Ordinance No. 0208 04-16-1962� � . ORDiNANCE N0.208 AN ORDINANCE UNDER SEC- TION 'f2.07 OF THE GI'iY CHARTER TO VACATE THE ALLEV IN BLOCK FIV'E OF THE RGES AODITION The Council oi the City of Fxidley da ordain as follo��s: SECTION 1. Thah all of 4he alley descrihed as foll.ows: Lying in Block I'ive (5), Rezs Addition; described as the al- ley extending from 64th Ave- nue N.E., south of Lot One (1), Auditor's Subdivision No. 59, lying in the South one-half (S'/z) of Section 14, T-30, R- 24, Anoica Coun,ty, Minnesota. be and is hereby vaaated, except Rhat the Cit}� of Fridley reserves an easement Eor utility purposes over Ehe alley herein described and vacated. SECTION 2. The said vacation 3aa been made after \TOtice of Fublic Hcaring in conformance with Mimicsota Statutes and pur- suant to Section 72.07 of the City Charter. PASSED BY THE CITY COUN- CIL OF TFIE �CITY OF FRiD- L�Y, THIS 16TH DAY OP APRIL, 1962. MAYOR—^1. E. �reig . AZ`TEST: .-� `� CTTY CLERK— �- Marvin C. Brunsell (�Q7wiu �, First Reading: April 2, Y962 News: April 19, 1967,