Ordinance No. 0225 02-04-19634 OR.DINANCE N0. 225 AN OHDINANCE TO AMEND THE ZONING ORDIIdANCE The Council of the City of Fridley Ordains: SECTIO;d l: That Ordinance No. 70� passed and adopted the 20th day o£ December� 1955� �a^d as amended)� coumionly known as the "ZONIi�G OftDI- NANCE" be amended (in Sec. 8,Q - Lot Areas Required) as follows: (a) That Section 8.4 - Lot Areas Bequired - B, R-2 Districts hereafter read: "A lot area of not less than 7,500 sqw�re feet for a one _ faznily dwelling is require3. A lot area o£ not less than 10,000 square feet is required for a two or three family dwelling or dwelling group. Except as to a lot or par�el contained in a plat� registered land survey or other subdivision that has been heretofore placed of records in the o£fice o£ the Register of Deeds or has heretofore been approved for record b;� the Council of the City of Fridley� a lot area o£ not le^,s tnan 15�000 square feet is required for a four f=mily dwelling or dwelling group� and a lot area of not less than 1�5D0 addit��nal square feet is re�uired for each dwelling unit therein over four in n:amber, A single lot or p.rcel which is £ull and complete in itself and which is contained in any piat� survey or subdivision heretoi'ore placed o£ record or hereto£ore approved for record and which 1ot or parcel contained sufficient area at the time of approval for us° as a building site for four or more d+aelling units may continue to be used £or such multiple dwelling purposes� and is subject to such requirements as existed prior to this amendment. The provisions herein shall not be construed to limit further and additional requirements as may be provided by this ordinance or as may be provided by another ordinance when deemed apprapriate." (b) That Section 8.4 - Lot Areas Required - C. R.-3 Districts hereafter � read: t'5ame as in Rr2 Districts for each dwelling group having four dwell- ing units o: less. Fxcept as to a 1ot or parcel contained �n a pla.t� ± registered land survey or other subdivision that has been heretofore placed of record in the ofPice o£ the Register of Deeds or has heretofore been approved £or reco�3 by the Council of the City of Fridley� a lot area of not lsss than 15�000 square feet is required for a four £amily dwelling or dwelling group; and a lot area of not less than 1�D00 additional square £eet is required for each dwelling unit over four in number, A single lot or parcel which is fvll and complete in itself and which is contained in any plat� survey or subdivision here$ofore placed o£ record or heretofo:e approved £or record and which lot or parcel contained sufficient area at the ti.me of a;Nroval for use as a building site £or four or more dwell- ing units may continue to be used £or such multiple dsrelling purQoses� and is subject to such requirements as existed prior to this amendment, The proVisions herein sha21 not be construed to limit further and additional requirements as may be provided by this ordinance or as may be provided l�y another ordinnnce when deemed appropriete." SEL'TION 2: That this ordinance and the amendments contained herein ak�all be in full force a.nd e£;'ect from and after ��ublication, Adopted this 4th day of Febx�uary� 1963� by the Council of the City of Fridley. ATTEST: '� — CITY �itK - Marvin C.� First Reading: Public Hearing: Second Reading: NEWS: Feb. '7 January 7, 1963 Febru^ry Q� 1963 Febs�ua ry Li � 1963 ���luwYv� MAYOR - yTi liam J. Nee c ; � ! � � � � i � � � � 9