 19, I9 . ..