Ordinance No. 0021 08-15-1949w� �� 1 w � Y •- � , � •, � � � � _'_/ _ .., ��f o�rx.uvcs xo. zx AN bRDINANCF. CREATIN(i A 1,0(`AL BOAR�D UF }IF.ALTH, DFr FiTING ID6 POR'ERS Al�l) DUT- ,1F.`�S A1�P PROVIDIPiG A PENAi,- TY 'FOR THE VIOL9TION OF IT9 .LANFC1L ORDER$ The Filla�e Council of Fddley ��o ardain as follows: Pectfon 1. d vi7la�e board af F,.a�lth of t6ree membw,�s, to be npYr uinted I.e the counril at i[s fiist mretine fo�Ilo�vio,G any reGnL�r rler- tion fnr me�nbers of 5aid coundl. i�. herebc crented. Dlembers ?Lnl] h�.1d ��4fire for fhree peara. Fac nnriee ahnll bc filled bS aPl�inh ment of the ('a�nnril. Fe�t�il�r 3. (hie member ot sxid iward of heal+h mnc t�e a phps- lrtan, �rho� svfl]) M1e the eTecuticP nf thp hrni'�d nnd villn� he�ilth off- icPr. If no pbccici^n i� acailnble. then Counril shall ehrnxe tbe eaec- ntive of the troard and cillage health nfficer. 9�tin�tl 3. 7t sLUll t�e the dntS of the board M healtb to make encb incesti�ation�s a��S reports und ubey snch directiona eaieerning Communicable diseases as the etate Ivr.uil uf healrL may� require or gi��e, end to eause all ststutes, otd- inaucee, by-lu�r�, rulas :md rew]-. eri�3nn cnn�rernin¢ pobtic lic:xltL, ]x�cfulic made, [o be enforeed and� �nbey�ttl. _ �e•:ion 4. It ehall be the duty o�f tLe cilla� health officer to ececute thr law�fol nrders of [he ntnte flnd village twards of Lealth and to pCrfmm Such ntLer duties :�re or mac be DrescriMwl 6p steitute, or bc eegulation of the Atare board oi heulth. Se.•tion a. Tt ehmll be unlawfnl Yor any person tn oppo?e or obst�met a me�nber of tLe village l�ard ot health �rr tlie henith officer or pby- Ficizn ch�u•,ed wiTh tLe enforcement af healih lan�s, iu peiiormtng any 1•�-nal rlutp: or for nny person to ob-' et�rtict or hinde� the entry of sueh he:�lth officer upnn pmmises or into bnildings or other pince, where eon- tarian, infection, Pilth, or other s�wrce or.cause of preventable di- sease esi�ts or is reaaonably s¢spec- ted to eaist. Fec•[ioo 6. The village Lealth officer ehnll employ at the eapense of [he village sueh roedical and ather hetp as may be necessary in the control of communieable di- ce�aee�. �11 statemente of esnenee incin•red in establi'._bin� enforcing end releasing quanntine ehnll, af- 1er ryormenC, be Certified co tlie croun• tp auditor for allownnce of opeh�alf khe nmonnt b9 [Lc couutS lward to the cillage as provifled bf law, .Provided, that no ench �Pense shall Ae peid by the cillxge oulese pa.y- ment is refused by the person or perconB liable therefw�e nnder the �tatutes. Section 7. The villaRe b�1[h Mf- ir�r, rn� nnother member oi the 1Mard, chal] make a Ihoroneh s�n- it;�rc ins�ction of nll public 8nd privaTg peape�ty in tLe village Sn the month of �Inc of each Sear, and present a�critt¢n rePOrt of sach in��•tion, tegether �cith his recom- mendatians to the viltage coanCil on"or before the first dap of June. :� cap9 of the report shall also Le senL on or before July lst, to tLe 6tate Rmird of Aea1tD. Section S: Preceding the May . sanitar5 inspection the villsge . 1�e�lth officer sLall eause a notice - to bg inserted in the official village plper at the cspense of the villag2 ocderin� person9 thorauglil9 to clean fill S�T(7S, V:IDlYer �SPOO19, e11Eds, . and tmrna and to cause all tin can& � � I trash, and manure to be removed � therefrom on or befatc the fi�t � day of 37ay. If, upon inapeetion, J such ordei has not been comPlied j with as to anS lot or parcel of � =j gronn�3, indicSQual orders requir- � .��� ing the a�vners or occvpants of sucIl _,� premLcc�c to cizan the same shalt, be ipsaed by the health officer and ' n rreinspertinn made of �nch prem• j �-? i:es an ar before �Ine 15. Failnre j �� to camP1S with .�ucL indiridual n�der ', �'� ahall be nnlawfol and sball tic pun- i,ched as hereinafter provideU. � Sectinu 9. The merobers af the . � Iwazd of health .�hnll recelce com- penFation for their services as the �^-�- ��,_ cilla.,Ge coancil ma9 prescribe far aerviee& sctuallp spent in the p�- formanee of their duttes. The vill^ nee health officer, however, sLa�7� receive a snlaxy tn bQ determi�',y[`,`�` bp the village eouncil, payab7e mbn- thly, which aLall be Sn lien M all other rnmpeneation from tLe v5ll- . s�e. Seetian S0. An9 PeTQOn� firm, oY � - corporation wLich shall violate any "'"� -' oP the provisions oP Section b a[ . nnS arder Inwiull9 made ander 8ec- tinn 8 of this ordinance shall apnn . ronr•ict[on tLe�reaP lie�.deemed Kuilty . of a misdemeanor and shall be pan- � iched b5 a fine o1 not leas 'than _� fice nnr more thxn ane handred — Aollars nnd costw or hy imprieon• � . ment� in the village ja[1 fox nnt lese � khan fice dap& nor mara than nifl- . et9 daps. BeeHon 11. TLis ordin�ance FhaH_ . -'� be in full force and eHec� from and ' flLter its Pnbication aecording ta ..,.� law. PasE¢d by the village counell thia . � 16th day of Avgus[, �1-949. CARIa HARTMdIN / � //�j Mayar f 9EAL) ,� �jZ,. i 9yt _ :�tteat: � {V �RD O�RLINGy Clerk .'�7;i�/R�. /� �. PobtiFhed in tLe Colambia eigLte RECORD an Auguet 2R, 1 9. r..