Ordinance No. 0023 08-15-1949oa,nnvnxoE xo. za AN ORDINANCE RELATIN(l TO A BUILDINq CODE OF TFIE VII.LA6E OF FRIDLEY. An saL regulsting the eroation, constraoNon, edsrgemenE, alteea- t1oM �'e�patr, moving, removal, demo- liWon, oonvereion, 000upanoy, equlp- ment, helghR and maintemace oI Luildtngs and structucea in tLe Vil- lage of Fridley. Mlnnesota; pro- viding for the teavance ot permlb and aollectton o[ teee therefor; pro- vlding penaltiee tor the vlolaHon thereot: The Village Councit of Fddley do ordaln as follows: Sectlon 1. TITLE. Thfs ordinance shall be known es the "BU1lding Caie a[ the Village o1 Frtdley." Section 2. PUAPOSE. The pur- pose af this Code 1s to esta611sh certaln minimum standards end re- qulrementa Por sa[e and stable de- sign, methods of conatruction and use of ineterlale 1n butldinge and structures hereatter erected, con- atructed, enlerged, altemd, re- '�ed, moved, converted to other �as, or demolished; to regulate the equlpment, maintenance, and occu- pancy of ell buildings end struc- turea wlthin the Ilm4ta of the Vfllage of Frtdley for the purpose of ptnmoUng flnd safeguarding the Publlc Health, Safety, Convenlence, Pmsperity, and Generffi Weltare in said Village and tor the protec- tion of property Prom fire; and to prescrlbe the powers and dutles ot the Building Inspector and the Special Health Officer. The provtaions ot thts Code shall be deemed to supplement any and all state laws of the State ot Min- nesota relating to buildings. � Section 3. SCOPE. This Code ahall epply to all buildings and atructurea herea[ter wnstructed or ffitered In the Village of Fddley except acceseory tarm buildinge, such es barna, Implement sheds, atorage bulldinge, anlmal shelters, and silos, provided, however, that permfts for auch accessory farm bulldings ehell 6e required. For the purpoaes o[ th[s Code a tflrm Is defined as a plot of ground �` not leas than five (5) acres In ama from whlch the owner, occu- pant, or lessee-derives all or a eub- stantfal part o1 his income by agrl- cultural pureuite. Any conversion, eNargement, par- tlal demolitlon, or repair of any 6ullding or atructure, or eny part thereo[ including the aewage dle- posal syatem, ahalt be deemed to be en atteratlon su6ject to the pro- vislons of the Code. Section 4. APPLICA7'ION TO EXISTING BUILDINGS. The fol- lowtng epeclfled requirnments shall apply to exlating bulldings wh[ch do not conlorm to the rnqviremenfs ot thfs Code for new Guildings: (a) Mejor Alteratione or Repalis. If elterations or repafrs in excese of fi[ty (50) per cent of the sound value of en exiattng butlding arn requfred in an existing building or mede to an existing bullding at any one time within a period ot twelve months, the entire 6uflding shell be made to contorm with the requirements of this Code tor new bulldings or shall be entirnly demolished. (b) Changed Use. It the exisring use or occupancy of an extat(ng building Is changed to a use or oc- cupancy which would nat be per- mitted in a similar building here- nfter erected, the entire bullding shall be made to conlorm wlth the mquirements given herefn for new buildtngs; pmvided, however, that if the use or occupancy to only n portion or portions of an exl3ting bullding is changed and such pox� tion or portlons are segregated as specified in this Code then only such portion or portions of the buflding need be made to comply with said requtrements. (c) Additfons. Any e�dsting build- ing not regulated by the preceding paragraphs (a) and (b) which hes fts iloor arna or its number ot stories or height incrnased, or Its use or occupancy chenged In any way from its tormer or existing use or occupancy, shall be provided with stalrwaye, emergency exits or fire protecdon faciflties as spec[fied in thie Code for 6Wldings hereefter ecected for 5imilar use or oc- cupency. (d) Minar Alterations or Repatrs. �rery slteration or repatr to any structurel part or portton of any existing bullding s h a 11, when deemed necessary in the opinton of the Bullding Inspector, be made to conform to the requiremente of this Code for new buildinga. Minor alterations, mpalrs end changes not covered by the prn- ceding paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) may be made with the same mflte- rlals of whlCh the 6uilding 1s constructed; provided, that not more than twenty-five (25) per cent of the root covering of any building shall be rnplaced in eny period of twelve (12) months un- less the entlre roof rnvering fa made to conform with the requlre- ments of this Code for new build- IRg6. S e c t i o n 5. REQUIREMENTS CONCERNING MAINTENANCk:. The requirements contained in this Code coverfng the maintenance a[ bui:dings shall apply to aL bulld- ings and structums now exieting or hereafter erected. AI1 bufldinga and structures and all parfs thereot shall be maintained ln a ea[e con- dition and all devices ar safe- guards which are required by thia Code at the time of erecUon, alter- ation, or repair o/ any buildings shell be maintalned in good work- ing order. This section shall not be con- strued as permitting the removel or non-main[enance of any existing device or safeguard unleas au[hor- ized in writing 6y the Building Tn- spectar. Section 6. REQUIREMENT OF PERMIT. It shall be unlawful tor any person, firm or corporation to cons[ruct or alter any bullding or structure without firet obtaining a permit therefor from the Bufld- ing Inspectar. For the purpose ot this Code, the construction ot a building sha11 be conaidered as having commenced upon the date when the excavation is star[ed, or 1f there 1s no exca- vation, upon the date when the first work is performed upon either the foundation or supeistructure. Pio buiiding shall be moved until u permit has been obtained trom the Building Inapector; and he ehell not issue such permit tf ln his judgment the proposed new loca- tion of the building would serlously fncrease the ilre hazerd ot the sur- rounding territory or be detrl- mental to eanitary condltions. Construction hereatter performed not in contormlty with thie ordi- nance ahall be removed. Section 7. APPLICAI'ION FOR PERMIT. Any peraon deeiring a permit as requlred by this Code shall ffle wlth the Bullding Inspec- tor an applicadon there[or In wrib Ing on a blank form to be turnfshed [or that purpose. Every such application tor a per- mit shall describe the land upon whlch the propoaed bulldfng or work ls to be dane, elther by lot, block or tract or elmllar descrlp- tion thet wlll readlly Identi[y the site and definitely locate the pro- poaed building or work. The Build- ing Inspector may at his optlon requirn a survey of the lot upon which the proposed bulldtng or ' �ork is to 6e done, which survey .nall be prepared and attested by a reglatered surveyar; seid survey ahell indicate the dimensions of the property, end shall detinitely esteblieh the locaflon o[ all build- ings on the property if any, and all lnt Itnes by means of iron rtronuments flrmly embedded in the ground, or otherwiae, ea the Sutld- ing Inspector may requlre. Every euch application ehall show the proposed use or occupancy o2 al] perts at the bullding and such other reasonable inYormaflon sa may be rnquired by the Butlding Inepector. Plans and speci[ications shall be drawn to scale upon avbatantlel pnper or cloth, or they may be blue- printa or other printe, and the ea- sentiel parta ahall be drewn to a scale of not less than one�lghth inch (�°) to one foot and sald plans and speclftcations ahell be accurate and sufficiently complete tc set forth and describe the in- tended physlcel impravements and the quality, alzes and grade of ma- teriel and workmanshlp to be In- �—^orporated In the Improvements, In- cluding: 1. Floor plans, alw contnining baeement or foundaUon plane. 2. � Exterlor elevattona o[ the front, rear, and sides showing open- ings and slzes, wal] flnlshes, IIesh- ing, preeent and tinish gradea, depths end footings, finiahed floore and ce[ltng heighte. All plena shall bear the name of the owner, architect, atructural en- gineer, or deeigner. Copies ot plana and speci[Icationa and a plot plan as requirnd by the Building Inspector shall accompeny every appl[cation 2or a pe[mit and shatl be filed tn duplicate with the Building Inspector; provided, how- ever, that the Building Inspector may authorize the ieeuence ot a permit without such plane, specl- flcations, or plot pinn tor limited or untmportant work. Nothing In thls section shall pro- hiblt the ISling of amendmente to an application or to a plan or other record accompanying the epplica- tion et eny ttme before the com- pletlon of the work for which the permSt was sought. Snch amend- ments, after approvel, ahall be tlled with end be deemed a part ot the ntiginal appllcatlon, and tees for auch amendmenta shall be requlred upon the same basis as for the originel permit. Sectlon 8. ISSUANCE OF PER- MITS. (a) In the case ot private dwelllng houeea and in the case o( commercial buildings or structurea other than t h e a t r e s, xhools, churches, hospitals, dnd ather build- ings of public assemblage and not exceeding two storfes tn height, ex- clusive of attics, the Building In- spector shall determine from auch plans and 5peclffcatlons whether or not the provislons ot this Code, the 2oning Ordlnance oL the Village of Fridtey, and al] other lawa or ordtnances appliceble thereto, will be complied with, and if satistled of such compliance he shall there- upon issue such permit upon the payment to him ot the proper tee. fb) In the case of churches, private schools, hospitals, theatrns, and other buildings of public as- sembly; industrial 6uildings and other bulidings or etructures nat included under subdivlaion (e) of this section, the Bu(lding Inspector ahall submit auch plans and epeci- flcaUona to the Villege CounCil to- gether wlth hla recommendatione; the Village Council eAell then de- termine whether Sectton 17 ot thla Code, the Zoning Ordtnance ot the Villege of Frldley, and all other lawa or ordinancea appllcable there- to, wlll be complied wtth and It sutls[led of such complience ehall thereupon direct the Building In- spector to issue such permtt upon the payment tv him of the ptoper fee. (c) In efther cese, when the Buflding Inspector Issues tAe per- mlt, he shall endorse In writing or stamp 6oth sete ot plans and epect- ticatlona "approved." One such ep- proved aet of plens and specifi- cations shall be retained by the Building Inspector ae e public record, and one such approved set ot plans and speclflcaUona ahall be returned to the applicant, whlch set shall be kept on such buflding or work at all times during whlch the work euthorized thereby fa in progresa and shall 6e open to In- specUon by publlc oSidale. Such approved plens and specl- ficatfona shall not he changed, modflied or altered wfthout au- thodzetion Iram the BWlding In- apector, end all work ahall be done in accordance thernwlth. S e c t f o n 9. REQUIREMENTS CONCERNING NOTICE TO THE BUILDING INSPECTOR. It shall be the duty o1 eny peison, flrm or corporetion to whom a permit is isaued tor the conetructton o1 any bullding or structure, as requlred by this ordinance, to notlfy the Bullding Inspector Immediately upon completlon of work on the first 11oor jofsta and again when the bullding 1g reedy for Iething or other wall finfahing. IC ahall Le unlawtul for any person, firm, or corporaflon to cover safd tlist floor joiats or to commence lathing or other well Ilniahing until 9ald mnstructSon 1s inapected and ap- proved by the Buflding Inspector, provided, however, that If sald in- apectlon Ie not made wlthln twenty- four (24) hours after notice is :e- ceived by the Building Inepector, conatruction may be contlnued ea- cording to the plans and apeclllca- tions aubmitted and approved. SecUon 10. REVOCAIYON AND EXPIRATION O F P E R M I T S. Should the BuUding Inspector Sind that the wnstrucllon or alteration for which a permit weg issued is not proceeding according to the plans and specfficationa submitted to him, he ahall give written notice to the person to whom such permit was granted, or the person in charge of such constructlon or el- teration, of such finding and of the particulars in whlch auch plana and specificatlons are not being com- plied with, whereupon Such con- structlon or alteratlon shall be mede to conform to eaid plann and speci8catlons. If, efter auch noUce, the correctSOna are not made to meke such congtruction or altera- tion conform to such plans and speciflcations, the Bullding Inspec- ,_tor aha11 revoke such permit by a 'tten nottce to be given to the Yarson to whom such permit was . granted, or to the person in cherge of such rnnstruction or atteratlon. If the constructlon or alteration for which a permit was issued Is not commenced within six (6) months efter the date oP issuance of such permit, such permit shall expire and be ot na effect. If [he construction or elterat[on n[ a building or structure is commenced and is tn actual progress within stx (6) montha aPter the permit therefor is issued but is not com- pleted wlthin a yeer after the date ot such issuance, the permit shal] expire at the end of the year's period. Bnlldings or structures hav- ing exterior walls made up of bu11d- ing paper or unpainted wood shall not be consldered as completed within the meaning of this Code. Upon the revocation of a permit all fees shall be forfeited. It shall be unlawful to commence or to pmceed wlth the construction or alteration for which a permit was issued and subsequently waa re- �oked or expired until a new per- is issued Lherefor. Sectlon 11. FEES. The Bullding Irtapector, beLore Sssuing any per- mlt tor the constructton or altera- tion of any buflding or etructum, shell requlre the payment by the applicant for such permit of feee in the amount aet for[h in the Zoning Ordinance of the V111age ot Frldley. Sectton 12. SPECIFICATIONS. Al7 private dweiling houaea, and e71 commercial buildings or atruMUrea other t h e n theatres, echools, churchee, hoepitels and other bufld- ings of public esaemblege, end not exceeding two etorles in helght, ex- cluding ettica, heteatter construct- ed or eltered, ehall conlorm to the specificatlons in this section eet torth: (a) Footinga. All foundaHon and basement walle ahall have footlng af least 8 inches wider thsn walls at leaat 8 Inchee in thtckneea. (b) Foundattons and Walls. Walls, meaonry exterior, founda- tlon and party walls ahall be et least tweive inchea f12") in thfek- nees below the fi�st atary of eny buflding, provfded, however, that foundation weils In private dwelltng housea may be mede leee than twelve inchea (12") ln thlekneee but in no cese less than elght inches (8^) In thickness if strength- ened by battresses or piers not lesa than sixteen inches by eixteeR Inches (16" x 16") tled in at leaet e��ery ten feet (10'). All basemente ahall have a minimum clearance of 7'-0" from baqement floor to bot- tom of floor jofsta. The remaining upper portlon shell be at leest eight inches (8") in thickness in build- inga of no[ more than on¢ stnry and at least twelve Inches (12") in thickness In bulldings of two or more storles. Masonry divlsion walls shall be not iess then eight Inches (8") In thlckness. Concrete exterior, foundatSon and party walls shall be at least elght inches (8") Sn thickness below the flrst story of any buflding. The remalning upper portion shall be flt leest efght Inches (8") In thickness in buildings ot not more than one story and at least eight inches (8") in thickness In buildinga of two or more etorlea. Concrete div4�ton walls ahall be not leee than slx �inch� (6") In thlekneae. All baaements ahail have a mini- mum clearance of 7' Irom baeement floor to floor jofats. Rubble stone walls ehall be four Inchee (4") thicker then masonry welle. No euch walls ahall exceed twenty-flve feet (2S�) ln length un- lesa properly braced by cross walls, plen or buttreeeea. No maaonry wall ahali have a helght between horizontal lateral supporta ot more than (ifteen (15) timea its thtcknese. No concrete wnll ahs11 have a hetght between hodmntal lateral aupports o[ more than twenty-five (25> timea Its thickneas. � All exterlor and divisYon or party. walls over one atory high shall ex- tend the full thicknese of top atory to at least twa teet f2') above the roof surtacing of a building as a parapet end ehell be properly coped with stone, brick, metel or other materiel which wfll resiet the weather end corroslon, excepdng walle whlch fece on the atreet and are finiahed with Incombuatlble corotces, gutten, or crown mold- ings, and excepttng eleo the walls uf detached dwelltngs with peaked or hipped roofe. The mor[ar used for all walls deecribed in thls aectlon shall be composed of not leea than one (1) part Portland cement to tour (4) perts of eand by volume. The con- crete used for poured concrete toundations ar walls ghal] contain not less than one <3) part cement tu thrne (3) parts sand and five (5) parts rock. (c) Joists. Alt dwellings hem- atter erected ahall have first-tloor joists af at least two Inchea by eight inchea (2" x 8°) tor a twelve foot (12') maximum span, two inches by ten inches (2" x 10") for a sixteen foot (16') maximum spen, and two inchea by twelve ir.chea (2" x 12") tor an elghteen foot (18') maxfmum span. Second- floor joista ahall be at least two Inches by fliz inchea (2" x 6"1 tor a ten foot (SO') maximum apan, two tnches by eight fnches (2" x 8") tor a tourteen loot Q4') mexl- .um span, and two inches by ten inches (2" x 10"1 for a sixteen toot (16') maximum apan. Bridging every 8 feet of span. Rafters and studdinga in exterior walls shell be two inches by tou[ inchea (2" x 4^) or better. All fram- ing incluAing joista, studdinga, and roof ra[tere ahall nnt be great- er than ai�cteen inches (16") apart from center to center, provided that such joists, rafters, and studdings used in the constructlon o[ private geragea and outbulldings shall lie not more than twenty-Pour inches (24°) apart from center to center. (d) Ceiling Hetghts. The mini- mum ceiling height in any raom aha11 be seven and a half teet (754�> excepting within rooms having sloping ceilings where the mini- mum shall be aeven and a half teet (7Ye') tor not less than fifty per cent f50%) of the floor area. (e) Space Requirements. Each Iiving unit shalt provide not lesa than three (3) habitable rooms and one bathroom of which ane habit- able room shall be designed for liv- -'��g use and shall have a floor erea not less than one hundred and ii[ty square feet (150 sq. ftJ. This room, referred to as the "Living Room;' may have a floor area of less than one hundred and ftfty square feet (150 sq. ft.) provided thet it is connected with another room or rooms by an npening or openings having a total width of not less than fifty per cent (SOqo) of the total width of the crommon' wall or walls in which the openi 'g or openings occur (the width of each opening shall in no case be less than five feet (5'), and he total of the floor arees of all e rooms so connected is not less Cha two hundred and twenty square feet (220 sq. ft.), and that al] nf the rooms so connected be considered together as the "Living Room." Each ot the other habitable rooms shall have a floor area of not less than ntnety square feet (90 sq. ft) except that a kitchen may have a floor area of nat less than sixty square feet (60 sq. ft.). No habitable room except a � kltchen shall be in any part less than seven feet f7') wide. Where fecillties for the storage or preparation of food are locflted in a room other then e kttchen, the area of such rooms shall be in- creased 6eyond the above atated minimum requlrements by an area equal to that occupied by such Pa- cil[ties. The floor area covernd by halls, ciosets, and stairways shall be ex- cluded In determining the minimum space requirements far living units. The bathroom shall be of ade- quate size and shall be properly planned to accommodate a water closet, unless In a separete rom- partment, la�atory, and either a tub or shower. (D Windows and Ventilation. The total gless area ot required windowa fn any habltable room shall not be less than ten per cent (lOqo) of the floor ama ot the room; one half (��h 1 of the area of the windows opening upon an open parch may be used in figuring the required gless in the room In which they occur. The total arna of ventilating por- tions of required windows in any habitable room shall be not less than four per cent .(49b)- of �.the floor erea of the room except�where mechanical afr change ts provided. Bathrooms and water closet com=� partments shall be provided with ventilation by either a wlndow or windows in an exterior wall tacing a street, alley, yaFd, or outer court; a skylight or skylights, the con- str�etion of which provides ven- tilation to the outs[de atr; a con- nection to a vent, shaLt or duct ex- tending to and opening ebove th9� roof; or a mechanical means; ot air exchange. (g) Prlvacy�-EaCN"�door�opeNng which permits entrance to a bed- room or bathroom or toilet com- partment shall be provlded with a door. Access from a 6edroom to an only bathroom or water com- pxrtment shall not be solely through another room. (h) Plumbing Fixtures. Each liv- ing unit shai] be provided with the following plumbing fixtures, as a minimum requirement: (1) A kltchen sink, properly located to facilitate food prepera- tion, cooking, end dlahwashing. (2) A water closet, Ixated either in the bathroom or ln a separate tollet compartment. Each of the plumbing fixturns shall be permanently inetalled end connected to a water aupply and sewege disposal system. (i> Roofs. Roofs of all dwellinga and all buildings not exceeding three (3) stories or thirty-five teet f35') in height, ar 3,500 squere feet in area, and not used for fac- tories, wamhouses or mercantlle purposes, may be covered with com- position shingles or ready rooffnga oP a grade ranking not lower than Undenvriter's Laboratories Clees C, or wfth approved built up roofing, or with vertical or edge grain wood ahingles or asbestos or slate. Com- position ahingles or mady rooLing ahall be lald eo that there ls not less than two thtekn¢saea at any point. Approved rolled roofing t[ and when used to be latd in accord- ance wtth manufactucer's recom- mendattona. The thickness ot five wood shingles measured at the butt ahall be not less than two Inchea (2°) (Amertcan Lumber Standatd); the maximum exposure of wood ahingles to the weather ahall be: On roofs greater than one-third pitch ' (16" ehinglea 5" (16 Inch ehinglee 514" � f24 inch shnglea ?'h" On roote wlth lese than onrthird pitch, but not less than one-quarter. 16 [nch shingles 4" (1B inch shingles 4'h' (2A inch shinglea 6'h" Roots ot all other buildings ahall be covered wtth hard incombustible materials oP standard quelity, such as brick, concrete, tile, elate, metal or esbestos cement ahingles or bu13t up roofing wlth gravel, slag or other incombustihle aurtace or other rooftng of like grade ranking not lower then Undenvriter's Lab- oratoriea Class B. A dnuble thfek- ness layer of approved felt, weigh- � ing not less than thlrty (30) pounds per squarn, shall be placed between metal roofing and roof deck. All roof coveringa shall be firmly secured to the roof deck with non- corrodible and rust-resisUve nails or matedals according to atandard practice. (j) Chimneys. The walls of chim- neys used tor stoves, ranges, flre- places, heating furnaces or other heating appliances, whe[her the tuel uaed be woad, coal, oil or gas, shall be buflt of brick, con- crete, stone or hollow tile ot such thickness and construction as is hereafter specitied. All chimneys, irrespecdve ot whlch materiels the walls are built, shall be lined with rire clay flue ltning or with tlre brick. The 1lning shall be made [or the purpose and adapted to withstand the temperature end the result3ng gases trom burning fuel. Solid brick or concrete chimney walls shall be not less than four lnches (4") thick, exclusive of IIue linings. p standard size brick ]aid -- "latwise shall be deemed to tulflll .�is requlrement for brlek. Stone and hollow tile chimneys shall be at leest tour inches (4") thicker than required tor rnrresponding brlck chimneys, and shall have fWe Iinings of not less than eight inches 6y eight inches (8" x 8"), the ssme as tor brick chlmneys, provided, howeveq e subatitute materfal rec- ommended by Gas Companies may be used. Orangeberg or transtte may be used for outside the build- ing. Hollow tile may be used only where the chimney is par[ ot an exterbr tile wall. The walls of Arick buildings, or of tile buildings not over 234 storles high, may form a part of the ch{m- ney, but the side walls ol the chlm- ney ehall be securely bonded into the walls of the buildfng. No wall less than twelve inches (12^) thick ehall be used ta support a corbeled chtmney. Such cor6eling ahall not project more then� six lnches (6"> ' from the [ace of the wall, and in all cases the corbeling shall coneist of at leest five (5) coutses of brick. No chimney shall be corheled Lrom /---a hollow Ule wall. Chimneys shall be built upon concrete or masonry foundatlons properly proportloned to cerry the weight imposed with- out danger o( eettlement or crack- ing. Foundatlons ahall be at least twelve inches Q2") wider then the chimney on ell sides. The toun- dation of an exterlor chlmney shall start below the frost ltne. Chim- neys in frame buildings ahall el- ways be built trom the ground up or rest upon basement walls. Chimneys shall not rest upon wooden floors, beams or brackets, or be hung from wooden rafters. Iron brackets or stirrups atteched to wooden canstruction shall not be used to support chimneys. No wooden 6eams, jolsts, or raftere shall be placed within two inches (2^J of the ou[side face of a chim- ney, whether it be for smoke, atr or for any other purpose. No wood- work shall be placed within four inches (4") of the back wall of any fireplace. All spaces between chimneys end wooden joists flnd beams shall be filled with loose cinders, loose mortar refuse, gyp- sum block or oCher pomus Incom- bustible material. Chtmneys shall be 6uilt at leaat three feet (3') above flat roots, and two feet (2') above the ddges of peaked roofs and shall be proper- ly capped with terracotta, stone, cast iron or other approved mate- rlal. All gas furnace installatione ahall be provided with a slx inch (6") drop for condensallons and a cap for emptying the seme. (k) Smoke pipes. No smnke pipes shail be within twelve inchea (12") of any woodwork or any wooden lath or plaster partition or ceiltng unless surface ebove the pipe be protected by metal lath and plaster. Where smoke pipes pa8s through a wooden ]ath and plester partitlon, they ahall be Suerded by galvan- ized iron venttlated thlmbles at least twelve Inches (12") lerger In dtameter than the plpes, or by gal- venized iron thlmbles 6ullt In at leest elght inchea (8^) of bdck work or other incombustlb)e mate- rlel. No amake pipe ahall pe9s through any tloor, or a roo[ having wooden tramework or cover[ng. (1) Stairways. No stair tread shall be lesa than eight and one-helt inches (694") wide, and no atelr rlaer more than seven and three- [ourtha (7i4") high. 1'here eheli be no mare than eighteen (18) risers in one run. Winden shall be permitted in single dwellings only, but not more then three (3) rlaers shall converge withln the width ot one atandard tread and the wfdth of tepered treads ahall average net less than efght end one- half inches (8'h"). Treads ahall be not less than thirty-six Inchee (36") 1n width in s(ngle dwellings and not lesa then tortytwo inches (42") in width in multiple dwellings and commercial bufldings. Stafr- ways in multiple dwellinga and commercial buildings ahall Mve at least one railing. In all bulldings hereafter erected which are uaed above the ilret IIoor tor buslneea purpoaee, the etal[ shafta ahali be separately and con- tinuously encloeed by incombustlble partitiona. The partitlon shall be constructed ot bdek or other 1lre- resistfve matedal approved by the Building Inepector. No such partt- tion ahall be less then faur inchee (4") thlck. (m) Exita. In all buildinga here- after erected which an ueed above the tirat Iloor for bueln�s purpoaes there shall be et leest two (2) meana ot egcess fe»m the necond floor remote from each other, one of which ehall be an endoeed stafr- way, as provided in subdlvlelon (1> of this aection (n) Fire Stopa. At each Aoor level in all bulldinge hereafter erected, all stud walls, partitions, turring and speces between jolsts where they rest on d(v161on walla or partiUons ehall be Hre-atopped with incombustlble materlal in a manner to completely cut oft com- municationn by firn through con- ceated spacee. 5talr carrlagee ehall be fire-etopped at teest once In the middle portlon of each run. (o) Floor end Roo1 Loads. The dead load in a4 bufldings ahell consiat of the ectunl welght o[ walls, IIoors, moL, pnrttttons, and ell permanent construction. The live or variable load ahall consiet of all loads other than dead ]oads. Each and every floor and roaf ahall be of suPticient strength in all iG parta to bear safely upon every syuare fout of its aur[ace live laads ae [ollows: Dwe0ing housea 50 pounds Commercisl buildinga Ilxat floor 100 pounds Commercial buildings, second ❑oor 75 pounds Roots 50 pounds (p) Lathing and Plastering. All plastering sha11 be at least three- eights of an inch ( 94") in thick- ness. All angles shall be stdpped with metal lath and all extedar angles shal] have meta] corner beadn. All exterior metal lath ahell be Belvanized and at least twenty- four (24) gauge. (q) Heatfng Installations. Ail ges and oil furnaces shall be equipped with epproved safety de- vlces. Section 13. PLUMBING RE- 'UIREMENI'S. The "Minnesota _�lumbing Code" as adopted by the Minnesota State Board ot Health on July 20, 1937, and ae amended on May 9, 1939, is hernby adopted and shall be in tull force end effect in the Vlllage of Fridley insofar as applicable to plumbing and build- Ing construcUOn therein. All work done hereafter in said Village shall be done In accordance with the provisions ot said Code. Three copies of satd Code as aforesaid shall be flled by the clerk in his office for inspectlon and use oP the public and shall be marked by the elerk wlth the words "Village of Fridley—Officlfll Copy." Section 14. ELECTRICAL IN- STALLATION REQUTAEMENTS. All electrical wiring, apparatus, or appliances for furnishing Itght, heat, or power shall be fnetalled in strlet conformity with the statutes of the State of Minnesota, and ln conformity wlth approved methods of constructian for sa[ety tn life and property. Section 15. WATER SUPPLY AEQUIftEMENTS. The type, con- atruction, end locatlon of well� ahnll be In accordance with the recommendationa of the Minneaota State Honrd ot Health at outltned in their "M�nual oY Water Supply Sanitatlon," SecUon V tssued In 1945 and Section VII issued in 1941, revised 1946, which recommenda- tions are hereby edopted and shall be in tull force and eftect in the Village of Fddley insofar as ap- plicable to water eupply and build- ing Conatruction thereln. All work done hernafter in said ViDage ahall 6c done in acwrdance with the provisions of said rernmmendations. Three copies of seid Manuel shall be filed by the clerk in his office for inspectlon end use o[ the p�blic xnd shall be merked by the clerk w•ith the woida "Villege of FHdley —Ofticial Copy." All dwellinga hereatter rnnstruc- ted in platted property must be s�pplied with deep wella on lota less than eize specifled herein. SecUon 16. SEWAGE DISPOSAI, SYSTEM. In all cesea where public sewer lines lte wtthin the Village llmits, connectfons ahall be made thereto. All underground sewege disposal aystems shall consist of a septic tank and a cesspool or a tile disposal field. The septic tank shall in all ceses be installed between the buildinQ to be drained and the cesspool or the tile disposal fleld. The effluent fmm a septic tank shall not be dlscharged into a stream, open ditch, lake, or storm drain. The type, construction, and lo- cation of the septic tank and cess- pool or tile disposal field shall be in accordance with the recommen- dations of the Minnesota State Board of Health as outlined In their bulletin "Res(dential Sewage Dis- posal Systems" isaued in 1945, which remmmendattona are hereby adopted and shall be in fu11 force end effect in the V[llage of Fddley insofar as appHcable to sewage dis- posal and 6uilding construction therein. All work done hereefterin sald Village shell be done In aa cardance with the provisions of seid recommendatiana. Three copies of aeid bulleUn shali be filed by the clerk in hla office tor Wpection and uu of the public, and ahell be merked 6y the clerk with the words 'Nfllage ot Fddley—Ofticial Copy." No septtc tnnk or sewage dis- �osal system shatl be covered until intpected end approved by the BWlding Inapector. Section 17. SAFE:TY IN DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION. Al! parts of every building shell be so de- signed end constructed as to safely carry the ]oads to be imposed there- on and to be reasonably free from the danger ot fire. Sound and proper materials shall be used in all buildings or atructurea hereatter constructed or alternd; all work thereon shall be performed ln a workmanlike manner, and the ma- tedals and construction ehall in all other reepecta conform to good en- gineering practic¢. Section 18. CORRECfION OF UNSAFE CONDITIONS. Whenever any building or Structure is found to be in a condition dangerous to its occupante or to eny other per- son or to adJacent property, or to be uneafe for its Intended uae, the Rutlding Inspector ahall have au- thority to notity in wrlting the owner, agent or person in charge thereof, requiring such changen or removal to be made as may be neceasary to correct the conditlon described, and he shall state a time limit for Sts correction. He may also place at the principal entrance nf such structure a notice afsting that it ia a dengeroua condition and has 6een candemned by him; and it shell be unlawful for any person to remove such notice with- out his wrttten permission. If the owner or person in charge of such building or structurn, when notified, shall fail to place the same ln a safe condition or to adopt auch emergency measures as shall have been directed within the time spe- cified, it ahall be unlawfull them- after for eny person, firm or cor- poration to occupy or use said building or atructure unti] it has been rendered sate. Whenever any building or struc- ture is being moved, constructed or demoliahed 1n such mennet ea to endanger life or pmperty, the Building Snspector may order such work discontinued, and It ahall not be msumed untll he is sadsfled that edequate measures have been taken for safety. Sectian 19. REQUIREMENT OF CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY OR CERTIFICATE OF WMPLI- ANCE.Upon the completion of any bullding or etructure intended tor human occupancy or habitation, and for which a permit has been issued, it shall be the duty of the Building Inspector to examine such building or atructuxe to eacertain whether or not the provfsians o1 this Code and the Zoning Ordinance of the Village ot Fridley have been complied with. If and when he so finds, he shall issue to the owner a Certtticate ot Occupancy, which shall set forth: (a) The location of the premisea. (b) The serial number end date of the building permit under which the constructlon, improvementa, or alterations w¢re mede. ic) The nature �of the struMUre lmprovements or alteretlons. Vpon completlon of any other bullding or atructure Por whlch a permit has been Issued, It shflll be lhe duty ot said Inspector to exam- ine such 6ullding or structure to nscertain whether or not the pro- vislons of thfs Code and said Zon- 1ng Ordinence have been complied with. I[ and when he so finds, he ahall Issue to the owner a Cer ti[icate of Compliance whlch ehell set forth aubatantially the same in- formatlon as the Certificate ot Oc- cupancy ebove relerred�to. The Building Inspector shall file. a duplicate copy ot this certiticate with the Vlllage Recorder tor the permanent records of the Village. No building or structure here- elter built, moved, or rnmodeled kdthfn the Vlllage ot Frfdley and tor which a permlt is required ahall be occupled or used untll auch Certlficate of Occupancy or Compliance Is Isaued. � Section 20. APPEAL FROM ftULING OF BUILDINC INSPEC- TOR. An appeal to the Villa¢e Council `uay be taken on eny rul- ing or decision of the Builuding In- spector. Such appeal shell be in writing and shall state the ruling appealed from and the reasons for the appeal. Pending the determina- tion of the appeal, the rultng or decision oP the Building Inspector shall remain ln full lorce. Section 21. PENALI'Y FOA VIO- I.A7'IONS. Any and all persons who shall violate any of the provtstons of this Code or fail to comply therewith, or who shall violate or fail to comply with any order or regulation made thereunder, or who shall build in violation o[ any detailed statement of speciticatlons or plans suhmitted and approved thereundeq or any certfficate or permit issued thereunder, shall severally for each and every such violation and non-compliance re- spectively be guilty of a misde- meanor, flnd upon conviction there- of, be fined not to exceed One Hun- dred Dollars ($300.00) or im- prisnned in the county jeil not to exceed ninety (90) days. The Im- positlon ot one penalty for any vio- Iation of this ordinance shall not excuse the violation, or permit I[ to continue; and all s�ch persons ehall be required to correct or remedy such violations or defecb within a reasonable time; and when not otherwise specified, each ten (10) deys that prohibited conditions are mafntained shall constftute a separate offense. The application of the penalty above shall not be held to prevent the enforced rnmoval or correction ot prohibited condltlons. The owner of a building, struc- ture, or premtses where enything in violatlon of this ordinance shall be placed or shall exist, and an acchitect, bullder, contractor, agent, person, or corporatton employed in connection therewith who may have assisted in the commission ot such vlolation, shail each be guilty of a aeparate offense and upon convlc- tion thereof shall be punished as hereln provided. Any and all persons touad gullty � of violating any provisfon of thb ordinance shall not be entlUed tD receive a further bullding permit unless, after a headng, the said Villege Counefl ehall approve such issuance, and the Councll may con- ditlon ita approvffi upon the epp7i- cant depositing with the clerk e bond in the penel eum of Five Hundred Dollara (3500.00>, condl- tbned that he wlll comply wlth the regulations impoaed by Chis ord[- nance. Sec[ion 22. CONFLICPING OR- DINANCES REPEALED. AIl ordl- nances or perts thereot In contlfct herewith are hereby �rnpealed and modifled insofer es auch cronflict c¢nnot be reconciled; provided, that if there is any conflict between thts ordinance and the Zontng Or- dinance of the Village of Fridley, this ordinance shall yleld to the provisions ot the Zoning Ordtnence. 5 e c t i o n 23. SEPAAABILII'Y. Each and every pert ot thte ordl- nance la declared to be aeparate and lndependent o[ every other part. If eny part hereot ie declnred unconsUtutlonal by the courta of thle state, that fact shall not e2- fect any other part. Section 24. DATE OF EFFECT. This ordlnance shall take e[fect and be in torce iram and after ita passage and legel pu6lication. Passed by the Cocncil thia 15th day ot A��gust, 1949. 9 �3 �'� -CARL HARTMAN, �/.� /.�E^� ` MaYOr. (SEAL) AITEST: WARD NORLING, Clerk. Publinhed in the C o 1 u m b i e Helghta BECORD on Auguct 28th, 1949.