Ordinance No. 0022 08-15-1949� 0 � � � /� � �a � �� ORDINANCE 2V0. :8 :4N ORDINAS�C-E CREATING k PARK BOAR�D F�� a The Villagr Ooancil of Fridle9 flu �', �� �inlain ae follows: . $ectian 1. There 1s hereb9 creat- ed a pnrk board foc the VillaK� af Fridle�y�. The Yark Board ahall consist of five membe�rs, fovr to be appointed S b9 the Ma9�'� �ith npproval of the . .�:�j Coaneil, and the Mnpor to serce ns the fifth member. � �'� t Terme to be for three-Sea�. � Ve�cIlncies to be filled for un- - expire�i portionc np terms. b9 tne Village CounciL � Dlembers �hall serve without com- � i peneution, and shall n6t be person• � ally iuteres}ed in any crontrnCts of �� '8 the board. � They shull arganize Chelr b0ard. and keep regulnr minutes M meet• --� ings nnd activities. A majorttS shall constitue a qno- � rum for the tranexction of busineas. �� 3eMfon 2. The parb board sDall �'� Lave tLe ppwer and the dnt,p to ����� advise, adapt and maintain pxrks and p1a9Srounds, They shaII rec- ommend to the Villa�e Council ea- � pansions and plans Yor tLe develop . �ment af tl�e park s9gtem op tLe Village. Seetion 3. They may enter into ij necessary contraeta Yor the main- '1 tenance and cn.re uf park proner�ty. . � Section 4. The,q are avthorized to receive nnd accept in the name of the Village any giPt or deciae M land, buildinFS ttnd flny Tea] at . pereonal property to be used fot � . park purposes. � This ordinance shall be in fnll torce and effeet from and aftex � itc publication acmrding to Inw. Passed by tLe Vlllage Cavncil �his 15CL da5 ot August, 1949. `� ("ARL Hu1RTDiAN ... � Ma' Li�it" \ . .. Attest: WARD Nt} C7erk � .!� �ilJ�-�L, �-� ,.� � �sr�.) � (f Published in tLe ColumDia Fieights RF.CORD on August ?8, 19�19. -_