Ordinance No. 0229 02-04-1963� " oRDINANCE id0. 229 AN ORDINANCE TU AMIIdD Tfir; PLATPItiQr OI�IN9NCE The Conncil of the City of Fridle� do ordains ST�TION 1. That Ordinsnce No. 75 of the Ci'�y ox Fridley entitled "Platt3ng Ordinance" paased the third day of Jnly, 1956, anci as amended thereaftar be further amended by adding nex sections thereto Pollcnring Section 16, thereof, to�rit the follcxings "S�TION 16.1 - Atter approval tMe 4ina1 plat shall bm re- corded among the recoxda of the County within ninety daya ` �90 days) after the date o£ the certificate of approval attached thereto, nnleas a longer period oY time is granted and provided Yor recording at the time of approval. � longer period of time sha11 be granted onlq upon good causs shmon and by a resolution duly paased by a majority of the Couneil at ihe time of the m�king of approeal. A plat not rscorded raithin a periad oY n3nety da� {90 daye) or exten- aion thereof dulq msde, ia deemed to be one that is not approved� and such plat is not entitled to be recordedt and the same shall not theresfier be recorded e�ccept and unless it �ha12 h�ve again been presented io the Council and approved £or recording." '�31�TION 16.2 - IIpon the adoptiea ei tl�ia �n9inanoe, th� City ahall eearch its records o� approval and make note among the City records of such plats as are preriously approved and as are not duly recorded am�ng the Countg recorda. NFith respect to a plat previou'ly approved that ia not re- corded, the approval heretofore gieen ia revoked eacept and unleas anch plat is hereafter dulg reeorded among the County records ttithin a period of ninety daya (90 daya) after the adoption of this ordinance. After aaeh p�riod of time, no plat previously approeed shall be recorded among the Cottnty records eaccept and unleas the same shsll have been Purther spproved by the Council and the period of time for recording e�ended. IIpon the �doption of this oniinance, the Citg Mansger �ha11 give notice bp mail to the subdivider of a�v plat that is not dulg recoxded among the County records of thr proviaions oP this ordinance, but the failure to give such notice shs11 not in any wag invalidate the proviaions of thia ordinance.�� "S�TION 16.3 - The fnrther approval of`s plat and the e�c- tension of time for the recording thereo4, shall not be rrri.thhel.d upon an application therefor duly made to the Council except and unless the Council ahall Pind aPker a hearing that the delay and failure to record within the period o£ time allowed herein was xithout jvstiPiable cause azd that the conditiona and circnms�ancee attendant ta the land wIthin the plat and in the innnediate anrronnding area aa is a£fected therby are materi.ally and substsntial.ly diPferent from thase preaent at the time auch plat xas original]y approved; and ihat the plat as made is no longer deemed an appropriate plat srith the co�itions and circumstancea present. In making aueh determination, the Council can consider among other thirrgs� any changes in soning, sizing of lots, locatian of streats and utilitiea in the lands within or adjaeent to said plat, and as we]1 other £actors deemed material, and is not limited thereto." PASSHi A10f7 ADOYPID THI3 4th Dd2 OF FEBRUARY, 19�3 HY THE COUNCIL QF THE CTTY OF FRIDi,EY, MINNr;SOTA. v� ATTrST: � � am . ee ��'1/�c��.,;w, C +�,,uMn � il f zn pz � . �se First Reading: January 21, 19b3 3econd Reading: February 1�, 1963 N�s: February 7, 1963 . �, .. � � � 1