Ordinance No. 0213 06-18-1962�
O]LDL��NOE SO. -13
Al 01LllINANGF. liELA'P1NG 'd'O
Pi7E pVYE1�1�I1�G9. 7LE(db�7.A,'CIXf�
CEN6E� :\.1D PRO�'1IIlAl: a PE_\-
Phe Couhcil of the l:i[y of Nidley
do oa�dwl.�u
4'ECT10N' 1' 7"he ConnC�l of the
City of Fridley deeins [hat it ia in
cha� ia!erest anil i>�'omol,im� oP thz
]�ealth, sarety. cind �v91fm'e o8 the
inhabitaa�ts at' the City of ,Pf ridleti.
I,he publlc generally, u.nd the oCCa-
pa�ta tHemcelvec o: a xnu]1,iPie dwel-
]i�g, tNat thc owner oP eve�'Y mu]LiP��
d�+��alling iu [he City rzgister such
Swe111nS with the City, anfl cliat the
City regulwte the use and oocupancpp,
an� li,nantie The maintenance ana o��-
eration oP any sur.h muLtiPle dwallin$,
and provida 'YOr ;�nd e?faet-an inspec-
tlan Proai Limo Lo time oi' everV Pre�n.-
ise oo��t,a,ining a. mul[iple dw�ellin3 �sll.
es may be deemad necess'sty hS' tlie
City to s�iuh reg�la[i.on anfl licenaa in
confonnit�y w1Lh Che ordinances oY tha
City ol Pridley.
SECTION 2. From and aftar the
ePPective claha of thie ordioance no
person aliall erect, consri'uCt, enLarbe,
nll:er, re��aic, move, remuvq convarG,
u5e, ocounY, n�a,intain, oPerate, or
allow any mullliDle dwellinn in the
City of Fridley ta bz uced, nenupied,
rna.in4alned, or oporated contrary Lo
the proviaions o[ thts ondinanee.
BECTION 3: Dofinitions: 1?ar the
PurpQSes of this m�3lnia�me, axcePt
where the context indivates ocher-
wise, ttua followine wm'tls mean:
(a) Multlple Dwolling: Any bui13-
ing or eU'uellure oont,afnin6
therein three or morc [bvelling
units wheCher �eed qalely oc
aielveively fios resifle�tlal pur-
paaes or othanvlse.
(b) Ownei: The person or bodY
having an 'vi0ei'est iu a. miiltiple
dwelling as a fee owner or
9uboNina[e lutere�t wi[h Ihe
Tight to exeroise aonll'ol artd
inanagee¢�0»t oT the P�'em�iseS.
BECPION 4: That on (or lietio�re)
the 1st day of 8eptember, 19G2, and
amivally theceafter,
(1) The owner of every mu]�it�le
dwelling in thc CiLy ot Pridley
(a) A[ ]eaEY 30 da.ys Drior Lo
the lst day oi �S�epcember of
each Year lile �r'i6li the
City a registra,Llon cer6ifi-
caCe on a lor'rn R�'ovided by
the Cily cex�Lifyin� the
name of [ha mvner af the
dwelli�g, avd a1so,
(b) FSIe tkieruwith, an applica-
tion foc a liceuea LhecoYOx'
from the CiLy und p�k5 the
]icense Yee as �>�ovirle3
{�G) Whcin e 'anted, pos6 said
liaense in fl causqiiauous
place on 1he P�'dmiazs lbr
whtch it in issueG.
(�) lhe Ciry u,POn receip[ ol' said
certiPicate eiud applioaflon aud
¢xamitu3t6un thel'eoi hy Ghe
BtiLding i��ePeetioii O1'Tlee sh:v.11
enuse tha Pe'em'is-es tn be in-
sP�ted by the liealth Ofrioer,
Nine A'evoutlon riureaix, and
such oth.eP inspec�ors ne ft dee�.�s
neeessaiy im' the Pui'Peves oY
this ort3in3nce, anS vpon appro-
val issue a licens� tl�erefm� to
the owner, (or 1f tlLs�appwved
give notLet thereoP 6o the aPPi�-
cant), a�d r�P�tt ihe same to
Lho City Councll.
(3) Plie City ComiciL inay, at an�
time and w�i.h or �vlthout sucLi
1'eport, u,Ytar x hearing held ou
ton (10) days no6ce, a�itl Eui'
giood cauee sliown aud as yro-
vide herein:
(a) Deny a ]icenae.
(b) Suspend a ticense.
(h) (o) Revok'e a lice�se.
8uoh �egi}Gration certificate,
appliea,tion Lor Gee�ae, and
]icense DaYmeut is raqui�'ed Lo
be renewec3 on or Uetore Lhe lsc
tla9 oL 9ePfembee� of ea�cii year.
,�[ 16 ULS&WTlll 10l' 2lly OW]lOC YO
tail to reg�ste�'; an3 no paraon,
owner, lessea, nccupanL, or olh-
etwise� shall wilku]ly and l:uo�i'-
ingly use and ocenpY, or �nain-
tain and oPOrale auy eiich
mvltip7�a dwe111n� thaL is �ot so
registered or licanaed, or in a
muinnen tlhat Ia uautrmry uo Yhc
provisione or ienns of a liea�aae
and any oonditlmi5 Ur ]imit'.a-
[ions noted tharefn.
(5) �Lhe ibaeic auimal tee 1'or ea,ch
multiple r]we➢iug ie 56U; a»�1
. in additlo� cliereto 1'm� overY
d�velling in accesn o[ three a
LvrYher antl iddiciuioal fae ol:
$16 is required �o be paJd. 9uch
fee is proraLed (fm� each monLh
Or �act theceoi) Tor any lieense
peaiod leas Ihan one year.
SIDCTIOl� 5: Plo rertiftcate and
ftPPlioation ah�ll be aPl��oved, and no
license with resPecL chercco may be
granted unleas:
(ll The applioaLion fr��uirecl in
� 6ec[4on 4 above), aontafna tLie
(a) Deserintion of �x'ound area.
bY streell riuinber an3 ]agal
@) 6ize o�f the bm�ding.
(c) Number oP 6[m'ies �an3
heiEht in fce[.
(d) Tote,l iloor a7'ea of the
(e) Number ot riwelling' m�its.
(f) Number oY Dal's�oem- 1}oused
antl living in eacl� unit.
(g) mm�ber oF adWls and min-
or criild�'en In e�uh tmit
(h) 'LO�oA area �rovlded pn
prsiuises for oYt �t.eeC pa�7i-
(i) Nu�nber ot auLOrnobiles
n,an�tainos an�l P�'�:ed on
(7) 9 Ce�'tLication A9 iha own-
er tliat he ln�ows ef no ox'-
der o1 Lhe CiLy made re1aL
ing m core�eclimt pe➢air.
¢se, ooeuPa�m.y, �xiaSnten-
ance or oparwtlon o� o61'iet-
wisa oF �he premisc+s as
wou13 rend�ea the ❑remises
in07i6�bLe Lor registratiou
anft licsnse, or� that conpli-
anue Is beiiig inxde with
any ori{�r� a� has been
ma�e, and L7iaC he, Lhe
o�mer, bel��v�ee tl�at no
couditlon asieCS wiLh re-
sPe=� to the pramiseg as
wm�1Q ivalt� Lhe ❑re�niee6
ineli.g5ble fm' registraVmn
a,rid llcause.
(k) Tr�e name ef the ria,tural
pex'smi w-ho mana;es or is
in actua] cm�trol �oP the
G�'entis�:s, 8.n1 ti}�O ie Ce-
syoneible Ynr Lha =.iainten-
arore and �pe�'ation oP Ihp
saaue, togethsr �vitL2 LiiS ad-
rlresn e[ wliich any �mtice
or m$=�� e+espcoting the
➢�B�uisw a.ay 6a s�rverl or
(7) f1�e rwuee ehall �chenever re-
quesLa�l Ly [l2e Cicy fm�uish in-
Y,oemaLi�on r�lative 6o Lhe Pr'em-
i.ses antl �vnctf[tona [hereln a�e Is
deer,-�zc] r�eeessaev by [ha G7ty
t,a determtrie vamP7iance wi[h
tliie ord�na��ce; and Lhe City
has I'.he rlg'ht to ma6-e reason-
able CnlrY LLnto the preni�s¢e
1'oi Ihe ptii'pose al' insUe�li[tg
tnP samo POr mmplia�nce tiviLli.
ll:ia oedinanca. A 1`a.i]ure n� tm�-
nicll 1iliOPtn3tioit OL' t0 FiP¢nt
3CCE98 TO L�12 p�'yIDIH29 fOC' 1R-
sPECtion is grom�ds Cor 3is-
�Dm�oval �nrl deui�ei ot' a license
d9 we71 S5 S'us'[lension oC rEboca-
ti�a�� oY tlie s.��ne.
BECT-10N fi: TLCOep[ aa hqreinafYer
uroviAed in this nrdina.noe, �0 7icense
e]�a1L be ise�ied or iGne�ve3 to nn uwn-
er mlth eespent to an:y Pra�nlsed �u
ivhlch pie�'e �cicls x wilFul violation
oP, a roning ord:nanea, build�ng or
�onsTrurtion O�de, or other eimilar
orAinanc? mhich relates to la.ntle a.nd
liuildinoe m� flieit consteucllon ar
uee :�nd wl�icrt aLieets the premises
S iCC'I`IOr IIpmt onofl c.ausz
ehawn by the o�vnor. or anp person
having an I¢terest In the Pse-�iyas, a
provi�iovnl or limi[erl ]icensa fm� any
moltiple ilm�9iog- pre�niaes mwy be
anProverl by the Council �tnd may be
is�ned hv Lha City u��on Lornis and
condilions �tated bv LLie Counr.il in
I.hP fo➢n�vin� �,aeos:
(aj 4�'here a ciolation is baine co�t-
roeted and ro*noved.
(b) lhet�e ia e�7denre eati�efactory
t,o ths Cauuol] Lhat the om�i'cc-
t,ion or remonal of a violation
is nat Pnssible at the time.
(c) 'Phe Council fin15 that the is-
euance nf evch 9�eovisiona7 or
� lirnited liren�e �vill not'. defea.t
the purpases of this oedina,nce.
�A'hen z'rante3, any snch nrovialnnal
m' limll.ed llceuse shall Alate on ite
iace tFat tha lioense ir, 'brovisipnal"
oe '7imihed" a,nd shall cootain thare-
on a swnmary of th�e ter�ns a¢d oon-
�lltlons starPrl hv the Council.
FID4TiON S: 9'o be npProved b}•
the City, and fo ha eli�ihle for licenea
hereimder ae an aprroved mnlAiPle
dwalling. �, multiPle dwelLinK shall
in�eet' tho followine' stand�rNF 4C Gon-
(¢) The building atructu,re coneiete
of brick w� stwte in not less
tha�� 50 �o of i[s wnstructimi
aad is Stre resisGa�t Chronghout.
(b) The building mntaius and pro-
vides a D1ace of etorage Por
each dwHling unit.
(c) Not more chan one fl�velling
unit is l,ocated in the Uasemmt
or bela�v grounfl level in anv
part, and such unit is re3ervcrl
for and ocoupied UY the owner,
suPerinta�it3ent, or caretal:er of
che Uoilding, n�d ie not okher-
wise osed for residen[ial occu-
panoY or ]iving.
(ft) 5]ach dwelling �unit cmrtains
not legs than 860 s4unre feat 1n
total Pluor area, and no room
tl�ere5n desigmttad as or actu-
ally use3 Tor regular sleeping
purPo?es as a bedroom cuntain.s
7.ess than 80 s9uare feet oi i]nor
2rea exelusive of w-alls an�
petrCittons. ,FUrther, �a*hen such
w�it contains more than nne
bedromn Uhe total Ploor area i�
inoreased and the unit conL'ains
¢[ ]east 16U square feec moce
tntal Pla�or area tor each such
adclicioital Ued000m.
(e) E1aoh dwelling unit is t7esigned
t,o provitle adequate ani health-
fu] residentia] livfng sPaoe to
i.ts occupants and no nnit is de-
signed to or is aotually usad m
provide living �Oace acmmo-
dations in less than the follo�v-
ing ratio: 300 or �nore equare
Peet o[ flour area for each adult
iv the uni[, and 195 nr more
squ.sre feet ol: floor area Puc
each minor in the un6t.
(f) The buil�iiug oontatns and thare
is F�'oped�� locate�i tvithin it
smcl� satety featurea a5 are
deemed by Cha Fire Preven[im�
Rureav ot che Ci[�� necess-ai'y
to Clte fire Protoution and s:i1'e[y
oY tha P�'emiees and its oocu-
(1) The 'Peatures [ncluded, UuE
not ]inlited there[o, are sub-
stantially as follow�:
(a) ,Gtre exits; none oF
whir.h are so far remnc-
ed '[com any dwalling
unit ar in such wndi-
tion as to be deemed
�ansafe or dangeruue
and not fi[ for the pnr-
(b) An automatic sprinkler
(c1 An a.ato�nacic alar�n.
(d) N'ire Extinguishers.
(e) An apProved incinera-
roc, so ]ocated and of a
size to procifte the nec-
essary fire safety.
(21 There ie urovi3ed on or oYf
tha premises a sare an3
sanitary meane of garbage
and rubbis�h dieposal for
each c7rvelling unit and its
(g) The Main T3vilr7ing etrncture is
so located a.nd of such size th�at
it meets the fol,locving etandarda
in ��elatian to the aita uDO»
which it is located:
(lj Occu��ios not more than
20� �af Lhe total ground
(�) H'.as [wo (2) side yards
to[aline in �s'idfh not less
thisn 80 a of the height of
che building.
(3) Nei[her side yard is Iess in
w-idth than 30% [lian the
huight of the building.
(9) The ground area cm�tains 2�
d�esignated and imPrnved
and maintained Pas'king
�area consisH�g of not lees
Chan 20% of the total site
area and each parki�i�
space �or stall thereon con-
si,ste of nqt lese than °90
equare feet.
(5) The sruund iarea ie improw
ed with su(Idin6 and land-
scaping esaep[ for tlt7ve-
ways, si3ewall.s and pai�k-
ing areas, wlih suon sod-
ding and landscaping'to e.c-
tend �acroea the ennre Imnc
yard of che pre�nises iroiu
street surlaofng' �or curb to
the cront oi sa�s buildmg.
(6) Thac so3dlns aud la,nLLSCn�y-
ing occupies rio�t lzss chaii
66% ol tlia Lo6nl gtrom�d
(h) That such builtlinn in conatruc-
tion, excerioi' iAeatyn ur uPlleal'-
ance, anS Yunctiunal P���i �s noc
ao similar Uo or so at vananca
with other bul]dings fimnedi-
ately adjaoant thm�eto, or m
such conditlou, need o8 maiu-
Leniance, �� lac}< of repait as
causea a matarial de�n'eciac(ou
genera]]y to U�a valuea oY pro-
Peity in Che neigliborliaoU.
(�J 1haL IIO COn3trucLG�1 uY m3tei-
ial [herein esisls ae ie dee���ed
dangeious m' mi�a2e, to Lhe
occupante oi sucl2 premises or
any premisas iu»nedrately ad,a-
cent theeeto, un3er The te�vns
of any or•dinaTme ur �wda u1 CI'ie
Gity; nor do�s cha Uuildin� ex-
1sC in violation oc any law. Fur-
ther CheYe is �m coudition Lhee�a-
in aeising by �t'ag nY s.LruuLUZ'al
d&mag0, P&Ul[y i_.aintenanCC, or
lacK nY repair, iire, eatety, ur
health hazard oe'�o��hor�aiae, as
ia dee�ned by the CICy to Le so
dangerous or unsa,ie oo� tletri-
mentaL m Lhe hualLh, sataty m'
welfare of the occu�aucv �liat a
]tcense catmot reasonabLy be
g'ranted and aca�urdi»Iv denie<l
until suclt amidieLOn is mre�eol.ed
and remove�,
5pCTSON 5: in u[dee t1�aL Ihe own-
er of any premL9es «ow or hereaTter
used as a multi»ie dwePine sice may
ba afforded a reasunable periocl of
Lime to make itnprove.aenls theremi
in ac�ot'da�ce wtch tJie requirein�uc=
oP this ordlnance, ard aldo be reliEVe�1
ol any loss oc i�ijue'y ae �night ntheo-
wise resu]t from a striet aDPllcatimi
to any premiaes no lonSe[ r'easmiabLy
eapabla oY being eo imP7�oved, the
�Counci] shalL, to�;e[lier �vith or i�i
addition to such "�>rocisimial" m'
'limiCed" ]icenaee isaved o�r a,uchor-
ized under Section i of iliis m'din�nce
provide Eor and auY,horize the iesu-
ance of a]icense for premises Fomid
tq be "acceptable" upon insPeotion ior
use as n multiDle d�celling uutler the
following rules:
(1) The provlsione oi 6ectimi 8 ae
contained in subdivislm2s (a)
(b) (c) (d) (e7 �r (g) ehe,ll
not aPPly as the U35is ol' a
deiiial, su=nensimi, m� revoca-
tion of a liccnse, if the premises
are other�vise eligible Poe and
enEit7ed ta be licen?ad, (and
the Citv' mav iaeue a]icense
for such builtlingy in U�e Pol-
lowing oases:
(a) Any building hetetoPoro
canstructed and nom pres-
ently in use aa a multiPle
(b) Any building for which an
apPlicatiu� for a Verinit for
a multiule �Iwelling undar
the building rope is vaw on
file wich cLie Ci[y.
(3) From the eFPective date of this
ordinance until and througl�
Snn. 1, 1963, [he Cauncil may
waive the qmvisions oP sweh
au�bdivislons of Sectimi 8, or
any part thereof as are referred
to in 9ection 9 p] herein above,
svith respeet to any building
proposed [o be and cm�structed
wholly within a seP:�ra[e par-
cel or lot contafned in any ➢lat
here[oflore aPP�'�ved by the Gity
where such paece] or lot ae
aPProved was then deemed ade-
quate in siz�e� and shaTie ,YOr uso
aa a�ch a muLtiDle dwe]]in,G site.
(3) That in any case where a
]Lcenb¢ is iaduetl undes tl�e pro-
visiwi,s ul' 6uUdivision (1) or
(E) hcreof, Y.ha other reguire-
me�ps o�Y,' this orc3lnanue a.pply
and a�'e fa be fulfille3 and in
such m2,n�er as shall not daCeat
ihe pm�yose oY tlie osdlnanoe.
SL�'C'CIOT 10: Notice: 3 notice in
writi�g duly mailed bY the OiCy to
aiiy poeson, ownee, lesseu, occu��ant,
or othorwiso ttt Y�1s regis[es'ed or la&t
l;noevn address ie pr�ima iacie evi-
deuee ioP ruceipt ¢�d lmowlege or,'
such notiae and the can[ente �hereo�f;
3nd a 1'ailnre o( ane person, owner,
losnee, oocuyant or oiherwiae to com-
iily �vith a��y auch no�tice an�l any
ox'dar as may be conla.ined llierein
wiEhin a readmiable period oI Hme
aivar rnce3p4 thereol 1s priina �,facie
evido�ice oi a wllFU] ta,ilue�e a.ii3 re-
tusal to maha suoh �roavplianoe. No
regieterect owner or licensee, or Der-
don ulaimui6' or acting cherEUn3er is
entiLlet3 to recelve cepvlCa cL notice
Srom the City by rnail oe otherwiee at
any address riot vnichi,u I.he StaLa of
�ilnucwta, and escePt �vhere anoU�e�r
adcl['ess withie� tho Staie of �l;i�ne-
sota is duly reals2ered by eucn 7�or-
eon Yor such llurDOSes Zvicli the CILy,
ic is deerued thxL auch eee�LCe inay
a:id nha�R be �nade uy�mi such For'aon
by mail or olheiwise in tlla C7ty ot
���'�a�aY a� tl�e address ot che prcemi-
ses l�eenscd o[' [o be licensed.
9k]CC10N 11: Prom and y„ter che
e.keclive daLa of thl,s ort�inance, no
��en..ii. in lo be iseued by tl�a CLry
with roeDOCt ta Lae e.drLimy c.,,�icxve-
6ion, eNarbp,u�at, reF�»', alteeali�m�,
�,.oving�, re._.oyu�6, or cor�version of
anY buil3ing �y����ned xs aud in-
Leu�ed m be usetl as a muLtlp]e dwoll-
iug wl�i�ch building when ro.,.plECed
u�itl� tb.e wo:L p�r.@on..ec1 in accor'd-
xnoe ivi.th the terrris ot saiQ Pe�v�lt
would not he e]igible ,icr antl acizpP
xbie Ior apyroval an11 lioense under
Llie provisione of this ordivance; and
auy nueh pern'iit issued by IeiaQVart-
e�ica and ovaestgl�t shall be null and
void and immedlately wL.hhrav:n. A11
woi�k PeePortried sliaf] bo far� pu��poses
of nomD�ance with thLs ordina�n�ce as
�vell as other applica,ble ordina.ncas.
flDCTTO'_V 13: Any pereon }nho wll-
1'ully aaid knou�tugly viNatas an or-
der of the CitY, 1a.wPUlly maf}e by
any o1 its repreaentaGives iv the en-
Yorce�nevt of the [erms and Pt'ovisfons
o! LI'ilc or�linance, violnto� 6his oedin-
ance. 9ny Persmi who Pa,ils upun os-
3eo� to aeaee uee and occupanoy, or
mainl.Bnance and opertatlon o'L any
p�'emises ae are deemetl unea.lc and
dangero�5� to t]ie healY,h, saCety and
welPax�e oY the occupante. or PaiLS to
eoraply �yi[L2 a lawP,u] order t'oLal.ing
there.o, is� guiLty oP nroa.tlub an(7 the
se.me amie0itutes a nuisance whieh ,is
sobjeet Co abaceme�rt in manner ae
prov«i,ed. bv lxw. Any ne�son who
violales a grovisio�n of this or'die�ance
is subject uPon convictton [o uenalty
by a Yfne not Lo escoed $100.�� or by
ronfinemenll in �a jail Yoe a par'Ind
mf b� esceed 90 days. I[ Is provit'.ad,
Furtho�', that the��e 1s a aepara.te
ofl'enee for each day that cuch viola-
tion �ists; and that any such vio-
]a,tor is subjerl al�o to surh o[hor
remediea as may be p�rovidod Ty luw.
cPC'fIOV 13: 'Phis m�dinance and
a1L its sa�otio�ns, eubdivisions, torms
and ➢�+o�ci5dons, are sepa,rate and
secerable, and the invalidiry of any
P�.rL does noL aPiect ffie vali�lity of
any other Part. Tho orrlina.nce ehall
n.L all times be conaLVed m� carx'y out
the nnrpoees notsd harein.
PA.55PD :l'�D ADOP'Ph;D RY
TUN➢, 1963. _ . � f, ��
f'irst Pea
9econd Ri
Nf'W5: d