Ordinance No. 0202 01-02-1962i
\ J
An Ordinance to amentl Ord-
inance No. 70 entitled "An Ord-
inance regulating the location,
size, use and height of buildings,
the arrangement of buildings, on
lots, the density of popwlation;
adopting a District Map contain-
ing the boundaries of Districts
within each of which variaus reg-
ulations shall apply; defining cer-
tain terms used herein; requiring
the provision of dutomobile park-
Ing space; providing for amend-
fng these regulations and the
map, establishing a Board of Ap-
peals, providing for administra-
tion and enforcement and impas-
ing penaltles for violations"
adopted Decem6er 29, 1955.
SE�CTION 1. That Ordinance
No. 70 of the City of Fridley is
amended by adding thereto as a
separate sectinn atter Section 2
thereof, the followin� S�ection, to-
"SECTION 2.1. Declaration of
Policy. That for the purpose of
promoting the health, safety, or-
aer,� wnvenience, prosperity, and
general welfare of the City, its
inhabitants and the public gen-
erally, it is of interest to the City
t� have provided within it, among
oLher things, places of recreation
and sport, parks, rest and relax-
ation, together with places of
quiet, peaceful and private living
and residence, as well as places
of com�mercial and business or in-
dustrial enterprise; all and each
so located throv�ghout the City
emd so regulated as shall promote
the health, safety, order, conven-
ience, prosperity, and general
welfare o£ the City. its inhahi-
tants and the public generally.
That with regard to promotion of
such purpose, the Council of the
City of Fridley finds that the
City of Fxidley is endowed with
and has within its territoria]
6oUndarie5 certain ]alces, streams
and waterway-s, both public and
private, and that the same are
usefu] and of benefit to the City,
its inhabitants, and the public
generally as places of recreation
and spoM, parks, and p'aces oP
rest and relaxation; and, also,
that the lands adjoining thereon
or adjaCent thereto are them-
selves of use and benefit to the
City, its inhabitanYs and the pub-
lic generally, for sc�ch same or
similar purposes, as well as being
oi use and benefit as places of
quiet, peaceful, and private liv-
ing and residence; all to the en-
hancement of the City of Fridley,
its inhabitants and the public
generally, Further, that the
Council flnds that it is in the in-
terest of the City of Fridley, its
inhabitants, and the public gen-
erally, to promote, preserve and
protect such ]akes, streams and
waterc�•ays, and the lands adjoin-
ing thereon or adjacent thereto
for such same or similar pur-
poses, by appropriate zoning o£
all such lands, whether within,
upon, or abutting or adyacent to
any lake, stream or waterway, of
whatever nature the same may
be or wherever the same may be
found, in the City of Fridley.
That except and until the City of
Fridley shall have and there be
within it, provided For the City,
it; inhabitants and the public
generally, sufficient such p!aces
oP recreation and sport, parks,
p!aces of rest and relaxation, and
places of quiet, peaceful and pri-
vate ]iving and residence, all as
may he deemed necessary by the
City to be in the best interests of �
the City, its inhabitants and the
public generally, that a11 lakes,
streams and waterways and lands ,
adjoining thereon or adjacent
thereto in the City of Fridley
shall be accorded zoning c�nder
the ]aw as shall promote the use
thereof as p]ace; of mcreation
and sport, parks, and places of
rest and relaxation, or places of
quiet and peaceful and private
]iving and residence, and shall
not be accorded zoning for uses
and purposes crommercial, busi-
ness or industrial, except and un-
]ess it be found thaC a particalar
p7ace or that a particular com-
mercial, b-��siness, or industria]
use of a place with respecE to any
avaterway or 7and adjoining or
adjacent thereto is of benefit to
the City, its inhabitants and the
public generally in a measure
substantially greater than that
provided 6y the other zoninry, and
that thereby Che zoning for com-
mercial, business or industria]
use better promotes the health,
safetg order, convenience, pros-
perity and genera] welfare of the
City, its inhabitants and the pub-
]�c generally."
SECTION 2. That except as
amended herein and by ordin-
ances duly adopted suhsequent to
tYe date of December 29, 1955,
the provisions of said Zoning
Ordinance shall remain the same.
SECTION 3. This ordinance
shall be in fudl force and effect
from and after the date of its '
JANUA.'f2iY, 1962. -
MAYOR—T. E. reig
Marvin C. Brunse�ll : -
First Reading: Dec. 15,� 1961
Second Reading: Jan.2, 1962
News: Jan. 11, 1962