Ordinance No. 0228 02-04-1963� CI � , . ORDIN�NC� N0. 228 AN OiID2NANCE AIII'HORIZII�} AI�ID RELATIl�'. TO PREYAYM�lP OF ASSF.9SMSNPS AAID CORRr�TIOMS TFi1A,LP0 The Council of the City of Fridley do ordains 3h7CTI0N 1. That it ia deemed to be in the interest af the City and the rnmere of respective properties in the Citp oP Fi�idley, that - the Git�r su'thoriae and accept the prepaqtaent o£ special asaeas- meuta in whole or part as aZlrnred by iax and provided under Minnesota Statutea 1961, Chapter �t29. (Sec. 2�29.061� Subd. 3)� _ and as provided by this ordinanc�. , S�TION @. Prior io certification of the aa�eeameut or thm tiret in�atall- ment thereof ariy person may pay the �rhole or any part rhich ia , not leas than one-hslf thereof, provided that anch partial payment ehal2 in any event be in a sum of at leaat One Hundred Dollars ($100.00), Upon receipt of any such prepayment, the City Clerk ahall note the same upon the records of the Gitq, - credit the papee therePore, and reduce the assessment as originally made in the amount oP the prepayment receivad. The balance remaining shall then be noted as the amovnt dne and may then be certiPied to the County Auditor together srith snd as a part of the asseasmexrt roll in whieh the original amount due was contained. S�TION 3. The Clerk may and shall be authorized upon a reaolution daly made spproving the same csncel any assessment or part there- of whieh �ras certiFiad to the Connty Auditor in error either sa to amount or other►rise; and may and shall correct the aame, _ including the amount of intereat therecm i�roperly accrued if any� by certifying the corrected assessment and interest and attaching thereto a certified copy oi the reaolution authorixing the correction. Such corrected assessment xhen ao certified ahall then atand upon the assessment records in the place o3 �he original asseaamerlt made in error. Sr�.,"TION !�. That thia ordinance shall be constrtted to authorize� ratify and confirm prepaymenta hereto4ore received and accepted, and any easessmenta credited thereKi.th� and any correctionm made by the C1erk without such suthorization being prevlous],p granted and received. Further that no part of this ordinance shall be construed to denq to art� person bhe right or priei�ega to make payment of any aesessment in tthole or ia part as othertri.se provided by law nnder the Statuiea of the State of - Minnesota; and that tnia ordinance i� and shsll be deemed supplementary thereto. PA3SID At�ID 9DOYT133J THIS }�th DAY OF FEBRIIARY, 1963, BY TH� CI'TY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIDLEY, MINNr.-'SO'PA. _ �j!✓v-- - � O w am ee ATTL�`3Tt �. �_. _---- y . t$MIiiZ�I1Cs�7 �du�Srvi.�Hf:Tr'STiS.T1M� First Resdingt Second Resdings ld-rh3: Febrnary 7 danuarp 21, 1963 Februaxy 4, 1963 � ,� �