Ordinance No. 0206 04-02-1962.
[TY Ob'
to 9uich
Coda (Volume
; Official5 is
'erenee as es-
ie Cbrle if the
ceDtions, mMli£ioatious and changes
as noted herein, is of no xurther foi'ce
and eTiect immedia[ely upon th�s
ordiaance becovning enective, nnd Ci�e
5ame ar,e re�pealed.
SLCTlOn 2:
(1) The followin� axceptions, modi-
ilcations� aud changes in tne provi-
slons couta-ined in said Unuor�n
ituilding Code are �uade with reel�c[
to said Cofl¢ and shall be in Iorce in
the City aY N'ridley,
(2) vo frammg ior any slt'uuGU�'e
may be sHaeed more Lh�an- sisaaen
(16) inchas on center; except thac in
the case oT plank and beam consnvo-
tion N�here the sai«e iy oi a tyye aY-
peoved by tiie buflding inspe'cmr as
suba[an0ially fic [or che purpose, a
wider spaci»g may be ueed.
(3) No ylywood or compoaiCian
boaxd as the material is co..uuonlY
called, which is less Chan m�a-hali
(%) inch thicl� shall be ased ibr pm'-
poses oY wa11 aheathing in any sll'uu-
ture; an13 all suoh sheathing materlal
ae is uaed ahall �be o8 a composit,�on
and nuality approved by the building
(h) No ylywood, as the mateaial is
cmnmonly called, whicii is lese chan
one-haLl (y2) lnoh thicic ahall be used
fot' purpoaEe oY xoor s�heathlne 1n any
structure; a.nd a]L such sheaLhtnd
ma�terial as is used sha1L be oi s
counpositioei and qualtty appiroved bg
[Iie building inspector.
(b) T`iveiy Yrama building hereaLter
constructed shal] have a double �rov-
ering om al] ouTSida wa11s, coe�iating
of ien a�proved sheathins and au ap-
proved sidin8: and no single wall
cype constrwcWion is nllowad exoePc
�nd m�less it be ma3e with respec[
Lo a s[ructure and oY a, type a[id
material chat has 1:irat been �,ppxoveii
b5 che building iasPectur.
(6) The minlmum, requiremencs Lor
any frame floor in aciy bui].ding is
one ]ayee o2 0��8 inch plywood oP
�'a inch boarde as su�b-floor, and one
layer oi �,� fnch Hlywood as the sea-
onft (or Yinished) iloar,
4�lienecer end wherever the apnro-
cal of llhe building inspector is s'e-
quired undex the Oods and this or-
dinance before any materlal may be
uaed or any type work may be per-
Pormed in ttta con5tructioq alterar
fion, or repair oY �any bulding, the
bvilding hiepectm' sha-11 determine
whother che ma[erial to be used or
tDe wor:c to be perfoi'med complies
substant9ally with the proviaiuns uf
the Code and ffie exceptions, modiPi-
cdtions, and changes no[ed herein
and whonever 3ucli su�psbs,xitial com-
p1Ja�ee doe5 not �cist Lhe materi¢i
and K�ork sl�all b¢ clisapproved.
8�C1TOK E: That tHree (3) oop3ee
of the above named Code as herein
noted sha71 be filed by the C1ty Clerl;
in hie oPfice Por inspectian and use
by the publlc, and eaeh copy sh&ll
bt marked with the words, "Cit9 oY
T'ridley, Apioka Counry, M,innesota -
oificiat eo➢Y"� �'h�s ordinance shwll
become effeotive upon the FuAlieatiun
o[�this ordin�anoe as re9uired by tha
Qharter of Che City of Fr)t31ey nn�i
upan tkia filing of svch copies by� t1'ie
CitS' rlerk as-p�rovi�ied herein.
�SS9CTION 4: Any gerson wh.o viw
]n�tes any procisions ol this nrdinant+�
and its respective parte o�r poxYiqns as
the same may be incorPOnsted herein
py roference sh�all be e�ilty ot a
mis�demeanor, avd urwn co�vict�on
thereof he shall be Punished by a fim�
not tq czceed $100 or by i�nprlson-
menL not to exceeA ninetY (��) daV.�.
A]IOFTT'I7 THTS 2n� P,1Y �C3.i�`
T. I�] C-PEiC � (��]y�,�a.
b4AYOR/� /{"'
3TTi15T: �1,.
• 7he City of. Pridle3' and any provlsion btaxrvin C' Brunse�] i°�'�.`
tl�ereoP which is� conttzr9 to or in- P�irst Reading M�ansh ]9, 19fi
consistent w�th the provisione o�P said Serond Reading April 3, 196°
Liniform ]3uildinR Code and tha ex- SST'Zi'5: A4av 17. 196�